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Expression/ politicians' family lif

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Expression/ politicians' family lif
Message de jumaju posté le 20-01-2010 à 20:43:19 (S | E | F)

Bonjour tout le monde!!!
Je dois rendre une rédaction sur la vie privèe des politiciens, est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mes fautes?
Un grand merci!!! jumaju

Nowadays, photographers are continually running to keep the best photo of celebrities' actions to sell after to journalists. One hour later the new is on Internet, or at evening in Newspapers and on television...So we know a lot of things about celebrities: family life, sex life, religion position... But do I think a politician's family life should be of public concern?

In one hand, I don't think that we must know everything about a politician's family life because they must have their own life, and one's private struggles should not make or break a candidate, we don't elect our leaders to be a moral authority, but a legislative one. We should concentrate ourself only on politician's ideas and not on his new baby. But it's true that we are curious, and the private lives of our leaders are interesting in the sense that we identify with their daily struggles and interests.

That's why, in the other hand I believe that it's better to know their private live, in fact we know how they really are, being a 'good person' is required for being a leader. We don't need politicians who say one thing and do the opposite, the person is a hypocrite and not someone I want to represent my values. For example, Obama, the current president of the US said many things to get elected, showed his “perfectly family”, and is now ignoring his own promises ; or when a moral, self-righteous politician who takes money under the table or cheats on his wife. Therefor I don't want a hypocrite person to represent my values.

As a conclusion, I feel it depends on the situation and how their private life reflects on what they are saying and doing in public, are politicians honestly who they are projecting themselves to be?

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-01-2010 21:07

Réponse: Expression/ politicians' family lif de laure95, postée le 21-01-2010 à 10:17:35 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce que tu dois reprendre:
Nowadays, photographers are continually running to keep the best photo of celebrities' actions (mot vague) to sell after them to journalists. One hour later the new (the new quoi?)is on Internet, or at (pas la bonne préposition) evening in Newspapers and on television...So we know a lot of things about celebrities: family life, sex life, religion position... But do I think a politician's family life should be of public concern? (enlever "do I think" et reconstruire la question)
In On the one hand, I don't think that we must know everything about a politician's family life because they (he or she ou alors mets avant politician au pluriel) must have their own life, and one's private struggles should not make or break ? a candidate, we don't elect our leaders to be a moral authority, but a legislative one. We should concentrate ourself only on politician's (politicians' ou a ploitician) ideas and not on his new baby. But it's true that we are curious, and the private lives of our leaders are interesting in the sense that we identify with their daily struggles and interests.

That's why, in (on) the other hand I believe that it's better to know about their private live (pluriel), in fact we know how they really are, being a 'good person' is required for being (to be) a leader. We don't need politicians who say one thing and do the opposite, the person is a hypocrite and not someone I want to represent my values. For example, Obama, the current president of the US said many things to get elected, showed his “perfectly family”, and is now ignoring his own promises ; or when a moral, self-righteous politician who takes money under the table or cheats on his wife. Therefor (orthographe) I don't want a hypocrite person to represent my values.

As a conclusion, I feel it depends on the situation and how their private life reflects on what they are saying and doing in public, are politicians honestly who they are projecting themselves to be?

Réponse: Expression/ politicians' family lif de jumaju, postée le 21-01-2010 à 14:29:37 (S | E)
Bonjour, merci beaucoup pour votre aide, voici ce que j'ai repris...

Nowadays, photographers are continually running to take the best photo of celebrities' movement to sell them to journalists. One hour later this photo is on Internet, or the evening in newspapers and on television...So we know a lot of things about celebrities: family life, sex life, religion position... I am going to explain my views if a politician's family life should be of public concern.

On the one hand, I don't think that we must know everything about a politician's family life because she must have her own life, and a private struggle should not change the popularity of a candidate, we don't elect our leaders to be a moral authority, but a legislative one. We should concentrate ourself only on politicians' ideas and not on his new baby. But it's true that we are curious, and the private lives of our leaders are interesting in the sense that we identify with their daily struggles and interests.

That's why, on the other hand I believe that it's better to know about their private lives, in fact we know how they really are, being a 'good person' is required to be a leader. We don't need politicians who say one thing and do the opposite, the person is a hypocrite and not someone I want to represent my values. For example, Obama, the current president of the US said many things to get elected, showed his “perfectly family”, and is now ignoring his own promises ; or when a moral, self-righteous politician who takes money under the table or cheats on his wife. Therefore I don't want a hypocrite person to represent my values.

As a conclusion, I feel it depends on the situation and how their private life reflects on what they are saying and doing in public, are politicians honestly who they are projecting themselves to be?

Réponse: Expression/ politicians' family lif de saron_d, postée le 21-01-2010 à 14:50:48 (S | E)
J'ai mis les erreurs en rouge, mais c'est très bien écrit.

Nowadays, photographers are continually running to take the best photo of celebrities' movement to sell them to journalists. One hour later this photo is on Internet, or the evening in newspapers and on television...So we know a lot of things about celebrities: family life, sex life, religion position [on utiliserait le pluriel en anglais ici, car ils ont tous leur propre vie familiale etc]... I am going to explain my views on if a politician's family life should be of public concern.

On the one hand, I don't think that we must know everything about a politician's family life because she [pourquoi féminin?] must have her own life, and a private struggle should not change the popularity of a candidate, we don't elect our leaders to be a moral authority, but a legislative one. We should concentrate ourself ["we" = pluriel, donc..] only on politicians' ideas and not on his [masculin maintenant?] new baby. But it's true that we are curious, and the private lives of our leaders are interesting in the sense that we identify with their daily struggles and interests.

That's why, on the other hand I believe that it's better to know about their private lives, in fact we know how they really are [better: "what they are really like"], being a 'good person' is required to be a leader. We don't need politicians who say one thing and do the opposite, the person is a hypocrite and not someone I want to represent my values. For example, Obama, the current president of the US said many things to get elected, showed his “perfectly family”, and is now ignoring his own promises ; or when a moral, self-righteous politician who takes money under the table or cheats on his wife. Therefore I don't want a hypocrite [c'est le nom - il faut l'adjectif] person to represent my values.

As a conclusion, I feel it depends on the situation and how their private life reflects on what they are saying and doing in public, are politicians honestly who they are projecting themselves to be?

Modifié par saron_d le 21-01-2010 14:51

Réponse: Expression/ politicians' family lif de jumaju, postée le 22-01-2010 à 21:03:54 (S | E)
Bonjour, merci encore pour votre correction, j'ai rectifié les erreurs, pouvez-vous me dire si c'est bon? Merci beaucoup!!!

Nowadays, photographers are continually running to take the best photo of celebrities' movement to sell them to journalists. One hour later this photo is on the internet, or the evening in newspapers and on television...So we know a lot of things about celebrities: family lives, sex lives, religion positions ... I am going to explain my views on if a politician's family life should be of public concern.

On the one hand, I don't think that we must know everything about a politician's family life because families must have their own life, and a private struggle should not change the popularity of a candidate, we don't elect our leaders to be a moral authority, but a legislative one. We should concentrate ourselves only on politicians' ideas and not on their new baby. But it's true that we are curious, and the private lives of our leaders are interesting in the sense that we identify with their daily struggles and interests.

That's why, on the other hand I believe that it's better to know about their private lives, in fact we know what they are really like, being a 'good person' is required to be a leader. We don't need politicians who say one thing and do the opposite, the person is a hypocrite and not someone I want to represent my values. For example, Obama, the current president of the US said many things to get elected, showed his “perfect family”, and is now ignoring his own promises ; or when a moral, self-righteous politician who takes money under the table or cheats on his wife. Therefore I don't want a hypocritical person to represent my values.

As a conclusion, I feel it depends on the situation and how their private life reflects on what they are saying and doing in public, are politicians honestly who they are projecting themselves to be?

Réponse: Expression/ politicians' family lif de jumaju, postée le 24-01-2010 à 11:02:32 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde!!! Je dois rendre ma rédaction la semaine prochaine, quelqu'un pourrait-il me corriger mes dernières erreurs svp s'il vous plaît??? Merci bcp a beaucoup à tous!

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-01-2010 11:04

Réponse: Expression/ politicians' family lif de laure95, postée le 24-01-2010 à 11:04:22 (S | E)
Voici ce que tu dois encore corriger:
Nowadays, photographers are continually running to take the best photo of celebrities' movement to sell them to journalists. One hour later this photo is on the internet, or in the evening in newspapers and on television...So we know a lot of things about celebrities: their family lives, sex lives, religion (mettre l'adjectif) positions ... I am going to explain my views on if a politician's family life should be of public concern or not.

On the one hand, I don't think that we must know everything about a politician's family life because families must have their own life (pluriel), and a private struggle should not change the popularity of a candidate, we don't elect our leaders to be a moral authority, but a legislative one. We should concentrate ourselves only on politicians' ideas and not on their new baby (pluriel). But it's true that we are curious, and the private lives of our leaders are interesting in the sense that we identify ourselves with their daily struggles and interests.

That's why, on the other hand I believe that it's better to know about their private lives, in fact we know what they are really like, being a 'good person' is required to be a leader. We don't need politicians who say one thing and do the opposite, the person is a hypocrite and not someone I want to represent my values. For example, Obama, the current president of the US said many things to get elected, showed his “perfect family”, and is now ignoring his own promises ; or when a moral, self-righteous politician who takes money under the table or cheats on his wife. Therefore I don't want a hypocritical person to represent my values.

As a conclusion, I feel it depends on the situation and how their private life reflects on what they are saying and doing in public, are politicians honestly who they are projecting themselves to be?


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