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Correction/secret of my life

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Correction/secret of my life
Message de lo30 posté le 31-01-2010 à 13:28:15 (S | E | F)


Voici un essai. Merci de m'indiquer les erreurs.
merci pour votre aide

it is really possible ? I can't beleive that we are distraught at the news ! (nous sommes effondrés !)
In your letter, you anticipate all the questions which buzzing in my mind (se bousculent dans mon esprit).You know us.
I can't help thinking (je ne peux pas m'empêcher de penser) that your father and me have made wrong choice in your education : When did we wrong (quand nous sommes nous trompés )? How did we let this happen ? (Comment n'avons nous pas pu le remarquer ?)
Perhaps that is my disgust, my prejudice and my commitment in the anti gay group may have provoke your sexual choice of today, throw you, revolt you ?
I hope that all this story is just a passage that you will come back on the qtraight and narrow way.
I know that we weren't present when you was more young; I apologize.
You had yet sentimentals relations with young women. What was happening since this time ? Who did we taught that ?
You can't become homosexual without the autority of someone !
When you told us your secret, you didn't know the consequences. What did the family, the other militant of my group, the neighbours are thinking ?
I always will love you my son, don't forget that.
But I can't accept your way of life cecause of my convictions and ideas.
You're always welcome at home but we aren't ready to meet your friend.
I hope that we are alaways a family

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-01-2010 13:34

Réponse: Correction/secret of my life de gerondif, postée le 31-01-2010 à 15:37:58 (S | E)

it is really possible ? I can't believe that. We we are distraught at the news ! (nous sommes effondrés !)
In your letter, you anticipate all the questions which (rush into)buzzing in my mind (se bousculent dans mon esprit).You know us.
I can't help thinking (je ne peux pas m'empêcher de penser) that your father and me have made (manque a ou the)wrong choice in your education : When did we (manque go)wrong (quand nous sommes nous trompés )? How did we let this happen ? (Comment n'avons nous pas pu le remarquer ?)
Perhaps that is my disgust, my prejudice and my commitment in the anti gay group (qui a pu provoquer, manque le relatif)may have provoke(participe passé) your sexual choice of today, overthrow you, revolt you (participes passés)?
I hope that all this story is just a passage, that you will come back on the straight and narrow way.
I know that we weren't present when you was(i was, you were) more young(adjectif court); I apologize.
You had yet(mal placé,mal employé) sentimentals relations with young women. What was happening (mauvais temps, mettre au present perfect)since this time ? Who did we taught(qui est le sujet?) that ?
You can't become a homosexual without the autority of someone !
When you told us your secret, you didn't know the consequences. What did the family, the other militants of my group, the neighbours are thinking (temps ? le futur conviendrait, did are n'existe pas)?
I always will love you my son, don't forget that.
But I can't accept your way of life cecause of my convictions and ideas.
You're always welcome at home but we aren't ready to meet your friend.
I hope that we are alaways(always = continuellement, still = encore au sens de toujours) a family


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