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Dialogue between three characters

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Dialogue between three characters
Message de georgias posté le 08-02-2010 à 21:36:13 (S | E | F)

I am a French student who had to write the dialog that we have heard in English class. May I ask your help to correct my faults please? If there are words which are better that what I used, please note them down. Make all suggestions that you know.

"Latest week we heard (or listened to?) a dialog between three characters.

A woman, Miss Alexander had called Mr Sanchez of the General Union Bank since she wanted to borrow money. However he might have been busy or it is highly likely that he was in appointment given that he was not available to answer to (is it correct?) Miss Alexander. Then he called her back to know what it was all about. Miss Peterson, an assistante put him through to the person in charge. Miss Alexander wanted to borrow money and to learn more about credit facilities. Therefore Mr Sanchez talked to her about a fixed loan and an overdraft. As the two propositions seemed to interest her she wanted to know what condition was attached to which facilities. Mr Sanchez explained that in both cases theire is a commitment fee. Then he wanted to fix an appointment with her, so he asked her if the next day at ten was suitable."

Thank you for your help.


Modifié par lucile83 le 08-02-2010 21:45
Dialogue UK; dialog US.

Réponse: Dialogue between three characters de georgias, postée le 08-02-2010 à 21:54:10 (S | E)
Okay, thank you for "dialogue" I did not know how to write it.

Réponse: Dialogue between three characters de saron_d, postée le 08-02-2010 à 22:40:46 (S | E)
Latest week we heard (or listened to?) [les deux marchent bien - je dirais plutôt "listened to", mais c'est vous qui décidez] ] a dialogue between three characters.

A woman, Miss Alexander had called Mr Sanchez of the General Union Bank since she wanted to borrow money. However he might have been busy or it is highly likely that he was in appointment [utilisez "to have an appointment" ou "to be in a meeting"] given that he was not available to answer to [c'est "to answer someone" (sans "to")] Miss Alexander. Then he called her back to know [plutôt le sens de "find out"] what it was all about. Miss Peterson, an assistante [pas d'accord en anglais] put him through to the person in charge. Miss Alexander wanted to borrow money and to learn more about credit facilities. Therefore Mr Sanchez talked to her about a fixed loan and an overdraft. As the two propositions seemed to interest her she wanted to know what condition was attached to which facilities. Mr Sanchez explained that in both cases theire [orthographe] is a commitment fee. Then he wanted to fix an appointment with her, so he asked her if the next day at ten was suitable."

Dans l'ensemble, c'est très bien écrit, et il y a très peu d'erreurs.
Well done!


Réponse: Dialogue between three characters de piquoc, postée le 09-02-2010 à 09:22:43 (S | E)
Salut - je crois que "commitment fee" se traduit par "Service Charge".

Réponse: Dialogue between three characters de lucile83, postée le 09-02-2010 à 11:15:44 (S | E)
D'après WR il s'agit de commission d'engagement

Lien Internet

dont voici la définition en français:
Lien Internet

Best wishes.

Réponse: Dialogue between three characters de georgias, postée le 09-02-2010 à 20:54:24 (S | E)
theire [orthographe] was a data fault.

Thank all for checking my faults. I'm very kind to know that you can find someone who can help you.



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