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Preterit VS Present Perfect

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Preterit VS Present Perfect
Message from krumiro posted on 22-02-2010 at 15:14:51 (D | E | F)

in test 18573 it is not considered correct:

Has she sung a song? WRONG
Did she sing a song? CORRECT

Nevertheless it considers correct these other following PRESENT PERFECT where no specific Limiting Time Elements are added (and therefore not making mandatory the use of the Preterit):

Have you heard anything? CORRECT
They haven't come to our house. CORRECT
My mother has made some tea. CORRECT

They all seem the same to me... then why "DID SING" instead of "HAS SUNG" ???

Re: Preterit VS Present Perfect from chrislondon, posted on 25-02-2010 at 12:55:55 (D | E)
I have looked at the test and I agree with you. I think it should be 'has sung', because no time expression is mentioned. However, I think that British English and American English vary on this point.
I have sent a message about it.
Best Wishes

Edited by chrislondon on 25-02-2010 12:56

Re: Preterit VS Present Perfect from done58, posted on 26-02-2010 at 10:06:11 (D | E)
Singing can be well expressed that he had Yi Ke, creative newcomers is the 2009 Happy Girl in the widely-watched a star. 90 after the love of her creation, the fast girls singing competitions are your own original songs, the genre fresh and moving lyrics by everyone's attention and love. Because of voice problems has been called "sheep tone" which led to great controversy became a hot topic 09 entertainment figures. After the game, released at the end of the year 2009, the whole creative personal album "Forever Road

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