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Correction - the Marielos in Miami

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Correction - the Marielos in Miami
Message de croc posté le 04-03-2010 à 14:20:09 (S | E | F)

J'ai essayé de faire de mon mieux mais il y a certainement encore des fautes que je n'arrive pas à corriger.
Pourriez vous m'aider?
Merci pour vos réponses.

The Marielos was a vertue for Miami

On april 1980 Fidel Castro, the cuban president, declared Mariel Harbour was a « open port »and those who want to leave cuba, were free to do it. Then 125,000 cubans, call the Marielos, fled in the six mounth which followed. They wanted probably to flee the Communiste regime and to look for a economic prosperity. Cuban have mainly fled with a boat and Miami is the city the most near to cuba. That's why 45,000 of the 125,000 Marielos settled there.
The cubans led with them some violence. So we deplored the increase inmurder rate and riots broke out.
But The mariolos, and what is most important, increased the labor force of Miami of 7% without increased the unemployment rate. This is a windfall for Miami !
In fact the boat-lift allowed Miami to bring a unskilled workers but with low cost. We could think that it's thanks to industry that miami progressed. But the industrie like the garment industry did not raised especially more that of other cities in the south ans mid-west of the USA.
To the great surprise of the economics, the reason of this absorption of surplus worker comes from the small compagnies like city's joiners, brakers and electrical-equipment makers. They prefered to used a labour force cheap instead of used the machine. Thus in 1984 36%of people used computers at work while only 23%did in Miami.
what is more , they are not indication that the marielos cosst the city's non-cuban residents their job of depressed their wages.
We can conclude that the arrival of boat-lift was a benefits for Miami.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-03-2010 14:25

Réponse: Correction - the Marielos in Miami de ricou81, postée le 04-03-2010 à 14:36:17 (S | E)


j'ai commencé à corriger quelques erreurs mais comme il y en a pas mal, je n'ai pas tout fait.

Fais les modifs et représente le texte.

virtue for Miami,     Cuban avec majuscule même quand c'est un adjectif (contrairement au français)

an "open port"

six months. communist   (pas de -e).  nearest city. in murder (deux mots séparés).  without increasing unskilled workers (pas de -a-).

industry   et pas industrie.  Cuba (majuscule)

Bon courage

Réponse: Correction - the Marielos in Miami de ricou81, postée le 04-03-2010 à 14:48:46 (S | E)


April avec majuscule comme tous les noms de mois.

those who wanted to leave Cuba.

did not raise more than .

other cities in the South and .

to look for economic prosperity (pas "a" economic).

with a boat à remplacer par "by boat".

The Cubans brought with them (au lieu de led with them) some kind of violence.

instead of using machines.

their job or depressed their wages.

Réponse: Correction - the Marielos in Miami de croc, postée le 04-03-2010 à 15:32:10 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour la rapidité.

The Marielos was a virtue for Miami :

On April 1980 Fidel Castro, the Cuban president, declared Mariel Harbour was an « open port »and those who wanted to leave Cuba, were free to do it. Then 125,000 Cubans, call the Marielos, fled in the six months which followed. They wanted probably to flee the Communist regime and to look for economic prosperity. Cuban have mainly fled by boat and Miami is the nearest city to Cuba. That's why 45,000 of the 125,000 Marielos settled there.
Cubans brought with them some kind of violence. So we deplored the increase in murder rate and riots broke out.
But the Mariolos, and what is most important, increased the labor force of Miami of 7% without increasing the unemployment rate. This is a windfall for Miami !
In fact the boat-lift allowed Miami to bring unskilled workers but with low cost. We could think that it's thanks to industry that Miami progressed. But the industry like the garment industry did not raise more than of other cities in the South and Mid-west of the USA.
To the great surprise of the economics, the reason of this absorption of surplus worker comes from the small companies like city's joiners, bakers and electrical-equipment makers. They preferred to use a labour force cheap instead of using machines. Thus in 1984 36% of people in Houston used computers at work while only 23%did in Miami.
what is more, they are not indication that the Marielos cost the city's non-Cuban residents their job or depressed their wages.
We can conclude that the arrival of boat-lift was a benefits for Miami.

Modifié par croc le 04-03-2010 19:26

Modifié par croc le 07-03-2010 11:41

Réponse: Correction - the Marielos in Miami de ricou81, postée le 05-03-2010 à 14:11:01 (S | E)
salut, c'est pas mal mais correction pour companies et pas compagnies
et "they preffered to use" et pas to used.
Tu y es presque...


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