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Stage / correction

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Stage / correction
Message de hyperion posté le 14-03-2010 à 22:55:33 (S | E | F)

Bonsoir, voilà je dois faire un résumé de mon stage en anglais (que je vais utilisé en guise de support pour mon oral).
Mais je suis une douille J'ai des difficultés en anglais lolj'aimerais que vous me disiez pointiez les éventuelles erreurs et/ou maladresses que j'ai pu commettre :/ dans le but d'améliorer la qualité de mon texte.

During these 6 weeks, my main goal was to develop a software. Which has the ability to aquire data from sensors of different systems. Besides he has allow to data processing and make calculations.

The software was run on three systems (motocyrcle suspension, automatics gate, and hydraulic pump),and was developed on G language. G language is a graphical language, allow to use a lot of electronics devices for communication, data acquisition, or other. An other target, less important, was to make documentation.

During my first week, I learnt the basics of G language because I had no knowledge in this language previously. To acquire the basics quickly, I followed a lot of tutorials found on the Internet...

Afterward, during the next five weeks, I programmed the software while respecting the specifications. Unfortunaly, at this step of developing program, I met some problems that I solved my own because my tutor has rarely present for helped me.

After all, I made the software documentation (tutorial, and how to i made this program) in xHTML.

Finally, I was rather disappointed with this training period because I could learn more if my tutor had been more present. Furthermore we could discuss about optimizations and improvments of my software.

Aussi j'aurais une autre question :
Comment formuler la date en anglais ?
Est-ce bien ainsi ? from day/month to date day/month year ?

Merci de votre aide précieuse !

Modifié par bridg le 14-03-2010 23:04

Réponse: Stage / correction de hyperion, postée le 15-03-2010 à 10:43:31 (S | E)
Svp personne peut m'aider ne serait ce qu'un peu ? c'est urgent

Réponse: Stage / correction de hyperion, postée le 15-03-2010 à 11:14:42 (S | E)
Auto-correction :Activé

Puisque y a personne je répond à moi même

During these six weeks, my main goal was to develop a software. Which has the ability to acquire data from sensors of different systems. Besides he has allow to data processing and make calculations.

The software was run on three systems (motorcycle suspension, automatics gate, and hydraulic pump), and was developed on G language. G language is a graphical language, allow to use a lot of electronics devices for communication, data acquisition, or other. Another target, less important, was to make documentation.

During my first week, I learnt the basics of G language because I had no knowledge in this language previously. To acquire the basics quickly, I followed a lot of tutorials found on the Internet...

Afterward, during the next five weeks, I programmed the software while respecting the specifications. Unfortunately, at this step of developing program, I met some problems that I solved my own because my tutor has rarely present for helped me.

After all, I made the software documentation (tutorial, and how to I made this program) in xHTML.

Finally, I was rather disappointed with this training period because I could learn more if my tutor had been more present. Furthermore, we could discuss optimizations and improvements of my software.

Je suis certain qu'il y a encore des coquilles :/

Réponse: Stage / correction de hyperion, postée le 15-03-2010 à 17:48:26 (S | E)
Y a personne ? ='( svp

Réponse: Stage / correction de intrepid34, postée le 15-03-2010 à 21:54:44 (S | E)
Good evening Hyperion! Here is my suggestion

During these Over the past 6 weeks, my main goal was to develop software hich has the ability to couldaquire data from sensors of different systems. Besides he has allow to hqc to let data process and also make calculations.

The software was run preterit simple on three systems (motocyrcle suspension, automatics gate, and hydraulic pump),and was developed on G language. G language is a graphical language, allowing the use a lot of electronics devices for communication, data acquisition, or other. An other target, less important, was to make documentation.

During my first week, I learnt the basics of G language because I had no previous knowledge inof this language . To acquire the basics quickly, I followed a lot of tutorials found on the Internet...

Afterwards, over the next five weeks, I programmed the software while respecting the specifications. Unfortunaly, at this step of developing program, I met some problems that I solved on my own because my tutor was rarely present to help me.

Enfin F.....y, I made the software documentation (tutorial, and how I made this program) in HTML language.

Finally, I was rather disappointed with this training period because I could have learnt more if my tutor had been more present. Furthermore we could have discussed the optimizations and improvments of my software.

Aussi j'aurais une autre question :
Comment formuler la date en anglais ?
Est-ce bien ainsi ? from day/month to date day/month year ?

English : 11/09/20...
American: 9/11/20...

J'ai trouvé ce texte difficile à comprendre. Peut-être si vous reécrivez ce texte avec les corrigés, tous le monde peut le voir plus clair.

Try again and again and again!! You'll get it.
Good luck


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