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'R.I.P' (1)

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Message from whisper posted on 15-03-2010 at 12:55:59

Hello every one..
hope you all doing well

I've seen several times that some people when they comment on a content talking about death they use these letters "R.I.P" in their posts when they start talking about their lovers who are already passed away.. but honestly I couldn't distinguish if these letters refer to the content of that page
"for showing their admiration" or to their dead lovers
I tried so hard to get the meaning but in vain
I'll be so grateful If someone tell me what do they mean??..

Thanks in advance

Re: 'R.I.P' by bridg, posted on 15-03-2010 at 12:59:21
RIP : Rest in peace.
See you.

Re: 'R.I.P' by lucile83, posted on 15-03-2010 at 13:05:33
RIP = Requiescat/Requiescant In Pace (in Latin)

or Rest In Peace in English

You can see that in a cemetery.

Best wishes.

Re: 'R.I.P' by lamar, posted on 15-03-2010 at 16:23:06
Hello whisper,
R.I.P has more than one meaning.
1- Rest in Peace.
The phrase "rest in peace" typically occurs on headstones, often abbreviated "RIP." "Rest in peace" is a prayer that the deceased may rest peacefully, not in torment, while awaiting Judgment Day. The expression comes originally from "requiescat in pace," Latin for "may he/she rest in peace." The English version is an example of backronym formation (although the two phrases mean roughly the same thing). Also, in Italian, it is said as "Riposi In Pace."
2- Really Ignorant Person.
That's it.
Best Wishes

Re: 'R.I.P' by whisper, posted on 16-03-2010 at 06:17:38

finally I got the meaning
thanks so much for you all I appreciate your assistance..

best regards..


Re: 'R.I.P' by gabriscola, posted on 12-04-2010 at 14:56:29
Hello, it is the Latin Requiescant in Pace, Italian Riposi in Pace and the English Rest in Pax.

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