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Correction/economical person

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Correction/economical person
Message de shahrzad posté le 01-04-2010 à 21:25:39 (S | E | F)

Hi! I had to use some words in this paragraph can you alter it for me? It costs me a world!

My best friend is very economical person. She was always saves a lot of money for example when she wants to go home she prefers to be a pedestrian and she also is very nimble and manipulated to repair and fix mechanical machines she’s such a ingenious I remember when we were younger I told her to buy a bike but she lubricated his father’s bike and saved that budget for her future. Now her family raving to her and tell her it’s a horrid behavior and sometimes she must spend money for herself.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-04-2010 22:07
What about commas?

Réponse: Correction/economical person de lucile83, postée le 02-04-2010 à 14:51:25 (S | E)
Une petite correction rapide; attendez d'autres bonnes volontés supplémentaires.

My best friend is...(article) very economical person. She was always saves a lot of money. For example when she wants to go home she prefers to be a pedestrian (lourd) and she also is very nimble and manipulated to repair and fix mechanical machines ;she’s such a ingenious ...(il manque un mot): I remember when we were younger I told her to buy a bike but she lubricated his father’s bike and saved that budget for her future. Now her family raving to her and tell her it’s a horrid behavior and sometimes she must spend money for herself.

Réponse: Correction/economical person de laure95, postée le 04-04-2010 à 16:14:09 (S | E)
Voici ce que vous devez corriger:
My best friend is (article) very economical person. She was (pourquoi utiliser BE ici?) always saves a lot of money for example when she wants to go home she prefers to be a pedestrian and she also (pas à la bonne place) is very nimble and manipulated to repair and fix mechanical machines she’s such ingenious I remember when we were younger I told her to buy a bike but she lubricated his (c'est le père d'une fille pas d'un garçon!) father’s bike and saved that budget for her future. Now her family raving to her and tell (2 problèmes de conjugaison) her it’s a horrid behavior and sometimes she must spend money for herself.


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