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In particular and punctuation

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In particular and punctuation
Message de fredo posté le 08-04-2010 à 14:35:51 (S | E | F)


How do you set the punctuation around "in particular"... surely a stupid question, sorry! I would like to know what is correct and what is not.

(a) Done a lot of things and, in particular, this and that.
(b) Done a lot of things and in particular this and that.
(c) Done a lot of things, in particular this and that.

Thank you in advance!

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-04-2010 15:24

Réponse: In particular and punctuation de dolfine56, postée le 08-04-2010 à 15:23:58 (S | E)
I'd say the first one is correct:
Done a lot of things and, in particular, this and that.
see you.

Réponse: In particular and punctuation de lamy, postée le 08-04-2010 à 23:02:57 (S | E)

Remember there are no unbreakable rules for using commas. The rules for using punctuation are conventions that have changed over the centuries. They vary across national boundaries (American punctuation, differs from British practice) and even from one writer to the next.

I'd say commas could be considered as a time for the voice to have some sort of rest. So, your examples 1 and, more especially, 3 are correct, I think.

I found this interesting quote on the Net:
"Thurber was asked by a correspondent: "Why did you have a comma in the sentence, 'After dinner, the men went into the living-room'?"

And his answer was probably one of the loveliest things ever said about punctuation. "This particular comma," Thurber explained, "was Ross's way of giving the men time to push back their chairs and stand up.""

— Lynne Truss (Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation)



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