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Assignment about personal questions

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Assignment about personal questions
Message de pivo posté le 05-05-2010 à 16:51:41 (S | E | F)

I'm currently enrolled in college and I've got an assignment about personal questions.
The first one is, "key challenges facing my generation". Here comes what I've written:

I’ll focus on two main challenges, which are crucial according to me: Energy and Global Governance.
The future of Energy is threatened because world energy consumption’s growing faster than energy production and reserve are not unlimited. For me, this is one of the most important key challenging of my generation because we need to be aware how serious is this risk. My generation is the most important one because in case of no brilliants people issue from my generation doesn’t find an issue, it’d be a disaster.
We are living at a time of successive crises – the Haiti earthquake, the collapse of Lehman Brothers, Iceland Volcano… No sooner does one crisis disappear from the headlines, than another pops up in a different part of the world. They are all, in different ways, the expression of something more fundamental – a transformation of our social, economic and political relations and the failure of our governing institutions to adapt to this transformation. A global strategy is required and yet power is organized on a national basis whether we are talking about formal authority or informal politics. Of course, global institutions exist but these institutions are fragmented and access to power is very unequal. That’s why I think it’s a major issue to implement a Global Governance for the current generation in order to regulate the world.

The second question is "comment on a learning experience you've been through" and I have no idea about it.

Can you tell me if the first question's fine and give me some idea about the second one, please?

Best Regards,


Modifié par lucile83 le 05-05-2010 16:55
titre + forum

Modifié par pivo le 05-05-2010 16:57

Réponse: Assignment about personal questions de gerondif, postée le 05-05-2010 à 17:48:53 (S | E)
I’ll focus on two main challenges, which are crucial according to me: Energy and Global Governance.
The future of Energy is threatened because world energy consumption’s growing faster than energy production and reserves are not unlimited. For me, this is one of the most important key challenging of my generation because we need to be aware how serious this risk is(pas d'inversion en style indirect). My generation is the most important one because in case of (if va largement suffire)no brilliants(adjectifs invariables) people issue from my generation doesn’t(sujet : no brilliant people: si aucun génie.. donc vous faites une double négation: à corriger) find an issue, it’d(la concordance des temps demanderait un futur: si personne ne trouve, ce sera un désastre) be a disaster.
We are living at a time of successive crises – the Haiti earthquake, the collapse of Lehman Brothers, Iceland Volcano… No sooner does one crisis disappear from the headlines( virgule supprimée ) than another pops up in a different part of the world. They are all, in different ways, the expression of something more fundamental – a transformation of our social, economic and political relations and the failure of our governing institutions to adapt to this transformation. A global strategy is required and yet power is organized on a national basis whether we are talking about formal authority or informal politics. Of course, global institutions exist but these institutions are fragmented and access to power is very unequal. That’s why I think it’s a major issue to implement a Global Governance for the current generation in order to regulate the world.

That's powerful thinking !!

The second question is "comment on a learning experience you've been through" and I have no idea about it. Unfortunately, it has to be your experience, not ours !

Réponse: Assignment about personal questions de pivo, postée le 05-05-2010 à 18:02:12 (S | E)
Ok thank you.
However, about the second question I really don't know what can I say. Maybe you can tell me just an idea (even if it's supposed to be mine)


Modifié par pivo le 05-05-2010 18:26

Réponse: Assignment about personal questions de pivo, postée le 06-05-2010 à 09:22:22 (S | E)
Plase Help me, I must give these assignments back before tomorow


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