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Africa's essay

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Africa's essay
Message de shan9588 posté le 14-05-2010 à 03:25:09 (S | E | F)

Here's the second paragraph of my essay on women of Congo.
Please tell me if it's fine

Also, the violence in Congo affects badly women. The sexual violence cause physical pain to women. Indeed, Ange Mpala, a psychologist who now lives part-time in the capital of eastern North Kivu province affirmes this : “There’s physical pain in the back and the stomach when you’ve been raped,” . Soldier often destroy their physical anatomies too. Also, sexual violence causes most of the time intense psychologic pain and stress to women. Ana Cristina Henriques, a Brazilian-Portuguese mental-health officer, proves this by telling the story of a young girl named Siffle. This young girl was raped and became severely traumatized. It took her about a month to be able to say its name to the psycologist.

Thank you guys

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-05-2010 08:53

Réponse: Africa's essay de kolimang, postée le 14-05-2010 à 03:44:56 (S | E)
Hello shan9588,

Also, the violence in Congo affects badly women. The sexual violence cause(accord) physical pain to women. Indeed, Ange Mpala, a psychologist who now lives part-time in the capital of eastern North Kivu province affirmes this : “There’s physical pain in the back and the stomach when you’ve been raped,”. Soldier(plural) often destroy their physical anatomies too. Also, sexual violence causes most of the time intense psychologic (pas la bonne finale) pain and stress to women. Ana Cristina Henriques, a Brazilian-Portuguese mental-health officer, proves this by telling the story of a young girl named Siffle. This young girl was raped and became severely traumatized. It took her about a month to be able to say its name to the psychologist.

Réponse: Africa's essay de notrepere, postée le 14-05-2010 à 07:31:16 (S | E)

Also, the violence in Congo affects badly (wrong placement; also not the best word choice; severely, acutely or deeply would be better) women.

Also, sexual violence causes most of the time (bad placement) intense ...

Ana Cristina Henriques, a Brazilian-Portuguese mental-health officer, proves this by telling the story of a young girl named Siffle. This young girl was raped and became severely traumatized.

It took her about a month to be able to say its name (do you mean it took her about a month to be able to talk about the incident?)

Réponse: Africa's essay de shan9588, postée le 15-05-2010 à 05:24:14 (S | E)
Em for the end, i mean that it took her one mont to say its name cause she were just talking about pencil and useless thing


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