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curriculum and cover letter

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curriculum and cover letter
Message de yayarel posté le 18-05-2010 à 18:53:06 (S | E | F)

bonjour tout le monde, voila
Je m'apprête à vivre en Angleterre pour un an , je recherche donc du travail là-bas en tant qu'aide soignante (je suis en seconde année de formation infirmière, j'ai donc obtenu mon diplôme d'aide soignante à la fin de la première ane). Quelqun qui parle couramment et qui a l'habitude de ceci aurait-il la gentilesse de me relire et m'apporter les corrections necessaires? Ce serait vraiment gentil

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am currently studying in the institute of nursing education in the city of La Rochelle, in France.
I have decided to spend one year in Great Britain in the city of Stroke-On-Trent, from September 2010 to July 2011, between my second and third year of formation. This project is actually related with my desire to travel and learn about British culture and way of life.
I spent one year in the United States of America, in South Carolina in 2005 which allowed me to learn English and I am now able to speak and write fluently.
As a nurse student, at the end of my first year of formation I passed my nurse’s assistant degree. I had the opportunity to do several training session in different activities sector in hospitals and clinics.
This allowed me to work on my adaptability and relational skills. It also helped me working on my capacity to organize my tasks.
I also worked at the communal center of social actions of La Rochelle as a home nursing aid and I believe that my education and curriculum are appropriate to apply as a nurse’ assistant in your (hospital,clinic, etc).
Please find enclosed a copy of my resume, which would provide more details about my qualifications for the position.

I am looking forward to hearing from you. I will contact you to confirm that you have received my application and answer any question you may have.

Thank you for your consideration,

Kind regards,



 2008-2011: institute of education in nursing, in La Rochelle.
Courses conducted:
• Nursing home (4 weeks)
• Care center for senior (4 weeks)
• Psychiatry (4 weeks)
• Orthopedic surgery (4 weeks)
• Public health (4 weeks)
• Nephrology (4 weeks)
• Neurology/neuro ICU-vascular (8 weeks)
• Reanimation (5 weeks)

 2009 : state degree of nurse’s assistant

 2007: literary baccalaureate (high school graduation)(or bachelor?), François Jean Armorin, 26400 Crest.

Work experiences

 04/2008- 07/2010 : home nursing aid , La Rochelle, 17000
 04/2006-08/2008 : checkout, Champion supermarket, Crest, 26400


 English fluent in writing and speaking
08/2005 to 06/2006: one linguistic year abroad in the United State of America, South Carolina.


 I like travelling, reading, sport.
Modifié par bridg le 18-05-2010 19:04

Juste un conseil puisque vous êtes une future collègue:
Merci de ne pas délaisser le français et de le travailler également. Le jour ou vous ne saurez pas faire la différence entre "donner un traitement" et "traitement donné" , une simple faute d'accord, peut-être mais qui peut mener à la catastrophe pour le patient. Un exemple parmi tant d'autres

Réponse: curriculum and cover letter de notrepere, postée le 25-05-2010 à 04:21:40 (S | E)
Hello! Just a few suggestions.

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am currently studying in (at) the Institute of Nursing Education in the city of La Rochelle, in France.
I have decided to spend one year in Great Britain in the city of Stroke-On-Trent, from September 2010 to July 2011, between my second and third year of formation. This project is actually related with (to) my desire to travel and learn about British culture and way of life.

I spent one year in the United States of America, in South Carolina in 2005 which allowed me to learn English and I am now able to speak and write fluently.

In 2005, I spent one year in South Carolina in the United States which enabled me to learn ...

As a nurse student (nursing student or student of nursing, at the end of my first year of formation I passed my nurse’s assistant degree. I passed my nurse's assistant degree at the end of my first year of formation.

I had the opportunity to do several training sessions in different activities sectors in (various? or just one?) hospitals and clinics.

This allowed me to work on my adaptability and relational (relational or relationship?) skills. It also helped me working on (improve) my capacity to organize my tasks.

I also worked at the Communal Center of Social Actions of La Rochelle as a home nursing aid and I believe that my education and curriculum are appropriate to apply as a nurse’s assistant in your (hospital,clinic, etc).

Please find enclosed a copy of my resume, which would (will) provide more details about my qualifications for the position.

Modifié par notrepere le 25-05-2010 04:22

Réponse: curriculum and cover letter de ariane6, postée le 25-05-2010 à 10:11:58 (S | E)
Bonjour !

Juste une suggestion, car c'est bien de "relation" patient/soignant, dont vous voulez parler ?

This allowed me to work on my adaptability and relational communication skills.

Réponse: curriculum and cover letter de yayarel, postée le 25-05-2010 à 11:14:04 (S | E)
Merci à tous pour votre précieuse aide et vos conseils. j'ai effectivement apporter les corrections nécessaires.
Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris le temps.


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