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Miss Comer fired

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Miss Comer fired
Message de an0n1me posté le 22-05-2010 à 12:51:13 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, je dois faire faire un sujet sur Miss Comer en anglais. Pouvez-vous m'aider à trouver les fautes et à les corriger. Merci beaucoup.

Ladies and Gentleman of the jury, you see a victim of a terrible injustice.
On December the 4, 2007, my client forwarded an e-mail about a lecture to other science teachers. Some time later, she received a phone call from his supervisor, who summoned to a meeting. You can understand that my client, Miss Comer, was very surprised when a memo of termination was given to her. She felt ashamed and embarrassed. She did not understand why! The supervisor explained to her that she should have remained neutral about Creationism. Finally, she was terminated.
Your honour, do you think it is normal ? A teacher is fired because some people think she is not stayed neutral about Creationism. To begin, she was a very good science teacher: she received an outstanding, she was an active teacher, her pupils appreciate her, and she was respected by the other teacher… Obviously, she was unjustly fired. The privacy of Miss Comer was violated. Do you want show a bad image of America ? The country of Human rights, one of the biggest democracies in the world! It is the right of Ms. Comer to think that creationism should not be taught. If this right is not granted, then the United States no longer represent the freedom of thought. In addition, imagine you have a family to feed and you lose your job. What you are supposed to do ?
My point of view, it’s that this woman can not believe that she wants. Furthermore, the Texas is not a state worthy of the United States of America.
There is only one logical conclusion that we can reach, I ask that Miss Comer gets her work back. Over and above I request a financial compensation. Your honour, that’s all.

Réponse: Miss Comer fired de gerondif, postée le 22-05-2010 à 14:25:51 (S | E)

Ladies and Gentleman of the jury, you see (me semble bizarre: here is au sens de voici, we have here...)a victim of a terrible injustice.
On December the 4th, 2007, my client forwarded an e-mail about a lecture to other science teachers. Some time later, she received a phone call from his (propriétaire féminin)supervisor, who summoned her to a meeting. You can understand that my client, Miss Comer, was very surprised when a memo of termination was given to her. She felt ashamed and embarrassed. She did not understand why! The supervisor explained to her that she should have remained neutral about Creationism. Finally, she was terminated.
Your honour, do you think it is normal ? A teacher is fired because some people think she is not stayed (corrigez ce prétérit négatif: aux did)neutral about Creationism. To begin( à changer: au début: first/at first), she was a very good science teacher: she received an outstanding (manque un nom derrière cet adjectif), she was an active teacher, her pupils appreciate (prétérit) her, and she was respected by the other teachers… Obviously, she was unjustly fired. The privacy of Miss Comer was violated. Do you want to show a bad image of America ? The country of Human rights, one of the biggest democracies in the world! It is the right of Ms. Comer to think that creationism should not be taught. If this right is not granted, then the United States no longer represent the freedom of thought. In addition, imagine you have a family to feed and you lose your job. What you are supposed to do ?
My point of view, it’s(maladroit, it est de trop. From my point of view) that this woman can not believe that she wants( 2 erreurs: that = que alors que what = ce que. Like sera mieux que want : I can do what I like) Furthermore, the(à supprimer) Texas is not a state worthy of the United States of America.
There is only one logical conclusion that we can reach (ce serait plus léger de commencer par : we can reach et supprimer ce there is), I ask that Miss Comer gets her work back. Over and above (me semble bizarre, je ne l'ai jamais vu dans ce sens: Most of all peut-être au sens de par dessus tout, ou what's more,ou most important of all,) I request a financial compensation. Your honour, that’s all.

Réponse: Miss Comer fired de an0n1me, postée le 22-05-2010 à 15:05:19 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup de ton aide.


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