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Exercices/helpful suggestions

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Exercices/helpful suggestions
Message de bernard02 posté le 30-05-2010 à 19:22:00 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
je dois rendre les exercices suivants pour demain, pouvez-vous me dire s'ils sont corrects ou s'il y a des corrections et des améliorations à apporter?
Je vous remercie d'avance.

Make helpful suggestions. Each time write a sentence using try + one of the following suggestions:
phone him at work / move the aerial/ change the batteries/
turn it the other way / take an aspirin /

Example: 1 The radio isn't working. I wonder what's wrong with it. → Have you tried changing the batteries?

2 I can't open the door. The key won't turn. Try …....... → Try turning it the other way.
3 The TV picture isn't very good. What can I do about it? Have you …......... → Have you tried moving the aerial? 4 I can't contact Fred. He's not at home. What shall I do? Why don't you …........... → Why don't you try phoning him at work.
5 I've got a terrible headache. I wish it would go. Have you ….......... → Have you tried taking an aspirin?

For each sentence, write another one with need(s) + one of the following verbs:
clean, cut, empty, redecorate, tighten.

Example: 1 Her jacket is dirty. → It needs cleaning.

2 The grass is very long. It …........... → The grass is very long. It needs cutting.
3 The room isn't very nice. …........... → The room isn't very nice. It needs redecorating.
4 The screws are loose. …..................→ The screws are loose. They need tightenning.
5 The bin is full. ….........................…→ The bin is full. It needs emptying.

Put the verb into the correct form, -ing or to ….
Example: 1 a I was very tired. I tried to keep (keep) my eyes open but I couldn't.

1b I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. Then I tried ….......(knock) on the door, but there was still no answer. → I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. Then I tried knocking on the door, but there was still no answer.
1c We tried …............ (put) the fire out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire brigade. → We tried to put the fire out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire brigade.
1d Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried …........ (ask) Gerry but he was short of money too. → Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried asking Gerry but he was short of money too.
1e I tried …........ (reach) the shelf but I wasn't tall enough. → I tried to reach the shelf but I wasn't tall enough.
1f Please leave me alone. I'm trying …........ (concentrate). → Please leave me alone. I'm trying to concentrate.
2a I need a change. I need …......(go) away for a while. → I need a change. I need to go away for a while.
2b She isn't able to look after herself. She needs ….......(look) after. → She isn't able to look after herself. She needs looking after.
2c The windows are dirty. They need …..... (clean). → The windows are dirty. They need cleaning.
2d Why are you leaving now. You don't need …........(go) yet, do you? → Why are you leaving now. You don't need to go yet, do you?
2e You don't need …..........(iron) that shirt. It doesn't need …........(iron). → You don't need to iron that shirt. It doesn't need ironing.
3a They were talking very loudly. I couldn't help ….............(overhear) them. → They were talking very loudly. I couldn't help overhearing them.
3b Can you help me ….......(get) the dinner ready? → Can you help me to get the dinner ready?
3c He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can't help …........(smile). → He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can't help smiling.
3d The fine weather helped …........(make) it a very enjoyable holiday. → The fine weather helped to make it a very enjoyable holiday.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-05-2010 19:23

Réponse: Exercices/helpful suggestions de lucile83, postée le 30-05-2010 à 19:27:59 (S | E)
That seems ok to me:

Example: 1 The radio isn't working. I wonder what's wrong with it. → Have you tried changing the batteries?

2 I can't open the door. The key won't turn. Try …....... → Try turning it the other way.
3 The TV picture isn't very good. What can I do about it? Have you …......... → Have you tried moving the aerial? 4 I can't contact Fred. He's not at home. What shall I do? Why don't you …........... → Why don't you try phoning him at work.
5 I've got a terrible headache. I wish it would go. Have you ….......... → Have you tried taking an aspirin?

For each sentence, write another one with need(s) + one of the following verbs:
clean, cut, empty, redecorate, tighten.

Example: 1 Her jacket is dirty. → It needs cleaning.

2 The grass is very long. It …........... → The grass is very long. It needs cutting.
3 The room isn't very nice. …........... → The room isn't very nice. It needs redecorating.
4 The screws are loose. …..................→ The screws are loose. They need tightenning tightening.
5 The bin is full. ….........................…→ The bin is full. It needs emptying.

I didn't check the third exercise.

Réponse: Exercices/helpful suggestions de may, postée le 30-05-2010 à 22:51:12 (S | E)

I follow up Lucile. However, still need another opinion:

Put the verb into the correct form, -ing or to ….
Example: 1 a I was very tired. I tried to keep (keep) my eyes open opened but I couldn't.

1b I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. Then I tried ….......(knock) on the door, but there was still no answer. → I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. Then I tried knocking on the door, but there was still no answer.
1c We tried …............ (put) the fire out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire brigade. → We tried to put putting the fire out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire brigade.
1d Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried …........ (ask) Gerry but he was short of money too. → Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried asking Gerry but he was short of money too.
1e I tried …........ (reach) the shelf but I wasn't tall enough. → I tried to reach reaching the shelf but I wasn't tall enough.
1f Please leave me alone. I'm trying …........ (concentrate). → Please leave me alone. I'm trying to concentrate.
2a I need a change. I need …......(go) away for a while. → I need a change. I need to go away for a while.
2b She isn't able to look after herself. She needs ….......(look) after. → She isn't able to look after herself. She needs looking after.
2c The windows are dirty. They need …..... (clean). → The windows are dirty. They need cleaning.
2d Why are you leaving now. You don't need …........(go) yet, do you? → Why are you leaving now. You don't need to go yet, do you?
2e You don't need …..........(iron) that shirt. It doesn't need …........(iron). → You don't need to iron that shirt. It doesn't need ironing.
3a They were talking very loudly. I couldn't help ….............(overhear) them. → They were talking very loudly. I couldn't help overhearing them.
3b Can you help me ….......(get) the dinner ready? → Can you help me to get getting the dinner ready?
3c He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can't help …........(smile). → He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can't help smiling.
3d The fine weather helped …........(make) it a very enjoyable holiday. → The fine weather helped to make it a very enjoyable holiday.


Modifié par lucile83 le 31-05-2010 22:49
I tried to keep my eyes open but I couldn't. On doit garder 'open' car ici c'est l'adjectif, pas le participe passé.

Réponse: Exercices/helpful suggestions de taconnet, postée le 30-05-2010 à 23:30:42 (S | E)

To try peut être suivi d'un infinitif complet ou d'un gérondif.

1- try + infinitif = tenter de , s'efforcer de
2- try + V-ing = essayer à titre d'expérience, pour voir ce que cela fait.

I can't open the door. The key won't turn. Try turning it the other way.
The TV picture isn't very good. What can I do about it? Have you tried moving the aerial?
I can't contact Fred. He's not at home. What shall I do? Why don't you try to phone him at work.
I've got a terrible headache. I wish it would go. Have you tried taking an aspirin?

d'autres exemples:

We tried to put the fire out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire brigade (On s'est efforcé d'éteindre le feu, en vain)

I tried to reach the shelf but I wasn't tall enough.(même remarque: j'ai fait un effort, sans succès)

Réponse: Exercices/helpful suggestions de bernard02, postée le 31-05-2010 à 16:36:01 (S | E)
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

je vous remercie pour vos réponses. Cependant, pourriez-vous me confirmer que tout ce que vous avez écrit en bleu correspond aux bonnes réponses, et donc que ce que j'avais écrit est erroné et à corriger (on doit bien écrire ce que vous avez mis en bleu, et pas l'un ou l'autre)?

Merci d'avance.

Réponse: Exercices/helpful suggestions de may, postée le 01-06-2010 à 11:42:09 (S | E)

Oui Lucile, vous avez raison. je vous remercie et taconnet pour toutes vos explications et modifications.

Et bernard02, j'espère que ce n'était pas trop tard pour vous, non?

Bonne journée,

Modifié par may le 01-06-2010 15:54

Réponse: Exercices/helpful suggestions de bernard02, postée le 01-06-2010 à 17:20:11 (S | E)
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

je vous remercie encore pour vos réponses. Je vous mets ci-dessous ce que j'ai finalement rendu hier soir. Il en résulte que j'ai obtenu un "sans faute" sur l'ensemble de ces exercices (selon ma professeur d'Anglais). Cependant, il en résulte aussi pour moi que j'ai encore des difficultés évidentes pour savoir si je dois employer "to" ou la forme en "ing"!

Make helpful suggestions. Each time write a sentence using try + one of the following suggestions:
phone him at work move the aerial change the batteries.
turn it the other way take an aspirin .
Example: 1 The radio isn't working. I wonder what's wrong with it. → Have you tried changing the batteries?
2 I can't open the door. The key won't turn. Try …....... → Try turning it the other way.
3 The TV picture isn't very good. What can I do about it? Have you …......... → Have you tried moving the aerial? 4 I can't contact Fred. He's not at home. What shall I do? Why don't you …........... → Why don't you try phoning him at work.
5 I've got a terrible headache. I wish it would go. Have you ….......... → Have you tried taking an aspirin?

For each picture write a sentence with need(s) + one of the following verbs:
clean, cut, empty, redecorate, tighten.
Example: 1 Her jacket is dirty. → It needs cleaning.
2 The grass is very long. It …........... → The grass is very long. It needs cutting.
3 The room isn't very nice. …........... → The room isn't very nice. It needs redecorating.
4 The screws are loose. …..................→ The screws are loose. They need tightening.
5 The bin is full. ….........................…→ The bin is full. It needs emptying.

Put the verb into the correct form, -ing or to ….
Example: 1 a I was very tired. I tried to keep (keep) my eyes open but I couldn't.
1b I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. Then I tried ….......(knock) on the door, but there was still no answer. → I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. Then I tried knocking on the door, but there was still no answer.
1c We tried …............ (put) the fire out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire brigade. → We tried to put the fire out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire brigade.
1d Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried …........ (ask) Gerry but he was short of money too. → Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried asking Gerry but he was short of money too.
1e I tried …........ (reach) the shelf but I wasn't tall enough. → I tried to reach the shelf but I wasn't tall enough.
1f Please leave me alone. I'm trying …........ (concentrate). → Please leave me alone. I'm trying to concentrate.
2a I need a change. I need …......(go) away for a while. → I need a change. I need to go away for a while.
2b She isn't able to look after herself. She needs ….......(look) after. → She isn't able to look after herself. She needs looking after.
2c The windows are dirty. They need …..... (clean). → The windows are dirty. They need cleaning.
2d Why are you leaving now. You don't need …........(go) yet, do you? → Why are you leaving now. You don't need to go yet, do you?
2e You don't need …..........(iron) that shirt. It doesn't need …........(iron). → You don't need to iron that shirt. It doesn't need ironing.
3a They were talking very loudly. I couldn't help ….............(overhear) them. → They were talking very loudly. I couldn't help overhearing them.
3b Can you help me ….......(get) the dinner ready? → Can you help me to get the dinner ready?
3c He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can't help …........(smile). → He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can't help smiling.
3d The fine weather helped …........(make) it a very enjoyable holiday. → The fine weather helped to make it a very enjoyable holiday.

Correction during the course: no error.

Réponse: Exercices/helpful suggestions de sanna6, postée le 01-06-2010 à 22:28:06 (S | E)
Bonsoir Bernard,

Réponse: Exercices/helpful suggestions de lucile83, postée le 01-06-2010 à 22:41:13 (S | E)
C'est cool de nous donner la Happy End !


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