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Rédaction /European expansion

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Rédaction /European expansion
Message de lyly1962 posté le 28-06-2010 à 13:43:33 (S | E | F)


Je viens de finir une rédaction en anglais. Il fallait argumenter sur l'élargissement de l'Europe et si c'est une bonne chose.
Je vous remercie de bien vouloir me donner votre avis et me corriger
Merci d'avance

Enlargement of the European Union

Today, the European Union has got 27 member states. Croatia, Macedonia, Iceland and Turkey stand for their integration. The UE is the third set of population in the world after China and India. It counts about 500 millions of inhabitant. It seems to me that certain countries could still become a member of the UE but others have no their place in it. I’m going to try to explain you why I think that.

On the one hand, enlargement will strengthen the peace and the stability on our continent. All together we are stronger. The biggest the UE will be, the biggest influence it will have over the world. Moreover, enlargements facilitate the Europe of the mobility for young people. They can study everywhere in UE and their diploma certificates will be validated. They could work where they want.

But on another one, if Turkey joined into UE, it would be a big problem because it is situated, in part, in Asia Minor. The borders of UE would become a little confused. Then, it doesn’t respect Copenhagen’s criteria (religious discriminations). Speaking for myself, I find that their religion and their culture are too much different ours and it could be a big problem.

In conclusion, I have an opinion divided about this question. On the one hand, to my mind certain countries like Croatia, Macedonia and Iceland could still become a member of the UE but as far as this is concerned Turkey, I don’t agree. But on another one, I think that with so many members it will never be able to agree on anything.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-06-2010 22:25

Réponse: Rédaction /European expansion de notrepere, postée le 28-06-2010 à 15:22:45 (S | E)
Hello! Two corrections to start off.

Instead of enlargement, I would use "expansion".

The abbreviation for the European Union in English is "EU" not "UE".

It would be helpful if you would post the French version of your text. I don't understand what you are trying to say in a number of instances. Some things appear to be from an automatic translator and that could be the reason.

Réponse: Rédaction /European expansion de lyly1962, postée le 28-06-2010 à 15:34:51 (S | E)
Thank you Notrepere for your help.
There aren't french text because I wrote it myself. I found some words and expression on the web ... it's maybe the problem. I'm sorry.
have a good afternoon :o)

Réponse: Rédaction /European expansion de notrepere, postée le 28-06-2010 à 18:16:50 (S | E)
Hello Lyly, let's work through this then, shall we?

Today, the European Union has got 27 member states. Croatia, Macedonia, Iceland and Turkey stand for their integration [je ne comprends pas]. The EU is the third set of population [mal dit] in the world after China and India. It counts [mal dit] about 500 millions of inhabitant (million inhabitants). It seems to me that certain countries could still become a member of the EU but others have no their place in it [Je ne comprends pas]. I’m going to try to explain to you why I think that.

On the one hand, enlargement (expansion) will strengthen the peace and the stability on our continent. All Together we are stronger. The biggest the UE will be, the biggest influence it will have over the world. (The bigger the EU is, the greater the influence it will have on the world.) Moreover, enlargements (expansion) facilitates the Europe of the mobility for young people [order of words]. They can study everywhere in EU and their diploma certificates will be validated. They could work where they want.

But on another one [mal dit], if Turkey joined into (the) EU, it would be a big problem because it is situated, in part, in Asia Minor. The borders of the UE would become a little confused [pas le bon choix]. Then, it doesn’t respect Copenhagen’s criteria (religious discriminations) [Je ne comprends pas]. Speaking for myself, I find that their religion and their culture are too much different [il manque un mot] ours and it could be a big problem.

In conclusion, I have a opinion divided [order of words] about this question. On the one hand, to my mind certain countries like Croatia, Macedonia and Iceland could still become a member of the UE but as far Turkey as this is concerned Turkey, I don’t agree. But on another one [mal dit], I think that with so many members it will never be able to agree on anything.

Réponse: Rédaction /European expansion de lyly1962, postée le 28-06-2010 à 22:05:29 (S | E)
Hello Notrepere,

I have just finished my corrections. I hope that it's better and that you're going to understand everything :o)
Thanks a lot for your help ... have a good evening

Today, the European Union has got 27 Member States but other countries such Croatia, Macedonia, Iceland and Turkey stand for their integration. The EU has the third biggest set of population in the world after China and India. There are about 500 million of inhabitants. It seems to me that some countries could still become Members of the EU but that there is no place for some others. I will try to explain to you why.

On the one hand, enlargement(c’est le terme repris dans le sujet) will strengthen the peace and the stability on our continent. Together we are stronger. The bigger the EU is, the greater the influence it will have on the world. Moreover, enlargements facilitate the mobility of young people inside Europe. They can study everywhere in EU and their diploma certificates will be validated. They can work where they want to.

But on the other hand, if Turkey joined into EU, it would be a big problem because it is situated, in part, in Asia Minor and so, the borders of the UE would become a little fuzzy. Also, Turkey doesn’t respect Copenhagen’s criteria concerning religious discriminations. Speaking for myself, I find that their religion and their culture are too much different from ours and that could be a real issue.

So, my opinion is divided about this question. In a way, I believe that some countries like Croatia, Macedonia and Iceland could still become Members of the UE but as far Turkey is concerned I totally disagree.

My conclusion is that too many Members wil only lead to subjects of disagreement and not get us very far which would be a great shame.

Réponse: Rédaction /European expansion de notrepere, postée le 29-06-2010 à 06:10:46 (S | E)
Hello! Oui, c'est vrai. Pour ce sujet, "enlargement" c'est d'accord.

Today, the European Union has got 27 Member States but other countries such Croatia, Macedonia, Iceland and Turkey stand for (are waiting for) their integration. The EU has the third biggest (largest) set of population in the world after China and India. There are about 500 million of inhabitants. It seems to me that some countries could still become members of the EU but that there is no place for some others. I will try to explain to you why.

On the one hand, enlargement will strengthen the peace and the stability on our continent. Together we are stronger. The bigger the EU is, the greater the influence it will have on the world. Moreover, enlargements facilitate the mobility of young people inside Europe. They can study everywhere in EU and their diploma certificates will be validated. They can work where they want. to [No prepositions at the end of a sentence.]

But On the other hand, if Turkey joined into (the) EU, it would be a big problem because it is situated, in part, in Asia Minor and so, the borders of the UE would become a little fuzzy. Also, Turkey doesn’t respect Copenhagen’s criteria concerning religious discriminations. Speaking for myself, I find that their religion and their culture are too much different from ours and that could be a real issue.

So, my opinion is divided about this question. In a way, I believe that some countries like Croatia, Macedonia and Iceland could still become Members of the UE but as far as Turkey is concerned I totally disagree.

My conclusion is that too many members will only lead to subjects of disagreement and not get us very far which would be a great shame.

Modifié par notrepere le 29-06-2010 06:16

Réponse: Rédaction /European expansion de lyly1962, postée le 29-06-2010 à 08:40:43 (S | E)
Thanks a lot for your help
Have a good day


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