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US History- Great American Melting Pot

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US History- Great American Melting Pot
Message de notrepere posté le 01-07-2010 à 00:57:36 (S | E | F)


Violet's comment about the U.S. being called a "melting pot" reminded me of a television series called "Schoolhouse Rock". Those of us Americans who "grew up" in the 1970s will remember it fondly (or not so fondly) . These were short songs based a particular topic. The topics included US history, grammar, science and math.

One such song was called "The Great American Melting Pot".

Since it's almost Independence Day in the United States, I thought it would be fun to share it. Both the lyrics and video are posted online:

Lyrics: Lien Internet

Video: Lien Internet

Lovely Lady Liberty
With her book of recipes
And the finest one she's got
Is the great American melting pot.
The great American melting pot.

Now, since this is the forum for exercises, here are your questions : Answers on July 2th. (I shortened the reply period since there are no more replies and I may not be online on the 4th for obvious reasons).

1. What is the origin of the phrase "melting pot" as a phrase used to describe the United States?

a. A pot of fondue (by the melting of various cheeses)
b. A play called "The Melting Pot"
c. The melting of various metals to create the Statue of Liberty
d. It was the name of the pot brought over by America's first pilgrims

2. In the video, in Lady Liberty's recipe for the "Great American Melting Pot", what is the first race listed as the first "ingredient" to the recipe?


3. In the video (2:10), the letters on the factory smokestack are YOHE. What do those letters mean?

a. The Russian word for "factory"
b. The surname of the original creator of Schoolhouse Rock
c. "You Ought Have Everything"
d. Nothing, it's just gibberish

4. In the video, the Statue of Liberty is depicted as having 8 spikes in her crown. This is incorrect. What is the correct number of spikes?

a. 5
b. 7
c. 9
d. 11

5. What do the spikes signify?

a. The oceans of the world
b. The continents of the world
c. The wonders of the world
d. The rays of the sun

I'm sorry, I didn't read far enough on the webpage about the history of the statue. The spikes represent both the continents and oceans of the world. However, Europeans are usually taught that there are six continents. Many scientists nowadays also say there are six continents.

Réponse: US History- Great American Melting Pot de lucile83, postée le 01-07-2010 à 07:44:09 (S | E)
Hello notrepere

1. What is the origin of the phrase "melting pot" as a phrase used to describe the United States?
d. It was the name of the pot brought over by America's first pilgrims

2. In the video, in Lady Liberty's recipe for the "Great American Melting Pot", what is the first race listed as the first "ingredient" to the recipe?

3. In the video (2:10), the letters on the factory smokestack are YOHE. What do those letters mean?
b. The surname of the original creator of Schoolhouse Rock

4. In the video, the Statue of Liberty is depicted as having 8 spikes in her crown. This is incorrect. What is the correct number of spikes?
b. 7

5. What do the spikes signify?
b. The continents of the world

Thank you and have a nice day!

Réponse: US History- Great American Melting Pot de may, postée le 02-07-2010 à 00:01:34 (S | E)

Bonsoir notrepere,

It's very interesting! However, it's better to block your " FYI ", since I am going to peek

1. What is the origin of the phrase "melting pot" as a phrase used to describe the United States?

b. A play called "The Melting Pot"

2. In the video, in Lady Liberty's recipe for the "Great American Melting Pot", what is the first race listed as the first "ingredient" to the recipe?


3. In the video (2:10), the letters on the factory smokestack are YOHE. What do those letters mean?

b. The surname of the original creator of Schoolhouse Rock

4. In the video, the Statue of Liberty is depicted as having 8 spikes in her crown. This is incorrect. What is the correct number of spikes?

b. 7

5. What do the spikes signify?

a. The oceans of the world
b. The continents of the world


Réponse: US History- Great American Melting Pot de notrepere, postée le 02-07-2010 à 16:45:50 (S | E)
Thank you both for playing!

Réponse: US History- Great American Melting Pot de lucile83, postée le 03-07-2010 à 08:23:41 (S | E)
Hello notrepere,

L'histoire est encore plus compliquée car sur le lien suivant le nombre de continents varie de 7 à 4

Lien Internet

Still I enjoyed answering your tricky questions

Réponse: US History- Great American Melting Pot de may, postée le 03-07-2010 à 21:39:33 (S | E)


C'est très intéressant le lien, Lucile

Thank you notrepere for everything and enjoy your holiday then

Best wishes,


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