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Crazy English

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Crazy English
Message from yingluodejijie posted on 18-08-2010 at 10:06:13 (D | E | F)
I need some information about "Crazy English". Who can give me some helpful advice?
Edited by willy on 18-08-2010 10:26

Re: Crazy English from sheepishly, posted on 18-08-2010 at 10:50:18 (D | E)
That way to learn English was invented by Li Yang in China. It's based on oral practise. Look at that web page, maybe it could give you more informations...
Lien Internet

I th_ink it's not possible to practise it all alone, you need to be numerous, to my mind, after having read that link...
Edited by bridg on 18-08-2010 11:51

Re: Crazy English from notrepere, posted on 19-08-2010 at 05:43:19 (D | E)

According to the link that sheepishly sent, the technique involves "shouting English out loud". You can do it by yourself or with others. The premise of the technique is: "To shout out loud, you learn." Maybe I'll try this with my French. I'll get up on my roof and shout French to all of my neighbors. That should make me popular with the neighbors.

Edited by lucile83 on 19-08-2010 08:24

Re: Crazy English from benboom, posted on 19-08-2010 at 11:06:43 (D | E)

That should make me popular with my neighbors!

Or maybe even a SWAT team. I am astonished by some of the things people come up with. That being said, I do think that any time you can actually say things out loud in your new language it's probably helpful; repetition is a tremendous aid to learning. But what if you are saying it wrong? What if you are up on your roof shouting the equivalent of "Mary ate a little lamb"? Or worse, "Crose cover after striking"! [attention: fautes délibérées]

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