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The skateboard-correction

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The skateboard-correction
Message de kev932 posté le 25-08-2010 à 17:06:57 (S | E | F)
j'ai fait une nouvelle expression écrite. J'ai essayé de la traduire mais je sais qu' il y a encore des fautes. Pouvez-vous m'aider à la corriger? S'il vous-plait. Je vous remercie d'avance.

Cher John,
Dear John,

Comment vas-tu ? Je vais bien et je t’écris pour te parler de sport extrême.
How are you? I'm fine and I write to you to tell you about extreme sports.

Hier je regardais la tv avec mon frère et il y avait une compétition de skateboard. J’ai trouvé cela très impressionnant et cela m’a donné envie d’essayer ce sport.
Yesterday I was watching TV with my brother and he had a skateboard competition. I found it very impressive and it gave me feel to try this sport.

Quand les sportifs faisaient des figures, noud avions parfois l’impression qu’ils volaient. Pour faire des sauts comme ceux-là, il faut beaucoup d’entrainement et beaucoup de concentration. Les sportifs sont soit courageux soit fou car une mauvaise chute peut les blesser très gravement. C’est pour cela qu’il faut toujours mettre tout son équipement de sécurité. Même les sportifs de haut niveau refusent de pratiquer leur sport préféré sans un minimum de précautions.
When the sportif was doing tricks, we sometimes had the impression that they were flying in the air. For to make jumps like that, it must a lot of training and a lot of concentration. The sportifs are either really brave or just crazy because a bad fall can hurt them very badly. This is why you always must put all the safety equipment. Even the athletes refused to practice their favorite sport without a minimum of precautions.

Les avantages de ce sport, comme dans tous les sports de ce genre, sont qu’il permet de garder la forme et augmente l’endurance. Il peut aussi être un moyen de transport écologique car il n’est pas du tout polluant.
The benefits of this sport, as in all sports of this kind, are that keeps the shape and increases your endurence. It also can be a means of ecological transportation because it isn’t at all polluting.

Cependant, il y a aussi des inconvénients à ce sport. Premièrement, il n’existe pas beaucoup de skateparks où l’on peut s’entrainer calmement. Ensuite, l’équipement de sécurité coûte assez cher.
However, there are also disadvantages to this sport. First, it has not much skatepark where we can train calmly. Then, the safety equipment is quite expensive.

Et toi, as-tu déjà essayé un sport extreme ? Si oui, lequel et as-tu aimé ? Si non, est-ce que ca te tenterai d’essayer d’en faire un jour ?
And you, you have already tried an extreme sport? If yes, which and like you it? If not, is you want to try one day?

En attendant ta prochaine lettre, je te souhaite mes salutations les plus sincères.
Pending the next letter from you, I wish you my most sincere greetings.

Merci d'avance.

Réponse: The skateboard-correction de fever01, postée le 25-08-2010 à 23:30:23 (S | E)
salut, je suis pas experte mais voilà les corrections que je te propose:
How are you? I'm fine and I write to you (on dit write sb)to tell you about(to be about sans le you) extreme sports.

Yesterday I was watching TV with my brother and he had a skateboard ( there is/there are)competition (event, plutôt) I found it very impressive and it gave me feel to try this sport. (mal formulé)

When the sportif was doing tricks, we sometimes had the impression that they (utilise plutot to Make sb feel)were flying in the air (pas sur que t'en ai besoin) . For to make jumps like that, it must a lot of training and a lot of concentration ( Doing such somersaults require lotof..). The sportifs are either really (pas besoin) brave or just crazy because a bad fall can hurt them (Hurt themselves / hurt :faire mal , utilise To injure) very badly. This is why (that's why)you always must put all the safety equipment. Even the athletes refused to practice their favorite sport without a minimum of precautions.

And you, you have already tried an extreme sport? (And what about you? Hve you already practiced).If yes (ça ce dit pas a mon avis), which and like you it?If not , is you want to try one day? (Which one is was and did you like that? Do you want to try a such experience one day?

Bon voila toutes tes fautes ne sont pas corrigées et ces conseils ne sont ni d'un prof ni d'une anglophone avisée. En tout cas ce qu'il ressort c'est que tes tournures de phrases sont mal faites surtout parce que tu veux faire du copié collé avec la français (comme moi ^^) :Un nom enfrançais ne se traduit pas toujours par un nom en anglais , des fois c'est des verbes, une expressions.
voila en espérant t'avoir aidée!! Bonne nuit les petiots ^^

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-08-2010 08:49
Merci de ne pas donner toutes les corrections mais d'indiquer les fautes seulement.

Réponse: The skateboard-correction de notrepere, postée le 26-08-2010 à 05:37:24 (S | E)

How are you? I'm fine and I write [present continuous] to you to tell you about extreme sports.

Yesterday I was watching TV with my brother and he had [past continous] a skateboard competition. I found it very impressive and it gave me feel [mal dit] to try this sport.

When the sportif [mauvaise traduction] was [accord] doing tricks, we sometimes had the impression that they were flying in the air. For ['for' avant verbe infinitif = 'in order to' ou ne traduit pas ce mot] to make jumps [pas naturel; in order to jump like that' like that, it must [mauvaise traduction] a lot of training and a lot of concentration. The sportifs [see above] are either really brave or just crazy because a bad fall can hurt them very badly. This is why you always must [ordre des mots] put on all the safety equipment. Even the athletes refused to practice their favorite sport without a minimum of precautions.

The benefits of this sport, as in all sports of this kind, are that keeps the [mauvaise traduction des mots 'il permet de garder'] shape and increases your endurence [orthographe]. It also can be a means of ecological transportation because it isn’t at all polluting.

However, there are also disadvantages to this sport. First, it has not much [mauvaise traduction] skateparks where we [third person singular impersonal] can train calmly [ce mot n'a pas le meilleur sens, n'est-ce pas?]. Then (Secondly), the safety equipment is quite expensive.

And you, [Pas naturel en Anglais: 'How about you?' est mieux] you have [ordre des mots: interrogative] already tried an extreme sport? If yes, which and like you it ? If not, is you want to try one day?

Pending the next letter from you, I wish you my most sincere greetings.


Réponse: The skateboard-correction de kev932, postée le 26-08-2010 à 11:09:51 (S | E)
Merci pour votre aide, j'ai corrigé mes erreurs. J'aimerai avoir votre avis. S'il vous-plait, indiquez moi seulement mes fautes s'il en reste mais ne les corrigez pas. Voila ce que ça donne.

How are you? I'm fine and I am writing to you to tell about extreme sports.

Yesterday I was watching TV with my brother and he was having a skateboard competition. I found it very impressive and it gave me want to try this sport.

When the sportsmen were doing tricks, we sometimes had the impression that they were flying in the air. In order to jumps like that, it take a lot of training and it also requires hard work. The sportsmen are either really brave or just crazy because a bad fall can hurt them very badly. This is why you always must put on all the safety equipment. Even the athletes refused to practice their favorite sport without a minimum of precautions.

The benefits of this sport, as in all sports of this kind, are they help you to keep the shape and increases your endurance. It also can be a means of ecological transportation because it isn’t at all polluting.

However, there are also disadvantages to this sport. First, there isn’t much skateparks where you can train calmly. Secondly, the safety equipment is quite expensive.

How about you? Have you already tried an extreme sport? Which one is was and did you like that? Do you want to try a such experience one day?

Réponse: The skateboard-correction de fever01, postée le 26-08-2010 à 11:27:55 (S | E)
Pouquoi on traduit il y avait par :He had
Pourquoi par there was ? (Poutant là j'étais sure )
et ça ce dit If not et if yes : ça sonne pas trés naturel

merci en attendant votre éclairement!!

Réponse: The skateboard-correction de didin, postée le 26-08-2010 à 15:11:34 (S | E)
bonjour à tous!
il y avait:there were.

Réponse: The skateboard-correction de notrepere, postée le 27-08-2010 à 00:14:43 (S | E)

How are you? I'm fine and I am writing to you to tell about extreme sports.

Yesterday I was watching TV with my brother and he was having a skateboard competition. I found it very impressive and it gave me want to try this sport.

When the sportsmen were doing tricks, we sometimes had the impression that they were flying in the air. In order to [manque un verbe] jumps like that, it take [accord] a lot of training and it also requires hard work. The sportsmen are either really brave or just crazy because a bad fall can hurt them very badly. This is why you always must put on all the safety equipment. Even the athletes refused to practice their favorite sport without a minimum of precautions.

The benefits of this sport, as in all sports of this kind, are they help you to keep the (in) shape and increases [accord: they] your endurance. It also can be a means of ecological transportation because it isn’t at all polluting.

However, there are also disadvantages to this sport. First, there isn’t [accord: skate-parks] much [un autre mot comme 'much'] skate-parks where you can train calmly. Secondly, the safety equipment is quite expensive.

How about you? Have you already tried an extreme sport? If yes/If so, which one(s)? is was and Did you like that it/them? [If no ou If not], do you want to try a [delete] such an experience one day one some day?

Réponse: The skateboard-correction de may, postée le 27-08-2010 à 02:31:02 (S | E)

Hello notrepere,

Hier je regardais la tv avec mon frère et il y avait une compétition de skateboard

Perhaps you are dozing, aren't you?

Il y a => There is/are

Il y avait => There was/were

Then the translation would be:

Yesterday I was watching TV with my brother and there was a skateboard competition

However, as I thought it would be much better:

Yesterday I was watching TV with my brother when there was a skateboard competition.


Réponse: The skateboard-correction de notrepere, postée le 27-08-2010 à 02:59:57 (S | E)
Hello May!

You may be correct xxxx . I wasn't always comparing the French to English translation if the sentence made sense. I just assumed that his brother was in the skateboarding competition, but it sounds like the auto-translator probably just assumed il = he.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-08-2010 07:59

Réponse: The skateboard-correction de may, postée le 29-08-2010 à 03:28:17 (S | E)

D'accord, notrepère xxx .
Le sens de cette phrase en francais Hier je regardais la tv avec mon frère et il y avait une compétition de skateboard n'est pas claire non plus

Bonne nuit,

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-08-2010 08:00


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