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Rapport de stage en anglais

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Rapport de stage en anglais
Message de lilsox posté le 08-09-2010 à 19:31:22 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous !
je suis actuellement étudiante en bts CI, et je dois rédiger un rapport de stage en anglais. J'aurais juste besoin d'une aide pour corriger mes erreurs de langue,( la honte pour moi étant donné que je suis en commerce international!) et trouver des mots plus adéquats à mes phrases.
Voici un début de ce que j'ai rédigé:

Let’s start off with a bit of company’s introducing.
So Vitrum-lux was founded in 2000 by Tomme luciano in letzebuerg.
The company’s main task consists of glass processing throughout centrale Europe. And their main costumers are generally professionals but sometime they also do business with particular and designers.
Vitrum lux is a small medium size company 20 people are employed in the company; they are divided in 3 group those production service directed by luciano tomme, the trade service directed by Jean paul sommier, and logistic management directed by Benoit Mariotti.
“here is the organization chart that could be help you to see more exactly the role of each member of the company”
Otherwise the company is based in rodange where we have a crossroad of three boarders. It is one of strategy of the company to have an advantage logistic.
Well, now I m going to submit you what I did in the company
“In the first place, I had to obtain an rdv with costumer via phon. at first I was afraid of failing because I didn’t know how to do this. But I contacted a friend who works in sale I have benefited from his advice, and it was a success because I get 11 rdv out of 25 phone call. I was pleased because I reached my goals and for me it was the first time I whipped this. and thereafter I had to follow the client by sending booklet, mail, offers, and more over recall them to be sure that they do not cancel the rdv.”
In the second place with the help of the sale assistant I had to created a brochure for inviting all costumer of the company to participate a professionals salon in what the company will exhibit their products. it was more easier for me to work with her because I didn’t know all technical write the brochure sentence.

Tous vos commentaires seront les bienvenus! je vous remercie d'avance pour vos réponses !=)

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-09-2010 19:31

+ forum

Réponse: Rapport de stage en anglais de lucile83, postée le 09-09-2010 à 12:35:20 (S | E)

Réponse: Rapport de stage en anglais de may, postée le 12-09-2010 à 05:14:13 (S | E)


Let’s start off with (a bit of)article company ’s introducing nom du verbe introduce .
(So) Vitrum-lux en majuscule was founded in 2000 by Tomme luciano majuscule in letzebuerg Luxembourg.
The company’s main task consists of glass processing throughout centrale Europe.autre ponctuation And and en minuscule their main costumers customers are generally professionals but sometime manqué une lettre they also do business with particular and designers.( cette phrase est trop long et elle n'a pas de sens)

Vitrum lux is a small medium size small ou medium ( pas les deux ) company conjonction 20 ( people are employed)remplacer tous dans la parenthèse par un mot (in the company);un point they majuscule are divided in 3 group pluriel/besoin un pronom et un verbe those production service directed by luciano tomme, the trade service directed by Jean paul sommier tous les noms propres en majuscule , and logistic management directed by Benoit Mariotti.

lilsox, you try to correct these at first, then it will be continued later...(somebody else, notrepere? gerondif?)

(...) pas nécessaire

Good night


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