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Correction/ Interfere in life

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Correction/ Interfere in life
Message de govou6948 posté le 03-10-2010 à 22:20:12 (S | E | F)
Bonjour je dois rédiger un texte en anglais pour le boulot mais je suis assez mauvais dans cette langue alors auriez-vous la gentillesse de me corriger les fautes svp s'il vous plaît ?
Merci à vous.

Every parents interferent differently with their children:
-There is parents who are cool with teenagers and who let them a lot of freedom, they can do all they want, it’s not the best system because after youngs people do damages because they are too immature and they don’t know take the good choice. The young when he become adult when he is 18 and if his family don’t help him, he can believe he is alone and he can attract some psychological problems, and after he could drop his job or his studies.
-There is parents too strict who control all the life of their children, when they are very young it’s difficult to the the child to assert it self and he becomes shy. Sometimes parents strike their children to they move more quickly but after they can be traumatized and be afraid by all the things. After when the young become adult it’s difficult for the parent’s to release him and it’s not easy fot him to be throw in the active life.
- And finally the is parent’s who are not too strict and not too cool who let freedom at their children but not too much and who help them to take good decision to go on the straight and narrow. After the young know his limits and he Undertake because he trusts in himself.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-10-2010 22:26

Réponse: Correction/ Interfere in life de notrepere, postée le 07-10-2010 à 03:19:58 (S | E)

Désolé, mais beaucoup de phrases n'ont pas de sens. Si vous postiez ce que vous voulez dire en français, on pourrait mieux vous aider. En espérant pouvoir vous aider...


Modifié par willy le 07-10-2010 09:14

Réponse: Correction/ Interfere in life de gerondif, postée le 08-10-2010 à 00:14:58 (S | E)
Hello, notrepère,

the reason why you find the sentences meaningless is that they are a word for word translation of everyday French, for example:

ils peuvent faire tout c' qu'ils veulent: they can do all they want,

Parfois, les parents frappent leurs enfants pour qu'ils avancent plus vite mais après, ils peuvent être traumatisés.Sometimes parents strike their children to they move more quickly but after they can be traumatized

Et finalement , il y a (there are) des parents qui sont ni trop sévères, ni trop cools qui laissent la liberté à leurs enfants- And finally the is parent’s who are not too strict and not too cool who let freedom at their children .

je pense que le traducteur choisit les mauvais mots ou structures, there is pour there are, let pour leave, at pour to, et c'est plus difficile à voir de votre point de vue que du mien.

Réponse: Correction/ Interfere in life de govou6948, postée le 09-10-2010 à 17:57:08 (S | E)
merci à vous :D


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