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Exposé poker

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Exposé poker
Message de grossac posté le 11-10-2010 à 22:25:42 (S | E | F)
j'aurais souhaité savoir quelle serait la phrase de Mike Sexton: "Le No Limit Texas Hold'em est un jeu qui a besoin d'une minute pour être appris, mais de toute une vie pour être maîtrisé." en anglais?

De plus j'aurais souhaité savoir si possible, si mon texte ci-dessous était bien, s'il expliquait bien les informations sur le poker mais surtout s'il y avait des fautes?

The poker is the most famous pack of card. His purpose is to have the best combination in order to win the concurent’s stack (money) and to be the final player on (of) the table. The poker come from Persians with the Nas. Then, a new variant of poker appeared; the Texas Holdem; which became the most played . Moreover, the others sort of poker are the Omaha and the stud to (at) seven cards. The legendaries of poker are Stu Ungar, Doyle Brunson and Amarillo Slim Preston. Las Vegas is the main place of poker with his (her) many casinos as (like) the Belagio and the Mirage. The mains tournaments of poker are the WSOP, the WPT and the EPT.

Merci d'avance.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-10-2010 22:28

Réponse: Exposé poker de notrepere, postée le 11-10-2010 à 22:48:10 (S | E)

The [pas d'article avant le mot « poker »] poker is the most famous pack of card (card game?). His [pas un objet animé, donc 'its'] purpose is to have the best combination in order to win the concurent’s [opponent's ?] stack (money) and to be the final player on (of) the table. The poker come [accorde] from Persians with the Nas [pas exact: Lien Internet
. Then, a new variant of poker appeared; the Texas Holdem; which became the most played [mauvaise ponctuation: Then, a new variant appeared which became the most played: the "Texas Holdem"]. Moreover, the others sort [variations?] of poker are the "Omaha" and the stud to (at) seven cards [maladroit]. The legendaries [ les légendes] of poker are Stu Ungar, Doyle Brunson and Amarillo Slim Preston. Las Vegas is the main place of poker [mal dit: where poker is played?] with his (her) [pas un objet animé] many casinos as (like) (such as) the Belagio and the Mirage. The mains tournaments of poker are the WSOP, the WPT and the EPT.

Réponse: Exposé poker de grossac, postée le 11-10-2010 à 23:18:33 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide, et donc le texte après les corrections est:

Poker is the most famous card game. It's purpose is to have the best combination in order to win the opponent's stack and to be the final player on (of) the table. Poker comes from Persians with the As Nas. Then, a new variant appeared which became the most played: the "Texas Holdem". Moreover, the others variations of poker are the "Omaha" and the stud to (at) seven cards. The best player of poker are Stu Ungar, Doyle Brunson and Amarillo Slim Preston. Las Vegas is the main place where poker is played with many casinos such as the Belagio and the Mirage. The mains tournaments of poker are the WSOP, the WPT and the EPT.

Par contre, je voulais savoir pour les mots que j'ai mis entre parenthèse comme par exemple "the final player on (of) the table" lequel faut il choisir entre on et of? "and the stud to (at) seven cards" lequel faut il choisir entre to et at?

Réponse: Exposé poker de grossac, postée le 12-10-2010 à 00:14:17 (S | E)
Et donc en prenant compte de vos conseils, je trouve pour le texte que je vais lire à l'oral:

Poker is the most famous card game.(It's a game of 52 cards).It's purpose is to have the best combination in order to win the opponent's stack. The final player on (ou of) the table win the game. According to Mike Sexton, "The No Limit Texas Hold'Em is a game witch need a few minutes to be learn but all the life to be controlled (ou mastered)".

Poker comes from Persians during the antiquity. In fact, they played a game, the As Nas, witch look like poker. At the seventeenth century, German played pochen and French poque which have (ou had) similar rules of poker (ou poker rules). Then, poque was brought in USA, particularly in Louisiane. During the nineteenth century, poque's rules advanced until the American Civil War and this game finished to become poker which managed to spread out in all the USA(ou which was played in all the USA). At the begining of the twentieth century,a new variant of poker appeared: the "Texas Holdem". This variant (ou It) became the sort of poker the most played (ou was important because it was the sort of poker the most played).
In addition (ou moreover), the others variations of poker are, on the one hand, the "Omaha" and the stud to (ou at) seven cards and, on the other hand, the Irish, the mexican poker and the Criss Cross.

The history of poker (ou poker history) was marked by lots of players, who became legendaries, like Stu Ungar, Amarillo Slim Preston, Dolye Brunson called "Texas Dolly", Johnny Chan and Phil Hellmuth. Among french players of poker, there is the most famous, Patrick Bruel, thanks to his victory at the World Series of Poker. Furthermore, there are Elky and the breton Antoine Saout.
Las Vegas is the main place where poker is played with many casinos such as the Belagio and the Mirage, and as a result it's the place where play the best players of poker. The mains tournaments of poker are the World Series Of Poker, the World Poker Tour and the European Poker Tour.

Moreover, thanks to the internet's development, poker became more and more known. In fact, nawadays, with internet, it's possible to play poker on website like (as) (such as) Everest Poker, Poker Stars, Winamax. In particular, since teh new law about poker which allowed to play with money on internet.
However, the big problem (ou trouble) of poker is the risk of dependence for several players.

Est ce qu'il y a des fautes?

Merci pour votre aide.

Par contre lorsque j'utilise des parenthèses et que je met:"(ou ...)" c'est quand j'hésite entre ce mot et celui précédent la parenthèse.

Réponse: Exposé poker de stephlaplagne, postée le 12-10-2010 à 00:18:01 (S | E)

Poker is the most famous card game. Its (et pas "it's) [...]
peut-être utiliser "around" the table plutôt que on (les joueurs ne sont pas sur la table !) [...] The other variations (pas de "s" à "other")
The best players (avec un "s")
The main tournaments (pas de "s" à "main" = adjective)
Bon courage et bonne soirée.


Réponse: Exposé poker de stephlaplagne, postée le 12-10-2010 à 00:34:47 (S | E)
3ème personne du singulier : un "s" au présent simple :
wins, needs,looks like
to be learned
had plutôt que have (il s'agit du passé)
in the ... century
with the internet, on the internet
particularly (pas in particular)
to be learned

Have a good night !

Réponse: Exposé poker de grossac, postée le 12-10-2010 à 00:53:43 (S | E)
Merci pour votre aide; et donc le texte obtenu est:

Poker is the most famous card game.(It's a game of 52 cards).Its purpose is to have the best combination in order to win the opponent's stack. The final player around the table wins the game. According to Mike Sexton, "The No Limit Texas Hold'Em is a game witch needs a few minutes to be learned but all the life to be controlled (ou mastered)".

Poker comes from Persians during the antiquity. In fact, they played a game, the As Nas, witch looks like poker. In the seventeenth century, German played pochen and French poque which have had similar rules of poker (ou poker rules). Then, poque was brought in USA, particularly in Louisiane. During the nineteenth century, poque's rules advanced until the American Civil War and this game finished to become poker which managed to spread out in all the USA(ou which was played in all the USA). At the begining of the twentieth century,a new variant of poker appeared: the "Texas Holdem". This variant (ou It) became the sort of poker the most played (ou was important because it was the sort of poker the most played).
In addition (ou moreover), the others variations of poker are, on the one hand, the "Omaha" and the stud to (ou at) seven cards and, on the other hand, the Irish, the mexican poker and the Criss Cross.

The history of poker (ou poker history) was marked by lots of players, who became legendaries, like Stu Ungar, Amarillo Slim Preston, Dolye Brunson called "Texas Dolly", Johnny Chan and Phil Hellmuth. Among french players of poker, there is the most famous, Patrick Bruel, thanks to his victory at the World Series of Poker. Furthermore, there are Elky and the breton Antoine Saout.
Las Vegas is the main place where poker is played with many casinos such as the Belagio and the Mirage, and as a result it's the place where play the best players of poker. The main tournaments of poker are the World Series Of Poker, the World Poker Tour and the European Poker Tour.

Moreover, thanks to the internet's development, poker became more and more known. In fact, nowadays, with the internet, it's possible to play poker on website like (as) (such as) Everest Poker, Poker Stars, Winamax. Particularly, since the new law about poker which allowed to play with money on the internet.
However, the big problem (ou trouble) of poker is the risk of dependence for several players.

Est ce qu'il y a toujours des fautes ou pas?

Merci pour votre réponse.

Réponse: Exposé poker de gerondif, postée le 12-10-2010 à 01:06:24 (S | E)

Poker is the most famous card game.(It's a game of 52 cards).Its purpose is to have the best combination in order to win the opponent's stack. The final player around the table wins the game. According to Mike Sexton, "The No Limit Texas Hold'Em is a game witch needs a few minutes to be learned but all the life to be controlled (ou mastered)".

Poker comes from Persians during the antiquity. In fact, they played a game, the As Nas, witch looks like poker. In the seventeenth century, ** German played pochen and ** French poque which have had similar rules of (the (ou poker rules). Then, poque was brought in *** USA, particularly in Louisiane. During the nineteenth century, poque's rules advanced until the American Civil War and this game finished to (utilisez l'adverbe eventually + to become)become poker which managed to spread out in all of the USA(ou which was played in all of the USA)(throughout the USA serait bien). At the begining of the twentieth century,a new variant (parait un terme mathématique, j'aurais dit "version" )of poker appeared: the "Texas Holdem". This variant (ou It) became the sort of poker the most played (ordre des mots à la française)(ou was important because it was the sort of poker the most played(idem)).
In addition (ou moreover), the others variations of poker are, on the one hand, the "Omaha" and the stud to (ou at) seven cards and, on the other hand, the Irish, the mexican poker and the Criss Cross.

The history of poker (ou poker history) was marked by lots of players, who became legendaries, like Stu Ungar, Amarillo Slim Preston, Dolye Brunson called "Texas Dolly", Johnny Chan and Phil Hellmuth. Among french players of poker, there is the most famous,(français traduit) Patrick Bruel, thanks to his victory at the World Series of Poker. Furthermore, there are Elky and the breton Antoine Saout.
Las Vegas is the main place where poker is played with many casinos such as the Belagio and the Mirage, and as a result it's the place where play(placer le verbe à la fin) the best players of poker. The main tournaments of poker are the World Series Of Poker, the World Poker Tour and the European Poker Tour.

Moreover, thanks to the internet's development, poker became more and more known. In fact, nowadays, with the internet, it's possible to play poker on websites like (as) (such as) Everest Poker, Poker Stars, Winamax. Particularly, since the new law about poker which allowed to (semble maladroit)play with money on the internet.
However, the big problem (ou trouble) of poker is the risk of dependence for several(pourquoi "plusieurs"et pas "de nombreux"?) players.

Réponse: Exposé poker de grossac, postée le 12-10-2010 à 20:08:22 (S | E)
Bonsoir, je ne vois pas trop que mettre à la place des ** pour "**German" et pour "**French".

_ Pour "Then, poque was brought in the USA" est ce que le "the" est bon?

_ Par contre si j'utilise "the" est ce que cela voudrait dire "règles similaires"? parce que je crois savoir que the c'est le même...que mais je ne crois pas que le As Nas ait les mêmes règles mais plutôt des règles qui s'en rapprochent. ???

_ Que signifie eventually + to become?

_ "and as a result it's the place where the best players of poker play.": est ce que c'est bon comme ça?

_ Pour: "It became the sort of poker the most played", je ne vois pas trop comment la transformer.??

Réponse: Exposé poker de grossac, postée le 12-10-2010 à 22:36:30 (S | E)
Et donc à par certaines fautes que j'ai fais mais que je n'arrive pas à corriger, le texte est:

Poker is the most famous card game. It's a game of 52 cards.Its purpose is to have the best combination in order to win the opponent's stack. The final player around the table wins the game. According to Mike Sexton, "The No Limit Texas Hold'Em is a game witch needs a few minutes to be learned but all life to be mastered".
Poker comes from Persians during the antiquity. In fact, they played a game, the As Nas, which looks like poker. In the seventeenth century, ** German played pochen and ** French poque which had similar poker rules (ou: which had the same rules as poker). Then, poque was brought in the USA, particularly in Louisiane. During the nineteenth century, poque's rules advanced until the American Civil War and this game eventually to become poker which managed to spread out throughout the USA. At the begining of the twentieth century,a new version of poker appeared: the "Texas Holdem". It became the sort of poker the most played (ordre des mots à la française).
In addition, the other variations of poker are, on the one hand, the "Omaha" and the Seven Card Stud and, on the other hand, the Irish, the Mexican poker and the Criss Cross.

Poker’s history was marked by lots of players, who became legends, like Stu Ungar, Amarillo Slim Preston, Dolye Brunson called "Texas Dolly", Johnny Chan and Phil Hellmuth. Among French players of poker, there is the most famous,(français traduit) Patrick Bruel, thanks to his victory at the World Series of Poker. Furthermore, there are Elky and the breton Antoine Saout.
Las Vegas is the main place where poker is played with many casinos such as the Belagio and the Mirage, and as a result it's the place where the best players of poker play. The main tournaments of poker are the World Series Of Poker, the World Poker Tour and the European Poker Tour.

Moreover, thanks to the internet's development, poker became more and more known. In fact, nowadays, with the internet, it's possible to play poker on websites such as Everest Poker, Poker Stars, Winamax. Particularly, since the new law about poker which allowed to (let ?) play with money on the internet.
However, the big problem of poker is the risk of dependence for many players.

Est ce qu'il y a d'autres fautes, et surtout quel correction pourrais-je apporter aux fautes que j'ai fais, mais que je n'arrive pas à corriger?

Réponse: Exposé poker de gerondif, postée le 12-10-2010 à 23:25:03 (S | E)
je ne vois pas trop que mettre à la place des ** pour "**German" et pour "**French".
adjectifs substantivés:les français: the French
_ Pour "Then, poque was brought in the USA" est ce que le "the" est bon? OUI

_ Par contre si j'utilise "the" est ce que cela voudrait dire "règles similaires"? parce que je crois savoir que the c'est le même...que mais je ne crois pas que le As Nas ait les mêmes règles mais plutôt des règles qui s'en rapprochent. ??? alors similar TO

_ Que signifie eventually + to become? finir par devenir

_ "and as a result it's the place where the best players of poker play.": est ce que c'est bon comme ça? oui
_ Pour: "It became the most played sort of poker ", je ne vois pas trop comment la transformer.?? en le mettant en épithète.

Réponse: Exposé poker de grossac, postée le 12-10-2010 à 23:52:44 (S | E)
Et donc le texte final serait:

Poker is the most famous card game. It's a game of 52 cards. Its purpose is to have the best combination in order to win the opponent's stack. The final player around the table wins the game. According to Mike Sexton, "The No Limit Texas Holdem is a game witch needs a few minutes to be learned but all life to be mastered".
Poker comes from Persians during the antiquity. In fact, they played a game, the As Nas, which looks like poker. In the seventeenth century, the German played pochen and the French poque which had similar rules to poker. Then, poque was brought in the USA, particularly in Louisiane. During the nineteenth century, poque's rules advanced until the American Civil War and this game eventually to become poker which managed to spread out throughout the USA. At the begining of the twentieth century, a new version of poker appeared: the "Texas Holdem". It became the most played sort of poker.
In addition, the other variations of poker are, on the one hand, the "Omaha" and the Seven Card Stud and, on the other hand, the Irish, the Mexican poker and the Criss Cross.

Poker’s history was marked by lots of players, who became legends, like Stu Ungar, Amarillo Slim Preston, Dolye Brunson called "Texas Dolly", Johnny Chan and Phil Hellmuth. Among French players of poker, Patrick Bruel is the most famous, thanks to his victory at the World Series of Poker. Furthermore, there are Elky and the breton Antoine Saout.
Las Vegas is the main place where poker is played with many casinos such as the Belagio and the Mirage, and as a result it's the place where the best players of poker play. The main tournaments of poker are the World Series Of Poker, the World Poker Tour and the European Poker Tour.

Moreover, thanks to the internet's development, poker became more and more known. In fact, nowadays, with the internet, it's possible to play poker on websites such as Everest Poker, Poker Stars, Winamax. Particularly, since the new law about poker which let play with money on the internet.
However, the big problem of poker is the risk of dependence for many players.

Par contre est ce que dans la phrase: "Particularly, since the new law about poker which let play with money on the internet." le "let" est le bon mot?

Et sinon à par ça, est ce qu'il y a d'autre fautes? le texte est correctement écrit?

Réponse: Exposé poker de gerondif, postée le 13-10-2010 à 00:20:55 (S | E)
j'ai l'impression que vous repostez en utilisant uniquement nos corrections sans chercher par vous-même avec les pistes qu'on vous donne.

Poker is the most famous card game. It's a game of 52 cards. Its purpose is to have the best combination in order to win the opponent's stack. The final player around the table wins the game. According to Mike Sexton, "The No Limit Texas Holdem is a game witch needs a few minutes to be learned but all life to be mastered".
Poker comes from Persians during the antiquity. In fact, they played a game, the As Nas, which looks like poker. In the seventeenth century, the German played pochen and the French poque which had similar rules to poker. Then, poque was brought in(déplacement, donc to) the USA, particularly in Louisiane. During the nineteenth century, poque's rules advanced until(maladroit) the American Civil War and this game eventually to become (à conjuguer)poker which managed(signifie: a réussi malgré les difficultés à...) to spread out throughout the USA. At the begining of the twentieth century, a new version of poker appeared: the "Texas Holdem". It became the most played sort of poker.
In addition, the other variations of poker are, on the one hand, the "Omaha" and the Seven Card Stud and, on the other hand, the Irish, the Mexican poker and the Criss Cross.

Poker’s history was marked by lots of players, who became legends, like Stu Ungar, Amarillo Slim Preston, Dolye Brunson called "Texas Dolly", Johnny Chan and Phil Hellmuth. Among French players of poker, Patrick Bruel is the most famous, thanks to his victory at the World Series of Poker. Furthermore, there are Elky and the breton Antoine Saout.
Las Vegas is the main place where poker is played with many casinos such as the Belagio and the Mirage, and as a result it's the place where the best players of poker play. The main tournaments of poker are the World Series Of Poker, the World Poker Tour and the European Poker Tour.

Moreover, thanks to the internet's development, poker became more and more known. In fact, nowadays, with the internet, it's possible to play poker on websites such as Everest Poker, Poker Stars, Winamax. Particularly, since the new law about poker which lets people play(allows people to play) with money on the internet.
However, the big problem of poker is the risk of dependence for many players.

On va y arriver !

Réponse: Exposé poker de grossac, postée le 13-10-2010 à 00:43:08 (S | E)
Bonsoir, non pas du tout je cherche, c'est juste que je ne vois pas où sont mes fautes mis à par le witch que j'avais corrigé et dont je m'excuse parce que je l'avais normalement corrigé.

Le texte après correction est alors:

Poker is the most famous card game. It's a game of 52 cards. Its purpose is to have the best combination in order to win the opponent's stack. The final player around the table wins the game. According to Mike Sexton, "The No Limit Texas Holdem is a game which needs a few minutes to be learned but all life to be mastered".
Poker comes from Persians during the antiquity. In fact, they played a game, the As Nas, which looks like poker. In the seventeenth century, the German played pochen and the French poque which had similar rules to poker. Then, poque was brought to the USA, particularly to Louisiana. During the nineteenth century, poque's rules developed during the American Civil War and this game eventually became poker which succeeded in spread out throughout the USA. At the begining of the twentieth century, a new version of poker appeared: the "Texas Holdem". It became the most played sort of poker.
In addition, the other variations of poker are, on the one hand, the "Omaha" and the Seven Card Stud and, on the other hand, the Irish, the Mexican poker and the Criss Cross.

Poker’s history was marked by lots of players, who became legends, like Stu Ungar, Amarillo Slim Preston, Dolye Brunson called "Texas Dolly", Johnny Chan and Phil Hellmuth. Among French players of poker, Patrick Bruel is the most famous, thanks to his victory at the World Series of Poker. Furthermore, there are Elky and the breton Antoine Saout.
Las Vegas is the main place where poker is played with many casinos such as the Belagio and the Mirage, and as a result it's the place where the best players of poker play. The main tournaments of poker are the World Series Of Poker, the World Poker Tour and the European Poker Tour.

Moreover, thanks to the internet's development, poker became more and more known. In fact, nowadays, with the internet, it's possible to play poker on websites such as Everest Poker, Poker Stars, Winamax. Particularly, since the new law about poker which allows people to play with money on the internet.
However, the big problem of poker is the risk of dependence for many players.

Dans la phrase avec "managed to" est ce que l'on peut mettre "succeeded in" à la place?
De plus, pour "poque's rules advanced until(maladroit) the American Civil War" est ce que l'on peut mettre à la place "poque's rules developed during the American Civil War"?

Réponse: Exposé poker de gerondif, postée le 13-10-2010 à 00:49:57 (S | E)
Poker is the most famous card game. It's a game of 52 cards. Its purpose is to have the best combination in order to win the opponent's stack. The final player around the table wins the game. According to Mike Sexton, "The No Limit Texas Holdem is a game which needs a few minutes to be learned but all life to be mastered".
Poker comes(prétérit serait mieux) from Persians during the antiquity. In fact, they played a game, the As Nas, which looks (prétérit serait mieux)like poker. In the seventeenth century, the German played pochen and the French poque which had similar rules to poker. Then, poque was brought to the USA, particularly to Louisiana. During the nineteenth century, poque's rules developed during the American Civil War and this game eventually became poker which succeeded in then spread out throughout the USA(plus léger comme ça). At the beginning of the twentieth century, a new version of poker appeared: the "Texas Holdem". It became the most played sort of poker.
In addition, the other variations of poker are, on the one hand, the "Omaha" and the Seven Card Stud and, on the other hand, the Irish, the Mexican poker and the Criss Cross.

Poker’s history was marked by lots of players, who became legends, like Stu Ungar, Amarillo Slim Preston, Dolye Brunson called "Texas Dolly", Johnny Chan and Phil Hellmuth. Among French players of poker, Patrick Bruel is the most famous, thanks to his victory at the World Series of Poker. Furthermore, there are Elky and the breton Antoine Saout.
Las Vegas is the main place where poker is played with many casinos such as the Belagio and the Mirage, and as a result it's the place where the best players of poker play. The main tournaments of poker are the World Series Of Poker, the World Poker Tour and the European Poker Tour.

Moreover, thanks to the internet's development, poker became more and more known. In fact, nowadays, with the internet, it's possible to play poker on websites such as Everest Poker, Poker Stars, Winamax, particularly, since the new law about poker which allows people to play with money on the internet.
However, the big problem of poker is the risk of dependence for many players.

Dans la phrase avec "managed to" est ce que l'on peut mettre "succeeded in" à la place?
De plus, pour "poque's rules advanced until(maladroit) the American Civil War" est ce que l'on peut mettre à la place "poque's rules developed during the American Civil War"? oui, c'est mieux.

Réponse: Exposé poker de grossac, postée le 13-10-2010 à 00:59:14 (S | E)
A d'accord, mais par contre il y a un truc que je ne comprend pas c'est dans la phrase: "Poker came from Persians during the antiquity. In fact, they played a game, the As Nas, which looked like poker.", pourquoi est ce que l'on ne met pas "looks like"? car le As Nas doit surement encore exister et par conséquent il ressemble toujours au poker.??

Réponse: Exposé poker de gerondif, postée le 13-10-2010 à 01:06:24 (S | E)
comme vous voulez, si le jeu existe effectivement encore. Moi,je restais sous l'influence historique du premier prétérit, ils jouaient à un jeu qui ressemblait à ...

Réponse: Exposé poker de grossac, postée le 13-10-2010 à 01:10:47 (S | E)
A d'accord, non c'était juste pour savoir, je vais choisir looked like. Et le texte possède encore des fautes avec ces corrections?

Réponse: Exposé poker de grossac, postée le 13-10-2010 à 01:17:29 (S | E)
Et sinon je voulais, si vous le voulez bien, avoir votre avis sur le texte:

Poker is the most famous card game. Its purpose is to have the best combination in order to win the opponent's stack and to be the final player around the table. Poker comes from Persians with the As Nas. Then, a new version appeared which became the most played: the "Texas Holdem". Moreover, the others variations of poker are the "Omaha" and the Seven Cards Stud. The best players of poker are Stu Ungar, Doyle Brunson and Amarillo Slim Preston. Las Vegas is the main place where poker is played with many casinos such as the Belagio and the Mirage. The mains tournaments of poker are the WSOP, the WPT and the EPT.

Est ce qu'il y a des fautes? normalement il ne doit pas y en avoir, enfn on sait jamais.

En tout cas, merci beaucoup pour votre aide.

Réponse: Exposé poker de notrepere, postée le 13-10-2010 à 06:59:14 (S | E)

Poker is the most famous card game. Its purpose is to have the best combination in order to win the opponent's stack and to be the final player around the table. Poker comes from Persians with the As Nas [ce n'est pas le meilleur sens: Poker is similar to the Persian game "As Nas"]. Then, a new version appeared which became the most played: the "Texas Holdem". Moreover, the others variations of poker are the "Omaha" and the [à supprimer] Seven Cards Stud. The best players of poker are Stu Ungar, Doyle Brunson and Amarillo Slim Preston. Las Vegas is the main place where poker is played with many casinos such as the Belagio and the Mirage. The mains [pas de 's'] tournaments of poker are the WSOP, the WPT and the EPT.


Réponse: Exposé poker de robertbrou, postée le 13-10-2010 à 14:35:36 (S | E)

J'ai fait une recherche sur "Mike Sexton quotes" et trouvé ce site où vous trouverez sa citation sur Le No Limit Texas Hold 'em.

Lien Internet

Hope this helps!

Réponse: Exposé poker de gerondif, postée le 13-10-2010 à 15:46:29 (S | E)
à rajouter à la correction de notrepere:
the others variations

Réponse: Exposé poker de grossac, postée le 13-10-2010 à 20:10:41 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup à vous tous pour votre aide!!!


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