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Lettre en anglais

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Lettre en anglais
Message de folk posté le 12-10-2010 à 12:29:22 (S | E | F)
J'ai un sujet à rédiger. Pourriez-vous m'aider à le corriger s'il vous plaît ?
Le sujet est :
Write a letter to The Observer to say you are against this system. Give your reasons (80 words)
Voià ce que j'ai fait :

Adresse expéditeur

December 09, 2003

The Observer

Sir, Madam

On December 7, 2003, I looked at your newspaper and I saw the article which spoke at monitoring system by mobile phone. I decided to write to you to announce my opinion on this subject. For me, such a system should not exist. Indeed, I am in total disagreement against the use of this technique in the work world. If an employee does not come to work, it must have good reason. With this technology, the owner is with the current of the movements of these employees. Indeed, if is a personal problem, the employers will know the reasons of them. For me, that returns quite simply to the espionage. It is an invasion of privacy.
Your truly

Merci à tous pour vos aides.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-10-2010 13:47

Réponse: Lettre en anglais de folk, postée le 12-10-2010 à 18:55:34 (S | E)
pouvez vous m'aidez s'il vous plait ,

Réponse: Lettre en anglais de gerondif, postée le 12-10-2010 à 19:02:51 (S | E)
certaines de vos traductions sont très littérales, style traducteur comme : le propriétaire est au courant des mouvements : the owner is with the current of the movements ..." où ça devient très drôle à lire !

en bleu ce qui ne va pas.

Sir, Madam

On December 7, 2003, I looked at your newspaper and I saw the article which spoke at monitoring system by mobile phone.(vous regardez un journal, vous voyez un article qui parle, et vous n'employez pas le verbe lire...) I decided to write to you to announce my opinion on this subject. For me, such a system should not exist. Indeed, I am in total disagreement against (on est en désaccord avec quelque chose, pas en désaccord contre quelque chose) the use of this technique in the work world. If an employee does not come to work, it(il humain) must have good reason. With this technology, the owner is with the current of the movements of these employees. Indeed, if is a personal problem, the employers will know the reasons of them. For me, that returns("revenir",ça revient tout simplement à de l'espionnage...à le traducteur a choisi le mavais verbe, retourner) quite simply to the espionage. It is an invasion of privacy.
Yours truly

Réponse: Lettre en anglais de folk, postée le 12-10-2010 à 21:36:59 (S | E)
On December 7, 2003, I read your newspaper and I saw the article which at speak monitoring system by mobile phone
I decided to write to you to say my opinion on this subject.
I am in total disagreement with the use of this technique
he must have good reason.

Réponse: Lettre en anglais de gerondif, postée le 12-10-2010 à 22:43:24 (S | E)

On December 7, 2003, I read your newspaper and I saw the article which at speak monitoring system by mobile phone
I decided to write to you to say (tell you)my opinion on this subject.
I am in total disagreement with the use of this technique
he must have good reason.

Vous avez corrigé le reste.

Réponse: Lettre en anglais de folk, postée le 13-10-2010 à 18:27:59 (S | E)
c'est bon ?

I decided to write you for give you my opinion ?

Réponse: Lettre en anglais de gerondif, postée le 13-10-2010 à 18:43:26 (S | E)
I decided to write *** you for give you my opinion.

les trois pour en anglais:

for + nom: complément d'attribution: These flowers are for my mother Violet !

to + verbe à la base verbale: pour exprimer un but:
I come here to work, not to play.
I am writing to you to complain about your article.

for + ing: indique une cause.
Thank you for helping me.
He was arrested for speeding.
He was condemned for tracking her thanks to her mobile phone.

Réponse: Lettre en anglais de folk, postée le 13-10-2010 à 18:58:33 (S | E)
i decided to write to you for give my opinio

Réponse: Lettre en anglais de gerondif, postée le 13-10-2010 à 19:10:50 (S | E)
Re bonsoir
Re non !
I decided to write to you for give my opinion

voir post précédent: pour + verbe exprimant un but.

Réponse: Lettre en anglais de folk, postée le 13-10-2010 à 19:15:50 (S | E)
i decided to write to you to give my opinio

Réponse: Lettre en anglais de gerondif, postée le 13-10-2010 à 20:18:54 (S | E)
ok !I decided to write to you to give you my opinion.


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