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Try of translation

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Try of translation
Message de hanifa posté le 18-10-2010 à 14:42:16 (S | E | F)
Hi everybody,

Is there someone who help me to translate a text from myself. It concerning what I feel lately : SADNESS. Just a little precision I used the dictionary, and sorry because my english is very basic. Well, Here I go :

I'm suffering, but he doesn't care about that. I want him and in the same time, each time he is ready to marry me, I'm scared and I run away. It is like I keep away the happiness for fear that it keep away from me... It is really a bit of a hassle.

But, about him... life goes on, doesn't it? And I guess that Mister doesn't miss having met me... I can't stand when we ignore me!! Yes, I can't stand that!! It is really horrible for me.

Anyway, I miss not anything, I"m so glad to have met him because frankly even if I don't know him very well, I love him so much, and truly I don't give my love easily... You have to do something special to get my love...

I will always love him, Love is can be so crual sometimes...

Réponse: Try of translation de hanifa, postée le 18-10-2010 à 14:47:12 (S | E)
oups, sorry I forgot... Thanks in advance for your answers...

Réponse: Try of translation de laure95, postée le 18-10-2010 à 15:24:31 (S | E)
Voici ce que tu dois corriger:
I'm suffering, but he doesn't care about that. I want (précise un peu) him and in (pas la bonne préposition) the same time, each time he is ready to marry me, I'm scared and I run away. It is like (traduire: comme si) I keep away the happiness for fear that it keep (pas la bonne forme verbale) away from me... It is really a bit of (such) a hassle.

But, about him... life goes on, doesn't it? And I guess that Mister (mets HE ou son prénom) doesn't miss having met me (mal dit)... I can't stand when we (qui est WE?) ignore me!! Yes, I can't stand that!! It is really horrible for me.

Anyway, I miss not anything, I"m so glad to have met him because frankly (mettre 1 synonyme moins familier) even if I don't know him very well, I love him so much, and truly I don't give my love easily... You have to do something special to get my love...

I will always love him, Love is can be so crual sometimes...

A toi d'essayer de te corrigr avec ces indications. Bonne chance!

Réponse: Try of translation de hanifa, postée le 18-10-2010 à 20:29:07 (S | E)
First of all, many thanks for your answer. So, I try once again.
I'm suffering, but he doesn't care about that. I would like to marry him and at the same time ,every time he is ready to marry me, I am scared and I run away. It is like if I keep away happyness for fear that it keeping (je ne suis pas vraiment certaine non plus de la forme verbale) away from me...
It is really a hassle!
But life goes on for him, doesn't it? And I guess that Johnny (what a beautiful surname!! ;o))get regrets for having knew me (catastrophe je sais, mais je ne vois pas du tout quelle forme verbale je dois adapter dans le contexte de la phrase, tu peux m'aider s'il te plait?)
I can not stand when he ignores me, yes I can not stand that. It is really horrible for me!
Anyway, I miss anything, I am so glad to have met him, because he seems a good man, faithful, patient, so kind and cute. Even if I don't know him very well, I love him very much and truly I don't give my love easily, you have to do something special to get my love.I will always love him, love can be so crual sometimes.
Good bye Johnny and please, never forget me, you will always have a place in my heart, I love you.
J'ai corrigé mes erreurs en vert.
Voilà j'ai terminé, j'ai rajouté quelques phrases en espérant ne pas avoir fait trop d'erreurs.
Au plaisir de te lire Laure.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-10-2010 21:30
Mise en page

Réponse: Try of translation de hanifa, postée le 19-10-2010 à 11:35:00 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,

I don't know exactly how the forum works, but I see that you modified my text, didn't you?

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-10-2010 12:21
Yes I did because the layout was not very fine and I modified it.

Réponse: Try of translation de hanifa, postée le 19-10-2010 à 13:25:11 (S | E)
Ok, thank you very much Lucile, and concerning my faults?

Réponse: Try of translation de gerondif, postée le 19-10-2010 à 15:21:31 (S | E)
bleu: erreurs vert: corrections.
le titre : try of translation est incorrect: translation attempt !

I'm suffering, but he doesn't care about that. I would like to marry him and at the same time ,every time he is ready to marry me, I am scared and I run away. It is like if ( remplacer like par un mot de deux lettres commençant par a.. if est correct)I keep away happyness for fear that it keeping away from me...(pas clair, que voulez-vous dire: to run away from happiness, to avoid happiness, les verbes devraient être au passé)
It is really a hassle!(c'est populaire)
But life goes on for him, doesn't it? And I guess that Johnny (what a beautiful surname = nom de famille, name suffirait, ou first name pour prénom)!! )get regrets + ing simple:knowing me, going out with me.

I cannot stand it when he ignores me, yes(plutôt no) I cannot stand that. It is really horrible for me!
Anyway, I miss anything(je ne regrette rien ? to regret ......), I am so glad to have met him, because he seems a good man, faithful, patient, so kind and cute. Even if I don't know him very well, I love him very much and truly I don't give my love easily, you have to do something special to get my love.I will always love him, love can be so crual sometimes.
Good bye Johnny and please, never forget me, you will always have a place in my heart, I love you.

Réponse: Try of translation de hanifa, postée le 19-10-2010 à 15:37:00 (S | E)
Great, Thank you very much Gerondif, I've got a lot of efforts to do, to speak in englisk like I speak french!! But I can do it, working hard.

Thanks a lot for correcting me.


Réponse: Try of translation de gerondif, postée le 19-10-2010 à 15:44:27 (S | E)
I've got a lot of efforts to do, to speak in English like (en anglais correct plutôt as) I speak French
I've got a lot of efforts to do to speak English as well as I speak French.(adverbe)
I've got a lot of efforts to do to speak as good English as French.(adjectif)

Réponse: Try of translation de hanifa, postée le 19-10-2010 à 16:35:55 (S | E)

Ok, I talk in french to answer you ;o) Because I don't wanna make faults anymore :

Merci beaucoup Gérondif pour toutes ces corrections. J'ai du boulot!!

Bonne journée.


Réponse: Try of translation de gerondif, postée le 19-10-2010 à 16:51:52 (S | E)
You are wrong, you learn not to make mistakes any more by making them and correcting them.
The more you write or speak in English, the fewer mistakes you will make.

Réponse: Try of translation de hanifa, postée le 19-10-2010 à 17:01:33 (S | E)
You're right Gerondif, so... let's talk in English. See you soon.


Modifié par lucile83 le 22-10-2010 01:16

Réponse: Try of translation de lin20, postée le 19-10-2010 à 18:39:45 (S | E)
i am suffering but he does not care about that. I want him AT the same time
excuse me jai oublié

Réponse: Try of translation de hanifa, postée le 19-10-2010 à 18:45:53 (S | E)
It's ok Line, thank you. ;o)


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