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Correction d'un texte

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Correction d'un texte
Message de naka2030 posté le 02-11-2010 à 02:26:22 (S | E | F)
Pouvez-vous simplement vérifier qu'il n'y a pas de fautes de grammaire ou d'orthographe dans ce texte que je dois rendre :

1) a) There is a title, followed a catchphrase. Underneath, there is a picture wich illustrate the catchphrase, and at the end of the advert there is a text for explain in detail what is this advert's objective.

b) « The peace corps » is an organisation created by John F. Kennedy in 1961. The first objective have been to mobilize young peaple to help poor countries. The second one have been to share the American culture.

c) So, this advert is probably intented for peaple who don't respect American culture, and for peaple who want to help the USA, and maybe others countries.

2) a) The first element which draw peaple's attention is the catchphrase ; « Leave the country ». This sentence is like an order, and it concerns peaple.
The second element is the picture. The Statue of Liberty means the USA and the liberty, so this picture means somebody have to leave the USA for making America a better place.

b) The real message is « Make America a better place or leave the country ».
And there is wrote « Make America a better place » but it means « Make the Americans better citizens » because one of the objectives of the Peace corps is to change pealple's mentality.

c) There are three big arguments to come in the Peace corps.
The first is the teaching. There is written the Peace corps can learn pealple a lot of things (probably like maturity).
The second argument is the helping. To help some poor countries can malepeaple more self-confident, and that can make them smug.
The third argument is : they won't be alone, 200 000 peaple helped the Peace corps in 1980.

Merci beaucoup !!

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-11-2010 08:03

Réponse: Correction d'un texte de laure95, postée le 02-11-2010 à 10:38:08 (S | E)
Voici ce que tu dois corriger:
1) a) There is a title, followed (mal dit, dire plutôt: avec en dessous, par exemple) a catchphrase. Underneath, there is a picture wich (orthographe) illustrate (3è personne du singulier!!!) the catchphrase, and at the end of (mal dit: on dit "en bas" ) the advert there is a text for (to) explain in detail what is this advert's objective (interrogative indirecte: MOT INTERRO + S + VERBE CONJUGUE).
b) « The peace corps » is an organisation created by John F. Kennedy in 1961. The first objective (aim, goal) have been (pas le bon temps + 3è personne du singulier!!!) to mobilize young peaple (orthographe) to help poor countries. The second one have been to share the American culture.

c) So, this advert is probably intented for peaple who don't respect American culture, and for peaple who want to help the USA, and maybe others (pas de "s") countries.

2) a) The first element which draw (conjugaison!!!) peaple's attention is the catchphrase ; « Leave the country ». This sentence is like an order, and it concerns peaple.
The second element is the picture. The Statue of Liberty means (symbolizes) the USA and the liberty, so this picture means somebody have (conjugaison!) to leave the USA for making (TO+INF) America a better place.

b) The real message is « Make America a better place or leave the country ».
And there is wrote (it is written) « Make America a better place » but it means « Make the Americans better citizens » because one of the objectives of the Peace corps is to change pealple's mentality.

c) There are three big arguments to come in the Peace corps.
The first is the teaching. There (it) is written the Peace corps can learn (tu confonds les verbes apprendre et enseigner) pealple a lot of things (probably like maturity).
The second argument is the helping. To help some poor countries can malepeaple more self-confident, and that can make them smug.
The third argument is : they won't be alone, 200 000 peaple helped the Peace corps in 1980.

- 3è personne du singulier du présent simple.

Réponse: Correction d'un texte de notrepere, postée le 03-11-2010 à 01:31:02 (S | E)

I don't think the "real" message is quite as negative as you say: "Make America a better place or leave the country!". This is like saying "Make America a better place or GET OUT!" Not that that wouldn't be good advice at times.

I think it's closer to: "Leave the country in order to make America a better place by joining the Peace Corps"



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