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Correction- some sentences 2

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Correction- some sentences 2
Message de toto-yoyo posté le 13-11-2010 à 13:04:06 (S | E | F)

I have still some sentences to correct. It's not very long to correct.

1)The Ugly Naked Guy moved out. Ugly Naked Guy is the nickname that the friends gave the nudist who lives across the street from Monica and Rachel.

2)Phoebe discovers the relationship between Chandler and Monica.

3)Rachel and Phoebe wanted to keep this discovery secret to fun and Joe wanted declare to Chandler and Monica that all the friends was aware of their relationship.

4)Ross tried to bribe the Ugly Naked Guy because he really wanted his apartment. So, he offered baskets to the Ugly Naked Guy.

5)Phoebe freak Chandler out by charming Chandler.

6)Chandler also charmed Phoebe. Chandler called Phoebe to ask her if she is okay to come by him.

7)Ross attempted to bond with the Ugly Naked Guy, so he ended up acquiring the apartment by eating mini muffins naked with the Ugly Naked Guy.

8)Chandler was afraid to kiss Phoebe.

9)So, Chandler backs down first.

10)Ross was the last one to don’t know about Chandler and Monica, but he knew their relationship at the end of the series by the window.


Modifié par lucile83 le 13-11-2010 13:39

couleur du texte

Réponse: Correction- some sentences 2 de may, postée le 13-11-2010 à 17:00:36 (S | E)

I have still have some sentences to correct. It's not very long to correct.

1)The Ugly Naked Guy moved out. Ugly Naked Guy is the nickname that the friends gave need a preposition the nudist who lives across the street from Monica and Rachel.

2)Phoebe discovers the relationship between Chandler and Monica.

3)Rachel and Phoebe wanted to keep this discovery secret to need a verb fun and Joe wanted a preposition declare to Chandler and Monica that all the friends was aware of their relationship.

4)Ross tried to bribe the Ugly Naked Guy because he really wanted his apartment. So, he offered baskets to the Ugly Naked Guy.

5)Phoebe freak Chandler out by charming Chandler.

to be continued.....

Réponse: Correction- some sentences 2 de toto-yoyo, postée le 14-11-2010 à 10:20:28 (S | E)
Is it better now ?

A don't understand what is wrong on the pink words.

1)The Ugly Naked Guy moved out. Ugly Naked Guy is the nickname that the friends gave to the nudist who lives across the street from Monica and Rachel.

2)Phoebe discovers the relationship between Chandler and Monica.

3)Rachel and Phoebe wanted to keep this discovery secret to make fun and Joe wanted to declare to Chandler and Monica that all the friends was aware of their relationship.

4)Ross tried to bribe the Ugly Naked Guy because he really wanted his apartment. So, he offered baskets to the Ugly Naked Guy.

5)Phoebe freak Chandler out by charming Chandler.

6)Chandler also charmed Phoebe. Chandler called Phoebe to ask her if she is okay to come by him.

7)Ross attempted to bond with the Ugly Naked Guy, so he ended up acquiring the apartment by eating mini muffins naked with the Ugly Naked Guy.

8)Chandler was afraid to kiss Phoebe.

9)So, Chandler backs down first.

10)Ross was the last one to don’t know about Chandler and Monica, but he knew their relationship at the end of the series by the window.

Réponse: Correction- some sentences 2 de notrepere, postée le 14-11-2010 à 15:50:38 (S | E)

1)The Ugly Naked Guy moved out. Ugly Naked Guy is the nickname that the friends gave to the nudist who lives across the street from Monica and Rachel.

3)Rachel and Phoebe wanted to keep this discovery secret to make for fun and Joey wanted to declare to Chandler and Monica that all the friends was [accorde] aware of their relationship.

5)Phoebe freak [au passé] Chandler out by charming Chandler.

6)Chandler also charmed Phoebe. Chandler called Phoebe to ask her if she is okay to come by him [n'a pas de sens].

7)Ross attempted to bond with the Ugly Naked Guy, so he ended up acquiring the apartment by eating mini muffins naked with the Ugly Naked Guy in the nude.

10)Ross was the last one not to don’t know about Chandler and Monica, but he knew their relationship at the end of the series by the window.

Réponse: Correction- some sentences 2 de toto-yoyo, postée le 14-11-2010 à 18:35:54 (S | E)
Ok j'ai ça pour la 6 :

6)Chandler also charmed Phoebe. Chandler called Phoebe to invite her in his apartment.

Par contre, je ne vois pas ce qui est faux dans la première phrase :
1)The Ugly Naked Guy moved out. Ugly Naked Guy is the nickname that the friends gave to the nudist who lives across the street from Monica and Rachel.

Réponse: Correction- some sentences 2 de may, postée le 15-11-2010 à 01:30:58 (S | E)

6)Chandler also charmed Phoebe. Chandler called Phoebe to invite her in to his apartment.

Par contre, je ne vois pas ce qui est faux dans la première phrase :
1)The Ugly Naked Guy moved out. Ugly Naked Guy is the nickname that the friends gave to the nudist who lives across the street from Monica and Rachel. C'est correct

Bonne nuit


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