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Aide texte brain vs computer

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Aide texte brain vs computer
Message de arsenik259 posté le 16-11-2010 à 14:08:48 (S | E | F)

Je doit réaliser un texte avec comme sujet Brain vs computer, je l'ai écrit, et aimerais savoir si quelqu'un pourrais m'aider en corrigeant les fautes? Merci
Voilà mon texte :

From a long time ago, the humans are helped by the machine, in a first time physically, with for exemple a plow or a car, and later it became more complex with the discover of electricity and electronic. But the most important evolution was, and is still, in the informatic, and the programmation.
Alan Turing (1912-1954), an english mathematician, has strongly influenced the development of computer science with his « Turing's machine ».He asserted that the computer will be, a day, able to realise every task that the human mind can do. I'm agree with him to say that our future will be extremely related with computer.
In this text, I will try to seperate two aspect of the debat about the brain versus the computer, in on hand, the biological view, and, in the other hand, let us say the philosophic view. I will treat each in a part, and then, I will do a conclusion.

To begin, we're all agree to say that the computer was inspired by the brain, without him he can't exist.But it was first to help the human in their everyday life, and now it is use in many domain, and particularly to understand the functioning of the brain by imitating it. So we can say that the similarity between the brain and the computer depend of the domain in that we study it. For the comparison which follows we are going to use a basic computer.
All the programmation is based on a binary system (0 and 1) , in the same way, we can say that the brain works similarly. He's composed of neurons which unload , or not, action potential.There is or there isn't a response, like computer. In more, they both analysing information from the outside but, unlike the computer, the brain analysing also information from the inside, for exemple with the system nervous autonomous.
Then, we can observe that the computer as well as the brain can learning but the first can't do this alone, and the second can, by changing his synaptiques connections.
We can say that the computer tends to looks like the brain but whatever the philosophical view.

The computer can't feeling emotion, but is it a advantage or a disadvantage? Unlike the brain, a computer is objective, consequently, he can do very quickly many logical operation. Whereas the brain can't, he's limited by the « attentionelle resources ».
A quality mattering of the brain which the computer does not have is the capacity to imagine,to elaborate, to extrapolate for resolving a problem. He has this power to see outside the first interpretation.

In a nutshell, we can say that the brain has great day in front of him, but the computer is a very smart opponent. But in my opinion, because, the computer is made by humain, before he became better than the brain we must understand how the brain works, and then, maybe, we can make something better.

Merci beaucoup!

Réponse: Aide texte brain vs computer de laure95, postée le 16-11-2010 à 18:51:12 (S | E)
Voici ce que tu dois corriger (début):
From a long time ago, the humans are helped by the machine, in a first time physically, with for exemple (orthographe) a plow or a car, and later it became more complex with the discover (ce n'est pas le nom) of electricity and electronic (elctronics). But the most important evolution was, and is still, in the informatic (pas le bon mot), and the programmation (ce mot n'existe pas).
Alan Turing (1912-1954), an english (majuscule) mathematician, has strongly influenced the development of computer science with his « Turing's machine ».He asserted that the computer will (would) be, a day, able to realise (pas le bon mot) every task that the human mind can do. I'm agree with him to say that our future will be extremely related with computers.
In this text, I will try to seperate (orthographe) two aspect (pluriel) of the debat (orthographe) about the brain versus the computer, in on (on the one) hand, the biological view, and, in (on) the other hand, let us say the philosophic view. I will treat each in a part, and then, I will do (make) a conclusion.

Réponse: Aide texte brain vs computer de laure95, postée le 16-11-2010 à 18:59:48 (S | E)
suite correction:
To begin, we're all agree to say that the computer was inspired by the brain, without him he (l'ordinateur n'est pas une personne) can't exist.But it was first invented to help the human (pluriel) in their everyday life (pluriel), and now it is use (participe passé) in many domain, (pas le bon mot) and particularly to understand the functioning of the brain by imitating it. So we can say that the similarity between the brain and the computer depend (conjugaison!) of the domain in that we study it. For the comparison which follows we are going to use a basic computer.
All the programmation is based on a binary system (0 and 1) , in the same way, we can say that the brain works similarly. He's composed of neurons which unload , or not, action potential.There is or there isn't a response, like a computer. In more, they both analysing (ce n'est pas un temps) information from the outside but, unlike the computer, the brain analysing also information from the inside, for exemple (orthographe) with the system nervous autonomous.
Then, we can observe that the computer as well as the brain can learning but the first can't do this alone, and the second can, by changing his synaptiques connections.
We can say that the computer tends to looks (pourquoi un "s"?) like the brain but whatever the philosophical view.

The computer can't feeling emotion, but is it a (an) advantage or a disadvantage? Unlike the brain, a computer is objective, consequently, he can do very quickly many logical operation (pluriel). Whereas the brain can't, he's limited by the « attentionelle resources ».
A quality mattering of the brain which the computer does not have is the capacity to imagine,to elaborate, to extrapolate for resolving (TO+INF) a problem. He has this power to see outside the first interpretation.

In a nutshell, we can say that the brain has great day in front of him, but the computer is a very smart opponent. But in my opinion, because, the computer is made by humain, before he became better than the brain we must understand how the brain works, and then, maybe, we can make something better.

Réponse: Aide texte brain vs computer de arsenik259, postée le 16-11-2010 à 20:06:40 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide!


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