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Traduction /Amazonia

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Traduction /Amazonia
Message de lisa99 posté le 17-11-2010 à 17:19:16 (S | E | F)
Bonjour voilà je dois traduire ce texte en anglais,pouvez-vous corriger les fautes s'il vous plaît? :

On constate un déséquilibre dans l'Amazonie, tant au niveau végétal qu'animal. Mais aussi un déséquilibre climatique. Depuis quelques années, un phénomène de sécheresse est observé au dessus de la forêt. Il y a également de plus violentes précipitations.

Les conséquences climatiques dues à la déforestation ne peuvent encore être établies de manière certaine et scientifique. On constate néanmoins un phénomène réel, la modification de l'écosystème.

Les espèces animales sont chassées à cause de l'agriculture et la nouvelle présence de l'homme "moderne". Certaines espèces ne peuvent s'accomoder à de nouveaux espaces. Il y a donc des disparitions d'espèces animales.

Les espèces végétales elles, disparaissent lors de déforestations. Ceci pose un réel problème pour la biodiversité végétale. La déforestation va limiter cette biodiversité.

One notes an imbalance in Amazonia, as well at the vegetable level as animal. But also a climatic imbalance. For a few years, a phenomenon of dryness has been observed with the top of the forest. There are also more violent precipitations.

The climatic consequences due to deforestation cannot be established yet in an unquestionable and scientific way. One notes nevertheless a real phenomenon, the modification of the ecosystem.

The animal species are driven out because of the agriculture and the new presence of the “modern” man. Certain species cannot adapt to new spaces. There are thus disappearances of animal species.

The plant species they, disappear at the time of deforestations. This poses a real problem for the vegetable biodiversity. Deforestation will limit this biodiversity.

Merci beaucoup .
Modifié par lucile83 le 17-11-2010 19:38

Réponse: Traduction /Amazonia de lisa99, postée le 17-11-2010 à 21:22:17 (S | E)
personne ?

Réponse: Traduction /Amazonia de notrepere, postée le 17-11-2010 à 23:49:26 (S | E)

One notes an imbalance in Amazonia, as well more at the vegetable level as [en ce cas, "que" se traduit comme "than"] animal. But also a climatic imbalance. For a few years, a phenomenon of dryness [mauvaise traduction: manque de pluie Lien Internet
has been observed with the top of the forest. There are [singulier] also more violent precipitations (rainfall).

The climatic consequences due to deforestation cannot be established yet [à placer avant 'be'] in an unquestionable ('a definite' est mieux] and scientific way. One notes nevertheless a real phenomenon, [deux points est la meilleure ponctuation] the modification of the ecosystem.

The animal species are driven out because of the agriculture and the new presence of (the) “modern” man. Certain species cannot adapt to new spaces. There are thus disappearances of animal species.

The plant species (they,) disappear at the time of deforestations. This poses a real problem for the vegetable biodiversity. Deforestation will limit this biodiversity.

Modifié par notrepere le 17-11-2010 23:49

Réponse: Traduction /Amazonia de dsmith, postée le 18-11-2010 à 03:27:22 (S | E)
One notes an imbalance in Amazonia, as much at the plant level as the animal. But also a climatic imbalance. [This isn't a complete sentence in French or in English] For a few years, a phenomenon of dryness has been observed at the top of the forest. There is also more violent precipitation. [precipitation is un uncountable noun in english so it is not plural] (I prefer to use "rainfall" or "There are more violent storms")

The climatic consequences due to deforestation cannot be verified yet in an unquestionable and scientific way. One notes nevertheless a real phenomenon, the modification of the ecosystem.

The animal species are driven out because of the agriculture and the new presence of the “modern” man. Certain species cannot adapt to new spaces. There are thus losses (or extinction) of animal species.

The plant species they, disappear at the time of deforestations. This poses a real problem for the plant biodiversity. Deforestation will limit this biodiversity.

Very good translation! Well Done

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-11-2010 09:03
Please help for the correction, but never re-write the text.

Réponse: Traduction /Amazonia de lisa99, postée le 18-11-2010 à 20:46:23 (S | E)
est ce mieux ?

We notice an imbalance in Amazonia, both in plants and animals. But also a climatic imbalance. For some years, a phenomenon of drought is observed over the forest. There are also more heavy rains.

The climatic consequences due to deforestation cannot be established yet in a sure and scientific way. We notice nevertheless a real phenomenon, the modification of the ecosystem.

The animal species are chased away because of agriculture and the new presence of the “modern” man. Certain species cannot adapt to new spaces. There are thus extinctions of animal species.

Plant species, disappear at the time of deforestations. This presents a real problem for vegetable biodiversity. Deforestation will limit this biodiversity.

Réponse: Traduction /Amazonia de may, postée le 19-11-2010 à 16:14:17 (S | E)

Just a follow-up:

We notice an imbalance in Amazonia, both in plants and animals. But also a climatic imbalance (as indicated, the phrase in green is not a complete sentence. It cannot stand alone, so you either connect it with the previous one by using a comma or make another complete sentence) . For some years, a phenomenon of drought is observed over the forest. There are also more heavy rains.

The climatic consequences due to deforestation cannot be established yet in a sure (here the word certain is better) and scientific way. We notice nevertheless a real phenomenon, the modification of the ecosystem.

The animal species are chased (driven) away because of agriculture and the new presence of the “modern” man. Certain species cannot adapt to new spaces (environment). There are thus extinctions of animal species.

Plant species, disappear (past participle) at the time of deforestations. This presents a real problem for vegetable biodiversity. Deforestation will limit this biodiversity.


Réponse: Traduction /Amazonia de lisa99, postée le 19-11-2010 à 19:38:48 (S | E)
Coucou et merci ,je n'ai pas compris,ça se voit que vous êtes très forts en anglais mais pouvez-vous tout me corriger et pas m'indiquer en anglais car je ne comprends pas .

Merci beaucoup de votre aide .

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-11-2010 22:09

Réponse: Traduction /Amazonia de lisa99, postée le 20-11-2010 à 13:00:23 (S | E)
s'il vous plait aidez moi !!

Réponse: Traduction /Amazonia de lisa99, postée le 20-11-2010 à 13:02:59 (S | E)
quelqu'un peut m'aider s'il vous plait ?

Réponse: Traduction /Amazonia de lisa99, postée le 20-11-2010 à 14:44:42 (S | E)
Hello !

Is this better ? ( est ce mieux ? )

We notice an imbalance in Amazonia, both in plants and animals and a climatic imbalance. For some years, a phenomenon of drought is observed over the forest. There are also more heavy rains.

The climatic consequences due to deforestation cannot be established yet in a certain and scientific way. We notice nevertheless a real phenomenon, the modification of the ecosystem.

The animal species are driven away because of agriculture and the new presence of the “modern” man. Certain species cannot adapt to new spaces. There are thus extinctions of animal species.

Plant species are disappeared at the time of deforestation. This presents a real problem for vegetable biodiversity. Deforestation will limit this biodiversity.

Thank you very much !

Merci beaucoup de votre aide .

Réponse: Traduction /Amazonia de lisa99, postée le 20-11-2010 à 22:05:25 (S | E)
Mieux ???

There has been an imbalance in Amazonia concerning plants and animals . But there has also been a climate imbalance.

A dryness phenomenon has been observed over the forest for a few years. There has also been a more violent rainfall.

Nevertheless a real phenomenon, the change in the ecosystem can be noted.
Animal species are driven out because of agriculture and the new presence of the “modern” man.

Some animal species are thus becoming extinct. As for plant species, they disappear during deforestations. This poses a real problem for vegetable biodiversity. Deforestation will limit this biodiversity.

Merci beaucoup de votre aide .

Réponse: Traduction /Amazonia de dsmith, postée le 21-11-2010 à 12:38:39 (S | E)
Moi, je préfère celle de 20-11 @ 14:45


Plant species are disappeared at the time of deforestation.
mieux Plant species disappear at the time of deforestation.

Mais celle de 20-11 @ 22:05 est écrit en anglais correcte aussi.

Réponse: Traduction /Amazonia de may, postée le 21-11-2010 à 15:15:35 (S | E)


Pour garder vos idées, je propose:

We notice an imbalance in Amazonia not only in plants and animals, but also in climatic imbalance ( or climate change )

The climatic consequences due to deforestation cannot yet be established yet in a certain and scientific way.

Plant species are disappeared at the time of deforestation. (oui, je pense que le participe passé est mieux dans cette phrase, parce-que Plant species ne pourraient pas disparaître par eux-même)

Bon dimanche,


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