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Message from steve_vai0 posted on 23-12-2010 at 01:32:10 (D | E | F)
Hello ,
Could you please correct this writing?
Thanks a lot for your help

Nowadays the ways of spending money for the family is one of the most important topic to be discuss in the society or in the family .
we are going to focus in our topic just on men and women and their differents ways of spending money .

In general we notice in the family that the women is the one who takes care of the whole family need , so the woman can prepare food , keep the family healthy and she always tries to make sure the daily need of the family is all set ,
so we can say that the spending of money by the women is limit on NOW that means buy just the basic things for the family like ( food , shoes , clothes ...) .

Now we can move on and talk about the ways which the men spend money for the family , just we can say that the man focus and takes decision for the big tickets items I mean the expensive things like car, house or this case sometimes women can not take decision on it or even think about it if there is a man (husband) in the family
finally we can say that the need of the family is share between them all men and women , I think it's logic ,everyone has tasks to do , other can not do it

Re: Topic-Correction from may, posted on 23-12-2010 at 03:52:12 (D | E)


Nowadays the ways of spending money for the family is one of the most important topic to be discuss (past participle)in the society or in the family .
we are going to focus in our topic (just on)choose a preposition men and women and their differents ways of spending money .

In general we notice (in the family) that (the) women is the one who takes singular or plural? care of the whole family need , (so the woman)a pronoun can prepare food , keep the family healthy and she always tries to make sure that the daily need of the family is all set ,
so we can say that (the spending of) money choosing a noun for spend by the women is limit on NOW that means buy gerund just the basic things for the family like ( food , shoes , clothes ...) .don't need to put the pink in brackets

Now we can move on and talk about the ways (which the) men spend gerund money for the family ,end of sentence here (just) we can say that (the) man focus singularin... and takes another verb decision for the big tickets items rephrase I mean the expensive things like car, house or this case sometimes women can not take decision (on it) or even think about it if there is a man (husband) in the family
finally we can say that the( need of) the family need is share participle between them (all men and women) ,a point I think it's logic ,everyone has tasks to do , other can not do it (I don't get what you meant)

Happy Holidays

Edited by may on 23-12-2010 03:52

Re: Topic-Correction from steve_vai0, posted on 24-12-2010 at 21:47:52 (D | E)
Thank you so much ,

Re: Topic-Correction from alphonse46, posted on 25-12-2010 at 12:02:51 (D | E)
Hello, and Merry Christmas
En complément de la réponse de May, je proposerais:
...spending money for a family the family meetings woman) have to prepare the woman is limited to
...the expensive things like cars, houses ..
... a man( husband, companion) always acting as the household head
is your point of view logic? aren't you picturing a common way of life, are you?
Do all women agree to play a second role (supporting part)?

Edited by lucile83 on 25-12-2010 16:21
No French here, thanks; this is the English only forum.

Re: Topic-Correction from steve_vai0, posted on 25-12-2010 at 19:25:00 (D | E)
Thank you so muck alphonse46,
Yeah , In my opinion it's totally logic , everyone has a specific tasks to do

Re: Topic-Correction from alphonse46, posted on 25-12-2010 at 19:49:57 (D | E)
Everyone has a specific task(s) to do.
Good evening.

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