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Correction/texte en anglais (1)

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Correction/texte en anglais
Message de ecolefacile posté le 27-12-2010 à 12:28:07

Voici un texte que j'ai écrit en anglais et j'aimerais me faire corriger, ça m'aiderait beaucoup.Il résume un récit de voyage que j'ai inventé.

J-1 we left Phoenix to Sedona we visited the city we could see crase Holly's chapel " which was at the top of a rocky thorn from there we could see all the city. Then we left towards Holbrook by way of the road 66 and we finished by the park of petrify who owes his name to its petrified trees which looks like stones the site is dominated a wonderful silence.
J-2 of Holbrook with canyon of Chelly, we left the road 66 to visit the canyon of Chelly which is a red canyon in the abrupt cliffs with Indian ruins which are crowned for Indians we visited this canyon has horse to admire the landscape then we resumed the road up to monument Valley in the navajo where we began by car to finish finally on horseback with the meeting of very nice Indian.
J-3 of monument Valley to bare Lake Powell of Lake Powell with motorcycle followed by a bathing in the lake as well as by a small cruise on the lake Powell then by Lake Powell in Grand Canyon and discovery of the Grand Canyon then by Lake Powell in Grand Canyon where we visited the Grand Canyon since areas.
J-4 Grand Canyon has Kingman or we visit the park of Arizona by way of the road the vlle of kingman is considered as his factory of Coca Cola where we saw truck as in pubs.
J-5 and finally arrived has Las Vegas where we have each $100 for the casino the rest we used him in the purchase of memory and presents for the rests of the family

Pouvez-vous m'aider à le corriger s'il vous plaît? merci; c'est pour un dm.

Modifié par ecolefacile le 27-12-2010 13:08

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-12-2010 14:58

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-12-2010 21:17

Réponse: Correction/texte en anglais de lucile83, postée le 27-12-2010 à 21:16:54

Nous ne corrigeons pas les traductions faites par un traducteur en ligne.
we visited this canyon has horse to admire....

'has' = 3e personne du verbe to have, et pas 'à' préposition comme dans 'à cheval'

Ce n'est pas le seul exemple dans votre texte.

C'est pourquoi je ferme ce topic sans aucun intérêt ni pour nous ni pour vous.


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