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This week/Correction

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This week/Correction
Message de tsape01 posté le 04-01-2011 à 13:33:44 (S | E | F)
J'ai écrit un texte, pouvez-vous m'aider à le corriger s'il vous plaît?

That is what I did this week,
The friday in the morning,I washed my small brother.when I had finish to wash my small brother,I washed the car of my father.After I was go to the biggest enterprise for my father.I did some works and at half past seven(pm).I was come back in the house,I washed the TV and at midnight,I went to my bed.The saturday,in the morning,I did my homework.I learnt my books and I went to walk and I was come back to the house.It's the same program what I was do the sunday.

Merci de corriger.
Modifié par bridg le 04-01-2011 13:37

Réponse: This week/Correction de alphonse46, postée le 04-01-2011 à 16:06:45 (S | E)
Good afternoon,Tsape01
That is what I did this( dernière) week,
The friday(Friday) in the morning,I washed my small(choose another adjective) brother.when(après) I had finish(tense?) to wash my small brother,I washed the car of my father(my father's..).After (puis) I was go(tense) to the biggest enterprise(choose another word) for my father.I did some works and at half past seven(pm).I was come(tense) back in the house(laquelle),I washedthe TV(comma) and at midnight,(comma isn't useful here)I went to my(not useful) bed.The saturday(Saturday),in the morning,I did my homework.I learnt my books (or, only my lessons) and I went to walk(be simply) and I was come(tense) back to the(laquelle) house.It's(tense) the same program what(that) I was do(tense) the sunday
Lorsqu'on parle d'évènement du passé, il convient,d'utiliser le prétérit.
Les noms des jours commencent toujours par une majuscule
Pour dire 'le vendredi soir, il existe un exemple en faisant un clic sur le mot 'Friday'

Réponse: This week/Correction de gerondif, postée le 05-01-2011 à 14:49:07 (S | E)

Décortiquons votre texte:

That is what I did this week: plutôt this que that, this annonce ce qui va suivre alors que that résume ce qui précède.

this week: cette semaine.
last week: la semaine dernière.
next week: la semaine prochaine.

The friday in the morning,I washed my small brother.

On Friday (majuscules aux jours et aux mois)

when I had finish to wash my small brother,I washed the car of my father.
le plus que parfait, j'avais fini se décompose en auxiliaire had + participe passé finishED.

construction des verbes:
commencer: start working.
continuer: go on working.
terminer : finish working, arrêter: stop working

"of" s'emploie quand un objet est propriétaire d'un autre objet: the bracelet of the watch. Sinon, employer le cas possessif: My father's car.

After I was go to the biggest enterprise for my father.
Préférez "then", alors, ensuite, puis, after tout seul est maladroit.
I was go: conjugaison qui n'existe pas: je suis aller, je suis venir, je suis boire, impossible. Il faut mettre le prétérit je me rendis (to go, I went gone formes de ce verbe irrégulier)

I did some works and at half past seven(pm) .I was come back in the house

I did some works est trop mot-à-mot pour dire: j'ai fait des travaux.

I was come back: conjugaison qui n'existe pas, il faut le prétérit (to come, I came come)
On emploie souvent "to come back * home" au lieu de "in the house"

I washed the TV and at midnight,I went to my bed.

Vous confondez to wash, laver et to watch, regarder quelque chose qui bouge.

Quelques compléments de lieu sans the ou my:
I went to school, to town, to bed, to prison, to work. my n'est pas faux , juste maladroit.

The saturday,in the morning,I did my homework.
Même remarques que pour Friday en haut.

I learnt my books and I went to walk

Vous avez appris vos leçons, pas vos livres en entier: I learnt my lessons.

aller se promener: expression: to go for a walk.

Particularité de la construction aller faire quelque chose:

va aider ta mère: Go and help your mother.
Va travailler: Go and work!
l'anglais emploie ing après go quand c'est une activité extérieure faite seule: go running: va courir!, go swimming/ shopping/jogging!

Par contre quand c'est un sport collectif dans un endroit délimité:
Go and play football! Va jouer au football.

and I was come back to the house.
Cette conjugaison n'existe pas, voir plus haut, il faut le prétérit simple

It's the same program what I was do the sunday.

"the sunday" est faux, voir plus haut.
Vous commencez au présent "it is" pour finir au passé.
I was do "j'étais faire" n'existe pas, il faut le prétérit.
what signifie "ce que" et non pas "que",
Tell me what you want: dis moi ce que tu veux.
"that" signifie "que " tout court, comme pronom relatif ou conjonction.
I know that you will come: je sais que tu viendras.

The film that I saw was boring: le film que j'ai vu était ennuyeux.

Voilà, vous avez tous les éléments pour vous corriger et faire un bon texte anglais !

Réponse: This week/Correction de tsape01, postée le 07-01-2011 à 10:10:56 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour la correction.Grand merci a GERONDIF qui a été très explicite et très explicatif dans sa correction.Voici une tentative de recorrection de ce texte.S il vous plait recorrigez moi si c est nécessaire:
This is what I did this week:
On Friday in the mornin,I washed my small brother,when I had finished wash my brother(the smallest brother in house),I washed my father's car.I went to the biggest enterprise for my father.I did works and at half past seven(pm).I came in the house.I watched the TV and at midnight,I went to bet.On Saturday,in the morning,I did my homework.I learnt my lessons and I went for a walk.I came in the house.It was the same program that I did on Sunday.


Modifié par lucile83 le 07-01-2011 10:18
Message fusionné car c'est la suite;merci de ne pas ouvrir un nouveau topic dans ce cas.

Réponse: This week/Correction de m4r1e, postée le 07-01-2011 à 10:45:54 (S | E)

Voici quelques éléments de correction:

*une faute d'inattention: morning, avec un g à la fin
*"small brother", signifie qu'il est physiquement petit. Dans ce cas, il est préférable d'écrire "little brother"
*de même, plutôt que "the smallest brother", j'écrirais plutôt "the youngest brother"
*"I did works" En français, on utilise très souvent le verbe faire. Il faut l'oublier le plus souvent en anglais et conjuguer directement les verbes d'action: "I worked"

Bon courage,

Réponse: This week/Correction de tsape01, postée le 07-01-2011 à 11:06:44 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour la correction.Voici une tentative de recorrection de ce texte.S il vous plait recorrigez moi si c est nécessaire:
This is what I did this week:
On Friday in the morning,I washed my little brother,when I had finished wash my brother(the youngest brother in house),I washed my father's car.I went to the biggest enterprise for my father.I worked and at half past seven(pm).I came in the house.I watched the TV and at midnight,I went to bet.On Saturday,in the morning,I did my homework.I learnt my lessons and I went for a walk.I came in the house.It was the same program that I did on Sunday.


Réponse: This week/Correction de gerondif, postée le 07-01-2011 à 23:15:50 (S | E)

This is what I did this week:
On Friday in the morning,I washed my little brother,
(my youngest brother si vous êtes plus de 2 frères et soeurs, my younger brother si vous êtes deux)when I had finished wash my brother(the youngest brother in house),I washed my father's car.
after washing him éviterait lourdeurs et répétitions,

I went to the biggest enterprise for my father.
(ce biggest fait un peu prétentieux, c'est vraiment la plus grosse de la région?)
I worked and at half past seven(pm).(ce point est en trop)I came in the house.
I worked est trop sec, trop court, rajoutez quelque chose comme: I worked for a while, I worked here and there, pour dire j'ai fait quelques travaux, on pourrait dire, "I did some odd jobs"
back home serait mieux que "in the house".

I watched the TV and at midnight,I went to bet.

On Saturday,in the morning,I did my homework.I learnt my lessons and I went for a walk.

I came in the house.
voir plus haut (I came back home) (I went back home)It was the same program that I did on Sunday.
correct mais maladroit: I did that (very) same program on Sunday sera plus fluide.


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