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At the restaurant

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At the restaurant
Message de charlemagne91 posté le 08-01-2011 à 10:09:02 (S | E | F)
Pouvez vous m 'aider à corriger mes erreurs en me les expliquant?
Thank you very much!
A week later, in a smart French restaurant, Gillon was sitting opposite sarah Curworth. Henry, who was late, spoiled(le temps semble mal choisi? Je met en –ing?).

“Hi grandmother !” Gillon said successful.
“Is that you Gillon?” Sarah answered puzzled.
Sarah was wearing a blue jean and a yellow T-shirt . What’s more, the T-shirt was too short and the grandmother saw her stomach and her navel! Beside (d’ ailleurs), she had a piercing.
“I can not recognize you my granddaughter. Why don’t you wear a lovely dress?”
“In my opinion, trousers are more comfortable than a dress”, Gillon answered.” Moreover I think a jean modern and a dress old fashion!
“Don’t argue with me Gillon. I don’t agree with you.” The poor grandmother was disappointed and, of course, choked. Sarah didn’t understand at all Gillon’s behaviour because she was kipping old values. That’s way, a generation gap was between the grandmother and her Granddaughter.
“I forbid you to stay with me at this restaurant with these clothes. I tell you to wear decent clothes to meet Henry, Sarah cried.”
“Even though my friend Henry is a gentleman from England, He is not snob and precious. Grandmother, I like you very much, Gillon said affectingly, and I won’t you to be worry about…”

Suddenly, Henry arrived:
“Hello misses Curworth, Hi gillon”, he said. Then, He exclaimed: “your T-shirt looks Truth and beauty! I delighted to see you again.”
“It’s easy as pie, “Sarah answered!

Réponse: At the restaurant de gerondif, postée le 08-01-2011 à 10:50:14 (S | E)
A week later, in a smart (j'aurais mis posh ou expensive, smart signifie élégant ou intelligent mais souvent pour des personnes) French restaurant, Gillon was sitting opposite Sarah Curworth. Henry, who was late, spoiled(quel est le sens de ce verbe? gâcha? gâcha quoi ?).

“Hi grandmother !” Gillon said successful(que vient faire cet adjectif ici? il faudrait un adverbe).
“Is that you Gillon?” Sarah answered, puzzled.
Sarah was wearing a blue jean(tout ce qui se porte en dessous de la ceinture et qui a deux trous ou deux jambes pour y passer les jambes est pluriel !! shorts, jeans, trousers, briefs,pants, knickers) and a yellow T-shirt . What’s more, the(plutôt her) T-shirt was too short and the grandmother saw(je pense que vous avez appris: I can see you !! je te vois !! ici, could see serait bien mieux) her stomach and her navel! Besides (d’ ailleurs)("de plus" "en outre" serait mieux! ), she had a piercing.
“I can not(en un seul mot ! can't est plus courant) recognize you my granddaughter. Why don’t you wear (mettez le présent en ing ici) a lovely dress?”
“In my opinion, trousers are more comfortable than a dress”, Gillon answered.” Moreover I think a jean* are modern and a dress(mettez les robes au pluriel, généralité...) old fashion** (adjectif démodé à vérifier)!
“Don’t argue with me Gillon. I don’t agree with you.” The poor grandmother was disappointed and, of course, choked(to choke signifie étouffer quelqu'un, vous ne voulez pas éliminer "la vieille" quand même? verbe choquer: to shock !!). Sarah didn’t understand at all Gillon’s behaviour because she was kipping(mauvais verbe, mauvaise orthographe) old values. That’s(verbe inutile ici) way, (il y avait serait bien ici)a generation gap was between the grandmother and her Granddaughter.
“I forbid you to stay (ne se dit guère en anglais: je t'interdis de rester avec moi, stay est trop axé sur la durée à mon avis) with me at this restaurant with these clothes. I tell (je veux que, je t'ordonne de, serait mieux que tell)you to wear decent clothes to meet Henry, Sarah cried.”
“Even though my friend Henry is a gentleman from England, He is not snob( adjectif à vérifier, snob est un nom ) and precious. Grandmother, I like you very much, Gillon said affectingly(semble ne pas exister, affectueusement ? à vérifier), and I won’t(mauvaise conjugaison, mauvais temps, je ne veux pas que tu t'inquiètes, utiliser to want) you to be worry about…”

Suddenly, Henry arrived:
“Hello misses Curworth, Hi gillon”, he said. Then, He exclaimed: “your T-shirt looks Truth and beauty(que font ces noms derrière un verbe être?)! I (je suis enchanté)delighted to see you again.”
“It’s easy as pie, “Sarah answered! (sens de la phrase ? qu'est-ce qui est simple comme bonjour ?)

Réponse: At the restaurant de charlemagne91, postée le 08-01-2011 à 11:06:45 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre réponse si rapide!
Henry spoiled : je voulais dire : henry manquait
blue jeans
wy isn't you wearing
jeans were
démodé= old-fashionned
Non, je ne voulais pas la tuer !! désolé pour ce "petit" contre sens!
I want you to wear decent clothes affectionatly?
I don't want you to be worry...?
A la fin je veux dire:
Je serai enchanté de continuer à te voir I will delighted?
c 'est simple comme bonjour
Mais vous avez peut être mieux pour "conclure"
Merci beaucoup de m'aider comme ça!

Réponse: At the restaurant de charlemagne91, postée le 08-01-2011 à 11:18:15 (S | E)
robes au pluriel = dress?

Réponse: At the restaurant de gerondif, postée le 08-01-2011 à 11:39:24 (S | E)
ce serait mieux que vous renvoyiez le texte corrigé plutôt que des bribes de correction:

henry manquait : ils attendaient tous Henry qui était en retard....
successfully: sens ? dire avec succès, avec réussite ???
blue jeans
wy isn't you wearing you is, vous êtes sûre ??
jeans were
démodé= old-fashionned
Non, je ne voulais pas la tuer !! désolé pour ce "petit" contre sens!
Keeping oui, mais ce verbe ne va pas, je vous donne une expression: I stick to the rules.
I want you to wear decent clothes ok
I don't want you to be worry(be est en trop)...?
A la fin je veux dire:
Je serai enchanté de continuer à te voir: donc je serai(être au futur) + enchanté I will *** delighted.
c 'est simple comme bonjour: oui mais qu'est-ce qui est simple comme bonjour, de porter un T-shirt trop court avec un piercing, de plaire à Henry, de prouver à la grand-mère que ses valeurs sont surannées???

le pluriel: rajouter s au nom:
a cat, two cats....

pluriels en es prononcés [IZ]
Après les lettres:
s: a bus, two buses.
ss: a dress, 2 dresses
z: a buzz, two buzzes.
sh: a brush, 2 brushes.
ch: a church, 2 churches.
x: a box, 2 boxes.

pluriels en es prononces [z]
derrière o seul: a hero, 2 heroes, 2 potatoes, 2 tomatoes
(même règle pour do/does go/goes)

Par contre si deux voyelles: 2 zoos, 2 radios

y: a fly, 2 flies, a baby, 2 babies.

Réponse: At the restaurant de charlemagne91, postée le 08-01-2011 à 11:56:26 (S | E)
Voilà ma ouvelle correction:
A week later, in an expensive french restaurant, Gillon was sitting opposite Sarah Curworth. Henry, who was late, was absent.
“Hi grandmother !” Gillon said successfully( je voulais dire joyeusement...“Is that you Gillon?” Sarah answered, puzzled.
Sarah was wearing blue jeans( and a yellow T-shirt . What’s more, her T-shirt was too short and the grandmother could see her stomach and her navel! Besides , she had a piercing.
“I can't recognize you my granddaughter. Why don’t you wearing ( a lovely dress?”
“In my opinion, trousers were more comfortable than dress”, Gillon answered.” Moreover I think jeans were modern and dress old fashioned !
“Don’t argue with me Gillon. I don’t agree with you.” The poor grandmother was disappointed and, of course, shocked( Sarah didn’t understand at all Gillon’s behaviour because she was stick to the rules old values. That way, a generation gap was between the grandmother and her Granddaughter.
“I forbid you to stay (ne se dit guère en anglais: je t'interdis de rester avec moi, stay est trop axé sur la durée à mon avis)par quoi je peux remplacer stay? with me at this restaurant with these clothes. I want you to wear decent clothes to meet Henry, Sarah cried.”
“Even though my friend Henry is a gentleman from England, He is not snob( adjectif à vérifier, snob est un nom ) and precious. Grandmother, I like you very much, Gillon said affectonately? à vérifier), and I don’t want) you to worry about…”

Suddenly, Henry arrived:
“Hello miss Curworth, Hi gillon”, he said. Then, He exclaimed: “your T-shirt looks Truthly and beautifulI will be delighted to see you again.”
“It’s easy as pie, “Sarah answered! (sens de la phrase ? qu'est-ce qui est simple comme bonjour ?)= facile de revoir henry, de le fréquenter.
Merci beaucoup de votre aide.

Réponse: At the restaurant de smartway, postée le 08-01-2011 à 12:19:46 (S | E)
not "kipping" but "keeping".
not "i delighted" but "i am delighted".
not "it's easy as a pie" but "it's as easy as a pie".

Réponse: At the restaurant de gerondif, postée le 08-01-2011 à 14:51:06 (S | E)
allons-y !
A week later, in an expensive french restaurant, Gillon was sitting opposite Sarah Curworth. Henry, who was late, was absent.
“Hi grandmother !” Gillon said successfully( je voulais dire joyeusement, alors double cliquez sur joyeusement et traduisez le, successful n'a jamais signifié joyeux!)...“Is that you Gillon?” Sarah answered, puzzled.
Sarah was wearing blue jeans and a yellow T-shirt . What’s more, her T-shirt was too short and the grandmother could see her stomach and her navel! Besides , she had a piercing.
“I can't recognize you my granddaughter. Why don’t(auxiliaire être, please) you wearing a lovely dress?”
“In my opinion, trousers were(pourquoi au passé) more comfortable than dress(pluriel)”, Gillon answered.” Moreover I think jeans were(pourquoi au prétérit) modern and dress(pluriel) old fashioned !
“Don’t argue with me Gillon. I don’t agree with you.” The poor grandmother was disappointed and, of course, shocked( Sarah didn’t understand at all Gillon’s behaviour because she was stick (prétérit irrégulier)to the rules (c'était mon exemple, ne le plantez pas tel quel)old values. That way, (conjuguez ici "there is", il y a , au prétérit)a generation gap was between the grandmother and her Granddaughter.
“I forbid you to stay (moi j'aurais dit: tu ne peux pas venir dans ce restaurant ainsi habillée) with me at this restaurant with these clothes. I want you to wear decent clothes to meet Henry, Sarah cried.”
“Even though my friend Henry is a gentleman from England, He is not snob( cliquez sur snob pour trouver l'adjectif! he is a fool, he is foolish ) and precious. Grandmother, I like you very much, Gillon said affectonately, and I don’t want you to worry about…”

Suddenly, Henry arrived:
“Hello miss Curworth, Hi Gillon”, he said. Then, He exclaimed: “your T-shirt looks Truthly and beautiful I will be delighted to see you again.”
“It’s easy as pie, “Sarah answered! le vrai proverbe est : it's as easy as apple pie.


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