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Correction /Les mamans

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Correction /Les mamans
Message de lesvie posté le 18-01-2011 à 12:50:08 (S | E | F)
Hi everybody
Je voudrais, s'il vous plaît, que vous me corrigiez m'aidiez à corriger le paragraphe que j'ai écrit pour décrire les mamans.

The mothers
The mothers are the persons who need a lot of cure and attention. They devote her lives for their childrens. This affirmation can be explain since they were pregance.During the pregancy the mothers traerse a lot of difficulty. However before the children either born the mother can be die.But they give us the life then they take care of us. Theylearn us to eat, to speak, to go on foot and to come a really Human. The mothers are all of us.

Thank you for your help.
Modifié par bridg le 18-01-2011 13:06

Réponse: Correction /Les mamans de laure95, postée le 18-01-2011 à 14:35:08 (S | E)
Voici ce que tu dois corriger:
The (pas besoin car tu parles des mères en général) mothers
The mothers are the persons (utilise un mot plus précis: femmes par exemple) who need a lot of cure (je ne comprends pas) and attention. They devote her (utilise le possessif pluriel) lives for (to) their childrens (children est déjà au pluriel). This affirmation can be explain (à mettre au participe passé) since they were pregance (ce n'est pas l'adjectif). During the (mettre 1 possessif) pregancy the mothers traerse (ce mot n'existe pas) a lot of difficulty (pluriel). However before the children either ? born the mother can be die (problème de construction + TO DIE: mourir, être mort). But they give us the life then they take care of us. Theylearn (learn: apprendre et non enseigner) us to eat, to speak, to go on foot and to come (ce n'est pas le verbe devenir) a really (c'est l'adverbe que tu as mis à la place de l'adjectif) Human. The mothers are (mettre 1 verbe plus précis: représenter) all (everything) of (pas la bonne préposition: OF: de) us.

Voilà! J'espère que mes indications vont pouvoir t'aider à te corriger! Bon courage!

Réponse: Correction /Les mamans de zodiac97500, postée le 18-01-2011 à 14:51:03 (S | E)
Bonjour lesvie

The mothers
The mothers are the persons who need a lot of cure and attention. They devote her lives for their childrens. This affirmation can be explain since they were pregance.During the pregancy the mothers traerse a lot of difficulty. However before the children either born the mother can be die.But they give us the life then they take care of us. They learn us to eat, to speak, to go on foot and to come a really Human. The mothers are all of us.

souvent du mot à mot dans les traductions
en rouge enlever le mot
mothers suffit
cure = soins médicaux
en bleu changer le mot
leurs vies = their lives

en vert reformulez la phrase
dificulties : pluriel

traverse : mot Français : essayez ( font face à )

However before the children either born the mother can be die.
reformulez la phrase

learn : vous apprenez ; teach : vous apprenez à quelqu'un

to go on foot : marcher = to walk

The mothers are all of us. Eh oui les mamans sont tout pour nous
Mothers are important for us
Il y a des expressions qui m'échappent , mais en double cliquant sur mother
vous trouverez sûrement celle qui vous convient

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-01-2011 15:18

Réponse: Correction /Les mamans de gerondif, postée le 18-01-2011 à 15:37:31 (S | E)

Soignez le choix de vos mots pour la traduction:

Avant que les enfants soient nés, la mère peut mourir/être morte.

votre phrase: before the children either born the mother can be die.(= peut être mourir)

"Vous" traduisez par "either", qui signifie "soit" dans ce type de phrase:

Vous pouvez prendre soit du thé, soit du café, soit du lait:
You can have either tea, or coffee, or milk.

Attention aux choix bizarres des traducteurs, surtout si votre orthographe française les induit en erreur.

Réponse: Correction /Les mamans de lesvie, postée le 18-01-2011 à 16:51:48 (S | E)
Mothers are the women who need a lot of attention. They devote their lives for their children. This affirmation can be explained since they were pregancy until childbirth. During their pregancy the mothers do face a lot of difficulties. However the mother can die before the children be born. But they give us the life then they take care of us. They teach us to eat, to speak, to walk and to become a real Human. The mothers are represent everything for us.So they are very important in ours live.

thank you for your help.

Réponse: Correction /Les mamans de gerondif, postée le 18-01-2011 à 17:36:16 (S | E)

Mothers are the(en trop) women who need a lot of attention.
They devote their lives for their children. This affirmation can be explained since they were pregancy(vous avez mis le nom au lieu de l'adjectif) until childbirth.
During their pregancy the mothers do face (faire face à traduit mot-à-mot style traducteur automatique, donc inexact: le verbe est :to face, transitif direct)a lot of difficulties.
However the mother can die before the children be(à conjuguer) born. But they give us the(en trop) life then they take care of us. They teach us to eat, to speak, to walk and to become a real Human (j'aurais mis "human being" au pluriel). The(en trop) mothers are(revoir cette conjugaison, a-t-on besoin de l'auxiliaire être au présent simple?) represent everything for us.So they are very important in ours(adjectif possessif, donc invariable, donc pas de pluriel) live.(nos vies, donc là, mettre le mot au pluriel)

Réponse: Correction /Les mamans de lesvie, postée le 19-01-2011 à 08:56:45 (S | E)

Mothers are women who need a lot of attention.
They devote their lives for their children. This affirmation can be explained since they were pregnant until childbirth.
During their pregancy the mothers face a lot of difficulties.
However the mother can die before the children so be it born(je ne sais comment conjuger to be pour que cela donne soit en englais). But they give us life then they take care of us. They teach us to eat, to speak, to walk and to become a real Human (je veux dire un reel homme). Mothers represent everything for us.So they are very important in our lives.

Réponse: Correction /Les mamans de zodiac97500, postée le 19-01-2011 à 13:05:42 (S | E)
Bonjour lesvie

Mothers are women who need a lot of attention.
They devote their lives for their children. This affirmation can be explained since they were pregnant until childbirth.
During their pregancy the mothers face a lot of difficulties.
However the mother can die before the children so be it born(je ne sais comment conjuger to be pour que cela donne soit en englais). But they give us life then they take care of us. They teach us to eat, to speak, to walk and to become a real Human (je veux dire un reel homme). Mothers represent everything for us.So they are very important in our lives.

en rouge : enlever

en bleu : corriger

Naître = be born ( the child is born )

To mother = donner naissance à

exemple :I think that Julie will mother lots of children.

Je pense que Julie donnera naissance à beaucoup d'enfants.
Je pense que Julie aura beaucoup d'enfants.

pourquoi un vrai Humain ? ( to become a man )

En doublecliquant sur mother vous trouverez :

Mother love is the source of endless tolerance.
L'amour maternel est source d'une bonté infinie.

It is the mother in her that leads to her kindness and patience.
C'est la mère qui est en elle qui dévoile des trésors de patience.


Réponse: Correction /Les mamans de gerondif, postée le 19-01-2011 à 18:21:29 (S | E)

Mothers are women who need a lot of attention.
They devote their lives for(plutôt "to") their children. This affirmation can be explained (peu élégant, il serait plus simple de dire" I say this because")since they were pregnant until childbirth.
During their pregancy the(généralité=pas de the) mothers face a lot of difficulties.
However( = pourtant! il serait plus logique de dire "de plus": moreover) the mother can die before the children so be it born(before est suivi de l'indicatif, donc du verbe être au présent + born). But(pourquoi ce "mais") they give us life then they take care of us. They teach us to eat, to speak, to walk and to become a real Human (devenir "nous-mêmes" serait plus léger). Mothers represent everything for us.So they are very important in our lives.

Réponse: Correction /Les mamans de lesvie, postée le 21-01-2011 à 08:55:46 (S | E)
thank you very much for all.

Réponse: Correction /Les mamans de may, postée le 22-01-2011 à 15:11:48 (S | E)

Mothers are women who need a lot of attention.

Here, I am just wondering....
Mothers are women who need to give a lot of attention to..
or ..who need to have a lot of attention from..

Réponse: Correction /Les mamans de lesvie, postée le 26-01-2011 à 08:48:07 (S | E)

I take note of that.thank you


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