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Expression écrite/lettre
Message de iwanloiso posté le 24-01-2011 à 15:00:24 (S | E | F)
Bonjour ,
pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît jeter un bref coup d'oeil à ce sujet et me souligner mes fautes pour que je puisse les corriger .Cette expression est sous forme de lettre.
Je vous remercie d'avance :D


Dear mother and father.
I'm writting to you because I would like to tell you about my life here, at Langford.

I have took an apartement with two friends nest to the school and now, i live like an adult. I began to be more responsable and mature thus, i'm happy and i overcome your daily absence. At school, I'm one of the best in my classe, and I speak very well English.The teacher congratuled me for my accent. Moreover, the school's life is ,of course, different. For exemple , when I studied in Winchester, we didn't use to call our teachers "masters", and the teacher tell us by our family name , It's very weird.

In the life , my schoolmates are very friendly with me and, I have lot of friends.Something which is also new to me in the general life. At the beginning, I was very surprised to this country's culture particulary by the religion. Every sunday, the people go to church and they worship a deity called GOD (It must be the equivalent of Boudha). Briefly, my new life in this country and in this school are pleasant and she makes me happy. I'm well aclimated to my new living conditions and everyday your absense is less burdersome ( de moins en moins pesante). I really appreciate that and think it has made me become more mature and independant.

To conclude this letter, I hope to hear from you and I espere see you soon
Love from Amit
Post scriptum: I 'm very proud of your discovery dad, my teacher just talk to this!

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-01-2011 15:43

Réponse: Expression écrite/lettre de notrepere, postée le 24-01-2011 à 18:13:24 (S | E)

I espere to help you later if I have the time.

Réponse: Expression écrite/lettre de may, postée le 25-01-2011 à 02:23:13 (S | E)


Amit,Langford,Usa capital letters

Dear mother and father.( c'est mieux Dear Mom and Dad)
I'm writting to you because I would like to tell you about my life here, at Langford.

I have took participe passée an apartement with two friends nest to the school mon école and now, i live like an adult. I began to be more responsable and mature thus, i'm happy and i overcome your daily absence. At school, I'm one of the best in my classe, and I speak (very well) put this after English English.The teacher congratuled me for my accent. Moreover, the school's life mal dit is ,of course, different. For exemple , when I studied in Winchester, we didn't use to call our teachers "masters", and the teacher tell appeler us by our family name , It's very weird étrange est mieux.

In (the) life , my schoolmates classmates are very friendly (with me) and, I have lot of friends. Ajouter une phrase ici Something which is also new to me in (the) general life qu'est ce que vous voulez dire par general life . At the beginning, I was very surprised to autre préposition this country's culture particulary by the religion. Every sunday, (the) people go to church and they worship a deity called GOD (It must be the equivalent trouver un nom of Boudha). Briefly, my new life in this country and in this school are pleasant and she why she? makes me happy. I'm well aclimated to my new living conditions and everyday your absense is less burdersome supportable ( de moins en moins pesante). I really appreciate that and think it has made me become more mature and independant.

(To conclude this letter) Finally?, I hope to hear from you and I espere expecter? ou hope? to see you soon
Love from Amit
Post scriptum PS : I 'm very proud of your discovery dad, my teacher just talk to me about this!

(..) pas nécessaire
Revoir l'espace entre les ponctuations et les mots entre eux.

Best wishes,


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