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Correction d'un paragraphe

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Correction d'un paragraphe
Message de lesvie posté le 26-01-2011 à 15:54:21 (S | E | F)
I want that would appreciate if you could tell me the mistakes that this paragraph or section contains.

I saw on TV last Monday one woman who had a close call. It all began with the motor and the lorry. First of all the motor wanted to stop at crossroad because the light was red. Then the man who drove the lorry losse the control. Suddenly he fell down the motor and the woman. Finally the emergency ambulance service came to take the woman for the hospital.

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-01-2011 19:21

Réponse: Correction d'un paragraphe de headway, postée le 26-01-2011 à 18:58:02 (S | E)

I saw on TV last Monday one(a) woman who had a close call(échapper belle? to have a narrow escape).Je commencerais par "Last Monday"
It all began with the motor(do you mean "a car"?) and the lorry.
First of all the motor wanted to stop at crossroad because the light was red(the red light showed).
Then the man who drove the lorry losse(revoyez les verbes irréguliers) the control...
Suddenly he fell down the motor and the woman.
Finally the emergency ambulance service came to take the woman for(il faut une autre préposition) the hospital.

Réponse: Correction d'un paragraphe de lesvie, postée le 27-01-2011 à 18:12:41 (S | E)
Last Monday I saw on TV one woman who had a close call
It all began with the motor(do you mean "a car"? NO ) and the lorry.
First of all the motor wanted to stop at crossroad because the red light showed.
Then the man who was driving the lorry losse the control...
Suddenly he fell down the motor and the woman.
Finally the emergency ambulance service came to take the woman to the hospital.

Réponse: Correction d'un paragraphe de notrepere, postée le 27-01-2011 à 18:51:35 (S | E)

A "motor" is something that is attached to something like a "car", a "motorcar", a "boat". On ne peut pas dire seulement "motor". A mon avis, l'expression "the light was red" est tout à fait correcte. A "close call" generally means no one was hurt.

a close call/shave
(informal) a situation in which you only just manage to avoid an accident, etc.
Lien Internet

Perhaps "narrowly escaped death" would be better.

Cette phrase n'a pas de sens: "Suddenly he fell down the motor and the woman."
Il faut expliquer en français ce que tu veux dire.

losse [c'est du verbe 'to lose'; orthographe] (the) control...
L'expression en anglais: to lose control

Last Monday, I saw on TV [après 'woman'] one [article indéfini comme le dit headway] woman


Réponse: Correction d'un paragraphe de lesvie, postée le 31-01-2011 à 08:54:12 (S | E)
Last Monday I saw woman on TV who had a close call.
It all began with the motorbike and the lorry.
First of all the motorbike wanted to stop at crossroad because the light was red.
Then the man who was driving the lorry losse control.
Suddenly he did to fall down the motorbike and the woman (soudain il faisait tomber la dame et la moto).Narrowly the woman escaped death.
Finally the emergency ambulance service came to take the woman to the hospital.

thank you for your help.

Réponse: Correction d'un paragraphe de headway, postée le 31-01-2011 à 09:49:10 (S | E)

Vous ne tenez pas compte des remarques qui vous ont été faites et recopiez les même erreurs.

Réponse: Correction d'un paragraphe de lesvie, postée le 31-01-2011 à 10:30:29 (S | E)
j'ai corrigé tel que j'ai compris vos recommandations.
Mais s'il y a quelque chose que je n'ai pas corrigé c'est donc que je n'ai pas compris.
Veuiller me le dire en français donc s'il vous plaît.

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-01-2011 10:34

Réponse: Correction d'un paragraphe de headway, postée le 31-01-2011 à 10:50:20 (S | E)

"Last Monday I saw woman on TV who had a close call... Reprenez la suggestion de notrepere.

It all began with the motorbike and the lorry.
First of all the motorbike wanted to stop at crossroad because the light was red.
Then the man who was driving the lorry losse control... To lose est un verbe irrégulier.
Suddenly he did to fall down( Essayer avec "knock down; il les a renversés) the motorbike and the woman (soudain il faisait tomber la dame et la moto).Narrowly the woman escaped death Vous l'avez déjà écrit dans la première phrase..
Finally the emergency ambulance service came to take the woman to the hospital."

Réponse: Correction d'un paragraphe de lesvie, postée le 31-01-2011 à 11:41:40 (S | E)
"Last Monday I saw woman on TV who had avoid a close call.
It all began with the motorbike and the lorry.
First of all the motorbike wanted to stop at crossroad because the light was red.
Then the man who was driving the lorry lost control. Suddenly he knock down the motorbike and the woman.
Finally the emergency ambulance service came to take the woman to the hospital."

Réponse: Correction d'un paragraphe de headway, postée le 31-01-2011 à 14:07:27 (S | E)

"Last Monday I saw woman on TV who had avoid a close call... "narrowly escaped death" (notrepere)
It all began with the motorbike and the lorry.
First of all the motorbike wanted to stop at crossroad because the light was red.
Then the man who was driving the lorry lost control. Suddenly he knock down ( mauvais temps) the motorbike and the woman.
Finally the emergency ambulance service came to take the woman to the hospital."

Réponse: Correction d'un paragraphe de lesvie, postée le 31-01-2011 à 16:24:40 (S | E)
"Last Monday I saw woman on TV who had narrowly escaped death.
It all began with the motorbike and the lorry.
First of all the motorbike wanted to stop at crossroad because the light was red.
Then the man who was driving the lorry lost control. Suddenly he knocked down the motorbike and the woman.
Finally the emergency ambulance service came to take the woman to the hospital."

Réponse: Correction d'un paragraphe de headway, postée le 31-01-2011 à 16:29:00 (S | E)
Hi again again again,

"I saw a woman ..."

Réponse: Correction d'un paragraphe de lesvie, postée le 31-01-2011 à 16:37:32 (S | E)
thank you very much. you are a good friend.


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