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Emma and Mr Knightley/Ecouter

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Emma and Mr Knightley/Ecouter
Message de notrepere posté le 11-02-2011 à 06:02:32 (S | E | F)

Réponse: Emma and Mr Knightley/Ecouter de lucile83, postée le 11-02-2011 à 07:37:28 (S | E)

comme c'est mignon!!!!  merci dear np...

Réponse: Emma and Mr Knightley/Ecouter de headway, postée le 11-02-2011 à 08:54:19 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous,

Je ne peux pas lire la video

Réponse: Emma and Mr Knightley/Ecouter de ariane6, postée le 11-02-2011 à 11:15:10 (S | E)
Hello Headway !
Have a look here... :
Lien internet

Thank you NP ! tous ces petits coeurs d'amour fondre nous font !!!
À vous tous, un magnifique week-end et

Réponse: Emma and Mr Knightley/Ecouter de ariane6, postée le 11-02-2011 à 12:37:45 (S | E)
Emma: Mr Knightley… Mr Knightley, I stopped you ungraciously just now and gave you pain. If you have any wish to speak to me openly about anything you might have in contemplation , as your friend, I cannot refuse you. Indeed, as your old friend, I will hear whatever it is you wish to tell me.

Knightley: Emma, you want our friendship to remain the same as it has always been, but I cannot desire it .

Emma: But why? I know I make mistakes, but had you been here the last few days , you would have seen how I've tried to change. Please, tell me I'm your friend.

Knightley: I do not wish to call you my friend because I hope to call you something infinitely more dear. Have you not wondered why I never befriended Frank Churchill? It was because I knew he was intended for you. Indeed, when you insulted Miss Bates at the picnic , I thought that evidence of his influence over you. I could not bear to see it. So I, I went away … but I went to the wrong place .
My brother's house is usually a place of comfort to me, but seeing your sister there, kept you fresh in my mind. And the torture, I assure you, was acute . I only felt hope again when I heard of Mr Churchill's engagement … and I rushed back … anxious for your feelings … came to be near you. I rode through the rain… I'd ride through worse than that if I could just hear your voice telling me that I might at least have some chance to win you.

Emma: Mr Knightley, if I have not spoken, it is because I am afraid I'll awaken myself from this dream . It cannot be true … ! … but I feel so full of error, so so mistaken in my make-up to deserve you.

Knightley: What of my flaws ? I've humbled you and I've lectured you and you have borne it as no one could have borne it. Maybe it is our inperfections which make us so perfect for one another .

Marry me ? Marry me, my wonderful, darling friend.

Réponse: Emma and Mr Knightley/Ecouter de zodiac97500, postée le 11-02-2011 à 12:49:04 (S | E)

Emma: Mr Knightley… Mr Knightley, I stopped you( ungraciously) just now and gave you pain. If you have any wish to speak to me (openly)_ about anything you might have in ( contemplation ?) , as your friend, I cannot refuse you. Indeed, as your old friend, I will hear (whatever ) it is you wish to tell me.

Knightley: Emma, you want our (freindship)to remain the same as it has always been, but ( I can not desire that)

Emma: But why? I know I make mistakes, but had you been here the(last few days ) , you would have seen how I've tried to change. Please, tell me I'm your friend.

Knightley: I do not wish to call you my friend because I hope to call you something ( infinately more dear ); Have you not wondered why I never ( be freind of ) Frank Churchill? It was because I knew he was ( intended ) for you. Indeed, when you insulted Miss Bates at the ( picnic ) , I thought that evidence of his influence over you. I could not bear to see it. So I, I went away … but I went to the (wrong place ) . My brother's house is usually a place of comfort to me, but seeing your sister there, kept you ( fresh ) in my ( mind ) . And the torture, I assure you, was ( a cute ) . I only felt hope again when I heard of Mr Churchill's (engagement ) and I rushed back … anxious for your feelings … came to be near you. I rode through the rain… I'd ride through worse than that if I could just hear your voice telling me that I might at least have some chance to ( win you ) .

Emma: Mr Knightley, if I have not ( spoken of ) , it is because I am afraid I'll awaken myself from this ( dream ) . It cannot be true … ! … but I feel so full of error, so so mistaken in my make-up to ( deserve ) you.

Knightley: What of my (flaws ) ? I've humbled you and I've (lectured ) you and you have borne it as no one could have borne it. Maybe it is our (imperfections ) which make us so (perfect) for one (another )

( Know what I mean) ? Marry me, my wonderful, darling friend.

WoW!!!!!!! Very nice

Réponse: Emma and Mr Knightley/Ecouter de headway, postée le 11-02-2011 à 13:46:12 (S | E)

Emma: Mr Knightley… Mr Knightley, I stopped you ungraciously just now and gave you pain. If you have any wish to speak to me openly about anything you might have in contemplation , as your friend, I cannot refuse you. Indeed, as your old friend, I will hear whatever it is you wish to tell me.

Knightley: Emma, you want our friendship to remain the same as it has always been, but I cannot desire that .

Emma: But why? I know I make mistakes, but had you been here the last few days , you would have seen how I've tried to change. Please, tell me I'm your friend.

Knightley: I do not wish to call you my friend because I hope to call you something infinitely more dear. Have you not wondered why I never befriended Frank Churchill? It was because I knew he was intended for you. Indeed, when you insulted Miss Bates at the picnic , I thought that evidence of his influence over you. I could not bear to see it. So I, I went away … but I went to the wrong place . My brother's house is usually a place of comfort to me, but seeing your sister there, kept you fresh in my mind . And the torture, I assure you, was acute . I only felt hope again when I heard of Mr Churchill's engagement … and I rushed back … anxious for your feelings … came to be near you. I rode through the rain… I'd ride through worse than that if I could just hear your voice telling me that I might at least have some chance to win you .
Emma: Mr Knightley, if I have not spoken , it is because I am afraid I'll awaken myself from this dream . It cannot be true … ! … but I feel so full of error, so so mistaken in my make-up to deserve you.

Knightley: What of my flaws ? I've humbled you and I've lectured you and you have borne it as no one could have borne it. Maybe it is our imperfections which make us so perfect for one another .

Marry me ? Marry me, my wonderful, darling friend.

Happy Valentine's everyone!

Réponse: Emma and Mr Knightley/Ecouter de dolfine56, postée le 12-02-2011 à 10:09:42 (S | E)
Hi, Notrepere,
Thanks for this new one.

Emma: Mr Knightley… Mr Knightley, I stopped you ungraciously just now and gave you pain. If you have any wish to speak to me openely about anything you might have in contemplation , as your friend, I cannot refuse you. Indeed, as your old friend, I will hear whatever it is you wish to tell me.

Knightley: Emma, you want our friendship to remain the same as it has always been, but I cannot desire that.

Emma: But why? I know I make mistakes, but had you been here the last few days , you would have seen how I've tried to change. Please, tell me I'm your friend.

Knightley: I do not wish to call you my friend because I hope to call you something infinitely more dear. Have you not wondered why I never befriended Frank Churchill? It was because I knew he was intended for you. Indeed, when you insulted Miss Bates at the picnic , I thought that evidence of his influence over you. I could not bear to see it. So I, I went away … but I went to the wrong place . My brother's house is usually a place of comfort to me, but seeing your sister there kept you fresh in my mind . And the torture, I assure you, was acute . I only felt hope again when I heard of Mr Churchill's engagement … and I rushed back … anxious for your feelings … came to be near you. I rode through the rain… I'd ride through worse than that if I could just hear your voice telling me that I might at least have some chance to win you .

Emma: Mr Knightley, if I have not spoken , it is because I am afraid I'll awaken myself from this dream . It cannot be true … ! … but I feel so full of error, so so mistaken in my make-up to deserve you.

Knightley: What of my flaws ? I've humbled you and I've lectured you and you have borne it as no one could have borne it. Maybe it is our imperfections which make us so perfect for one another .

Marry me ? Marry me, my wonderful, darling friend.

Réponse: Emma and Mr Knightley/Ecouter de violet91, postée le 12-02-2011 à 18:41:12 (S | E)
Hello dear all and you , dear friend !!

I really thank you for choosing so refreshing and beautiful English ! I have very little time, but havejust played it once . How delightful (apart from the music which I find a little "cul-cul", "soapy"!) ! Jane Austen est incontournable as well !

This is lovely too..for our Valentine's day . I shall be coming very soon .

There I am , as promised !

Emma: Mr Knightley… Mr Knightley, I stopped you ungraciously just now and gave you pain. If you have any wish to speak to me openly _ about anything you might have in contemplation , as your friend, I cannot refuse you. Indeed, as your old friend, I will hear whatever it is you wish to tell me.

Knightley: Emma, you want our friendship to remain the same as it has always been, but I cannot desire that .

Emma: But why? I know I make mistakes, but had you been*** here the last few days , you would have seen how I've tried to change. Please, tell me I'm your friend.

Knightley: I do not wish to call you my friend because I hope to call you something infinitely more dear (well said,man!) Have you not wondered why I never befriended Frank Churchill? It was because I knew he was intended for you. Indeed, when you insulted Miss Bates at the picnic , I thought that evidence of his influence over you. I could not bear to see it. So I, I went away but I went to the wrong place . My brother's house is usually a place of comfort to me, but seeing your sister there kept you fresh in my mind . And the torture, I assure you, was acute . I only felt hope again when I heard of Mr Churchill's engagement … and I rushed back … anxious for your feelings … came to be near you. I rode through the rain… I'd ride through worse than that (what , then ? What a gentleman !)if I could just hear your voice telling me that I might at least have some chance to win you .

Emma: Mr Knightley, if I have not spoken (just be more daring, girl!) , it is because I am afraid I'll awaken myself from this dream . It cannot be true … ! … but I feel so full of error, so so mistaken in my make-up to deserve (stop it ! Ne tournez pas " autour du pot"!) you.

Knightley: What of my flaws ? I've humbled you and I've lectured you and you have borne it as no one could have borne it. Maybe it is our imperfections which make us so perfect for one another (this is a lovely English paradox!)

Marry me ?marry me , my wonderful,darling friend !

Dear np, tu vas être "obligé" de t'attaquer non au " syntagme adjectival" ( this actor must be about five foot seven inches(or five feet...)= 1.75m (or more..), mais à certains archaïsmes (langue si agréablement soutenue ).....mais au subjonctif non périphrastique !! Toc!

Lien internet

Réponse: Emma and Mr Knightley/Ecouter de lucile83, postée le 13-02-2011 à 10:53:59 (S | E)

Hello dear np! here is my try; how charming!

Emma: Mr Knightley… Mr Knightley, I stopped you ungraciously just now and gave you pain. If you have any wish to speak to me openly about anything you might have in contemplation , as your friend, I cannot refuse you. Indeed, as your old friend, I will hear whatever it is you wish to tell me.

Knightley: Emma, you want our friendship to remain the same as it has always been, but I cannot desire that .

Emma: But why? I know I make mistakes, but had you been here the last few days , you would have seen how I've tried to change. Please, tell me I'm your friend.

Knightley: I do not wish to call you my friend because I hope to call you something infinitely more dear. Have you not wondered why I never befriended Frank Churchill? It was because I knew he was intended for you. Indeed, when you insulted Miss Bates at the picnic , I thought that evidence of his influence over you. I could not bear to see it. So I, I went away … but I went to the wrong place . My brother's house is usually a place of comfort to me, but seeing your sister there kept you fresh in my mind . And the torture, I assure you, was acute . I only felt hope again when I heard of Mr Churchill's engagement … and I rushed back … anxious for your feelings … came to be near you. I rode through the rain… I'd ride through worse than that if I could just hear your voice telling me that I might at least have some chance to win you .

Emma: Mr Knightley, if I have not spoken , it is because I am afraid I'll awaken myself from this dream . It cannot be true … ! … but I feel so full of error, so so mistaken in my make-up to deserve you.

Knightley: What of my flaws ? I've humbled you and I've lectured you and you have borne it as no one could have borne it. Maybe it is our imperfections which make us so perfect for one another .

Marry me? Marry me, my wonderful, darling friend.


Yes I will! oops sorry, it was not for ME! what a shame...
Have a nice Valentine's Day


Réponse: Emma and Mr Knightley/Ecouter de swan85, postée le 16-02-2011 à 21:13:51 (S | E)

Here is my try.

Emma: Mr Knightley… Mr Knightley, I stopped you ungraciously just now and gave you pain. If you have any wish to speak to me openly about anything you might have in contemplation, as your friend, I cannot refuse you. Indeed, as your old friend, I will hear whatever it is you wish to tell me.

Knightley: Emma, you want our friendship to remain the same as it has always been, but I cannot desire that.

Emma: But why? I know I make mistakes, but had you been here the last few days , you would have seen how I've tried to change. Please, tell me I'm your friend.

Knightley: I do not wish to call you my friend because I hope to call you something infinitely more dear. Have you not wondered why I never ?-- Frank Churchill? It was because I knew he was intended for you. Indeed, when you insulted Miss Bates at the picnic, I thought that evidence of his influence over you. I could not bear to see it. So I, I went away … but I went to the wrong place . My brother's house is usually a place of comfort to me, but seeing your sister there kept you fresh in my mind . And the torture, I assure you, was ?---. I only felt hope again when I heard of Mr Churchill's engagement and I rushed back … anxious for your feelings … came to be near you. I rode through the rain… I'd ride through worse than that if I could just hear your voice telling me that I might at least have some chance to win you .

Emma: Mr Knightley, if I have not spoken , it is because I am afraid I'll awaken myself from this dream . It cannot be true … ! … but I feel so full of error, so so mistaken in my make-up to deserve you.

Knightley: What of my faults I've humbled you and I've lectured you and you have borne it as no one could have borne it. Maybe it is our imperfections which make us so perfect for one another .

Marry me ? Marry me, my wonderful, darling friend.

Réponse: Emma and Mr Knightley/Ecouter de hmarie, postée le 21-02-2011 à 15:32:15 (S | E)
Bonjour notrepere.
Puisque les nouveaux exercices arrivent je me décide à poster celui-ci mais il me manque encore un mot!... Ai-je bien entendu le reste?

Emma: Mr Knightley… Mr Knightley, I stopped you ungraciously just now and gave you pain. If you have any wish to speak to me openly about anything you might have in _ , as your friend, I cannot refuse you. Indeed, as your old friend, I will hear whatever it is you wish to tell me.

Knightley: Emma, you want our friendship to remain the same as it has always been, but I cannot desire that .

Emma: But why? I know I make mistakes, but had you been here the last few days , you would have seen how I've tried to change. Please, tell me I'm your friend.

Knightley: I do not wish to call you my friend because I hope to call you something infinitely more dear . Have you not wondered why I never befriend Frank Churchill? It was because I knew he was intended for you. Indeed, when you insulted Miss Bates at the picnic , I thought that evidence of his influence over you. I could not bear to see it. So I, I went away … but I went to the wrong place . My brother's house is usually a place of comfort to me, but seeing your sister there kept you fresh in my mind . And the torture, I assure you, was acute . I only felt hope again when I heard of Mr Churchill's engagement … and I rushed back … anxious for your feelings … came to be near you. I rode through the rain… I'd ride through worse than that if I could just hear your voice telling me that I might at least have some chance to win you .

Emma: Mr Knightley, if I have not spoken , it is because I am afraid I'll awaken myself from this dream . It cannot be true … ! … but I feel so full of error, so so mistaken in my make-up to deserve you.

Knightley: What of my influence ? I've humbled you and I've let you and you have borne it as no one could have borne it. Maybe it is our imperfection which make us so perfect for one another .

Marry me ? Marry me, my wonderful, darling friend.

Réponse: Emma and Mr Knightley/Ecouter de may, postée le 25-02-2011 à 19:38:25 (S | E)
Hello notrepere,

Emma: Mr Knightley… Mr Knightley, I stopped you ungraciously just now and gave you pain. If you have any wish to speak to me openly about anything you might have in contemplation , as your friend, I cannot refuse you. Indeed, as your old friend, I will hear whatever it is you wish to tell me.

Knightley: Emma, you want our friendship to remain the same as it has always been, but I cannot desire that .

Emma: But why? I know I make mistakes, but had you been here the last few days, you would have seen how I've tried to change. Please, tell me I'm your friend.

Knightley: I do not wish to call you my friend because I hope to call you something infinitely more dear. Have you not wondered why I never befriended Frank Churchill? It was because I knew he was intended for you. Indeed, when you insulted Miss Bates at the pic-nic , I thought that evidence of his influence over you. I could not bear to see it. So I, I went away … but I went to the wrong place . My brother's house is usually a place of comfort to me, but seeing your sister there kept you fresh in my mind . And the torture, I assure you, was acute . I only felt hope again when I heard of Mr Churchill's engagement … and I rushed back … anxious for your feelings … came to be near you. I rode through the rain… I'd ride through worse than that if I could just hear your voice telling me that I might at least have some chance to win you.

Emma: Mr Knightley, if I have not spoken , it is because I am afraid I'll awaken myself from this dream . It cannot be true … ! … but I feel so full of error, so so mistaken in my make-up to deserve you.

Knightley: What of my flaws ? I've humbled you and I've lectured you and you have borne it as no one could have borne it. Maybe it is our imperfection which make us so perfect for one another .

------- ? Marry me, my wonderful, darling friend.

Have a wonderful evening!

Réponse: Emma and Mr Knightley/Ecouter de lolilola, postée le 25-02-2011 à 23:21:12 (S | E)
Ho ! This is so nice ! I love these stories.
Thank you for this exercise.

Emma: Mr Knightley… Mr Knightley, I stopped you INGRACEOUSLY?? just now and gave you pain. If you have any wish to speak to me OPENLY about anything you might have in CONTEMPLATION as your friend, I cannot refuse you. Indeed, as your old friend, I will hear WHATEVER it is you wish to tell me.

Knightley: Emma, you want our FRIENDSHIP to remain the same as it has always been, but I _CANNOT DESIRE THAT .

Emma: But why? I know I make mistakes, but had you been here the LAST FEW DAYS _, you would have seen how I've tried to change. Please, tell me I'm your friend.

Knightley: I do not wish to call you my friend because I hope to call you something INFINITLY MORE DEAR. Have you not wondered why I never BEFRIENDED Frank Churchill? It was because I knew he was INTENDED for you. Indeed, when you insulted Miss Bates at thePIC NIC , I thought that evidence of his influence over you. I could not bear to see it. So I, I went away … but I went to the WRONG PLACE . My brother's house is usually a place of comfort to me, but seeing your sister there kept you FRESH in my MIND . And the torture, I assure you, was ACCUTE . I only felt hope again when I heard of Mr Churchill's ENGAGEMENT … and I rushed back … anxious for your feelings … came to be near you. I rode through the rain… I'd ride through worse than that if I could just hear your voice telling me that I might at least have some chance to YOU.

Emma: Mr Knightley, if I have not SPOKEN, it is because I am afraid I'll awaken myself from this DREAM . It cannot be true … ! … but I feel so full of error, so so mistaken in my make-up to DESERVE you.

Knightley: What of my FLAWS ? I've humbled you and I've LECTURED you and you have borne it as no one could have borne it. Maybe it is our IMPERFECTIONS which make us so PERFECT for one ANOTHER .

MARRY ME? Marry me, my wonderful, darling friend

Voili voilo. La première phrase n'est pas évidente à comprendre, j'ai mis un truc que mon oreille a cru entendre.

Réponse: Emma and Mr Knightley/Ecouter de notrepere, postée le 26-02-2011 à 23:36:54 (S | E)


Merci à tous pour votre participation

Emma: Mr Knightley… Mr Knightley, I stopped you ungraciously just now and gave you pain. If you have any wish to speak to me openly about anything you might have in contemplation, as your friend, I cannot refuse you. Indeed, as your old friend, I will hear whatever it is you wish to tell me.

Knightley: Emma, you want our friendship to remain the same as it has always been, but I cannot desire that.

Emma: But why? I know I make mistakes, but had you been here the last few days , you would have seen how I've tried to change. Please, tell me I'm your friend.

Knightley: I do not wish to call you my friend because I hope to call you something infinitely more dear. Have you not wondered why I never befriended Frank Churchill? It was because I knew he was intended for you. Indeed, when you insulted Miss Bates at the picnic, I thought that evidence of his influence over you. I could not bear to see it. So I, I went away … but I went to the wrong place. My brother's house is usually a place of comfort to me, but seeing your sister there kept you fresh in my mind. And the torture, I assure you, was acute. I only felt hope again when I heard of Mr Churchill's engagement … and I rushed back … anxious for your feelings … came to be near you. I rode through the rain… I'd ride through worse than that if I could just hear your voice telling me that I might at least have some chance to win you.

Emma: Mr Knightley, if I have not spoken, it is because I am afraid I'll awaken myself from this dream. It cannot be true … ! … but I feel so full of error, so so mistaken in my make-up to deserve you.

Knightley: What of my flaws? I've humbled you and I've lectured you and you have borne it as no one could have borne it. Maybe it is our imperfections which make us so perfect for one another. Marry me? Marry me, my wonderful, darling friend.

Réponse: Emma and Mr Knightley/Ecouter de lucile83, postée le 27-02-2011 à 08:41:33 (S | E)
Thank you np for that exercise and the so pretty correction!

Réponse: Emma and Mr Knightley/Ecouter de dolfine56, postée le 27-02-2011 à 09:06:27 (S | E)
Hello dear NP,
for this beautiful love story.....


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