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Correction/Million Dollar Baby (1)

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Correction/Million Dollar Baby
Message de sisidecro posté le 28-02-2011 à 16:44:18
je dois répondre à des questions sur le film " Million Dollar Baby" au prétérit mais j'ai un peu de quelques lacunes en orthographe anglaise.
Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mes fautes s'il vous plaît ?

a)Maggie told " I had to fight to be born and I have to fight to die ".
By coming into the world, she weighed only 900 grams, she was thus born prematurely. And now she would like to die because she all lived. All that she wished to make she had made her . With the exception of her last fight which she had not won but it was equal to her at the moment she wished to leave this world. All her life she had remained strong, she made what she did not like as her waitress's job. To become boxer was her biggest dream and now that she had fulfilled her she could die.

b)Frankie said: "you have to protect himself". For Frankie it was the first rule that a wrestler had to apply. It had to protect itself above all. Frankie had insisted a lot on this council because all those who respected him always gained the victory. During the Million dollar, Maggie did not respect this rule and it was for that that she lost. She turned the back to her opponent while she did not owe.

2)" The American dream " was a movie which deal with a son of German farmer who left tried his luck in the United States, in the fifties. Forty years later, him possessed one 1200 hectare exploitation , but in 1997, the globalization made fall the course of farm produces and he lost everything. " One million baby dollar " is a movie which speaks about a woman who pursued her dream to become boxer until the day when she was hurt in the spinal cord, she became quadriplegic and was condemned to finish her days on a hospital bed.

The link between these two movies was that both finished very badly. It was two American dreams which turned in the nightmare.

3)This story was incredibly touching and moving. The acting was very well done and impressive. I thought this movie was a masterpiece of Clint Eastwood as it mixes several sensitive topic as the relationship between a father and daughter, euthanasia and the difficulty for women to fit into a universe called "male ".In this movie, we saw a lot of emotion. There was a sentence which I liked: " if I am too old for that then I have nothing more. " It is a sentence which had marked me. I have found that the story was built well and that it showed the reality of the life. The end was very sad and gave cry. It was a tragic end and I was sad he had not now. Hilary Swank had played very well the role of Maggie Fitzgerald. As Clint Eastwood in the role of Frankie. The atmosphere of this film was dramatic and touching.

Merci de votre aide.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-02-2011 16:59

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-02-2011 17:26

Réponse: Correction/Million Dollar Baby de headway, postée le 28-02-2011 à 16:51:40

Il s'agit de: Million Dollar Baby, et non "Milliar".

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-02-2011 17:02

Réponse: Correction/Million Dollar Baby de sisidecro, postée le 28-02-2011 à 17:02:55
Oui je sais, mais je l'avais déjà publié :S

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-02-2011 17:03
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Réponse: Correction/Million Dollar Baby de headway, postée le 28-02-2011 à 17:05:57
Hi again,

"a)Maggie told " I had to fight to be born and I have to fight to die ".
By coming into the world, she weighed only 900 grams, she was thus born prematurely. And now she would like to die because she all lived. All that she wished to make she had made her . With the exception of her last fight which she had not won but it was equal to her at the moment she wished to leave this world. All her life she had remained strong, she made what she did not like as her waitress's job. To become boxer was her biggest dream and now that she had fulfilled her she could die."

Qu'est-ce ça donne sans traducteur?

Réponse: Correction/Million Dollar Baby de sisidecro, postée le 28-02-2011 à 17:06:14
est-ce que j'ai fait des fautes ?

Vous voulez que je traduise ?
Modifié par sisidecro le 28-02-2011 17:09

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-02-2011 17:11

Réponse: Correction/Million Dollar Baby de lucile83, postée le 28-02-2011 à 17:12:54

La question est:
avez-vous utilisé un traducteur en ligne?

Réponse: Correction/Million Dollar Baby de sisidecro, postée le 28-02-2011 à 17:18:34
Pour quelques mots que je ne connaissais pas et j'avoue aussi pour quelques phrases que je n'arrivais pas à construire moi-même.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-02-2011 17:22

Réponse: Correction/Million Dollar Baby de notrepere, postée le 28-02-2011 à 17:19:56

Surely this translation is the progeny of one of those online translators, is it not?

Réponse: Correction/Million Dollar Baby de lucile83, postée le 28-02-2011 à 17:26:31
What a shame sisidecro!
We can't correct a machine,can we? it will be no use anyway because it won't improve its English!

Then as YOU will have to do your exercise again; sorry!
Your topic is closed for that reason.

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