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Oral anglais /I remember

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral anglais /I remember
Message de mariont posté le 06-03-2011 à 11:41:08 (S | E | F)

Je vais bientôt passer mon oral blanc d'anglais, sur plusieurs textes et notamment sur "I remember" de Peter Morton Coan. J'ai essayé de faire un résumé ou un commentaire de texte, mais je trouve qu'il est trop court. SI quelqu'un pouvait me donner quelques idées pour qu'il soit un peu plus long ce serait sympa
Voici ce que j'ai fait :

This document is a text written by Peter Morton Coan, it’s extracted from Ellis Island Interviews: In Their Own Words, published in nineteen ninety-seven. The text is untitled I remember. This text is about Marge Glasgow’s immigration in United States.
She was afraid of going to Ellis Island ecause she has been told scary stories, and of being kept in Ellis Island for medical exam. When she arrived, she was taken apart to take a shower. She was naked so she must have been embarrassed and ashowed. During her medical exam, a doctor told her: she had an eye problem. So she had to stay ten days for testing. She was realy scared, and she felt lonely and homesick. The doctor reassured her so she could calm down. When she was in hospital, she wondered if she would stay on would be sent back in Scotland. But to finish, the nurses were so friendly, they even proposed her an employment and her integration was a success.

In this text, the progression of Glasgow Margin is ridges gradually. She is first of all frightened of going to Ellis Island, then unfortunately for her, she “fails” the medical examination and must be hospitalized during ten days. Progressively, she succeeds in integrating herself and binds even friendship with the nurses of the hospital, which proposes then an employment to her. The immigration of Glasgow Margin is thus a real success.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-03-2011 12:18
+ forum

Réponse: Oral anglais /I remember de gerondif, postée le 06-03-2011 à 19:15:02 (S | E)

votre deuxième paragraphe est une répétition du premier.

Vous avez un peu abusé du traducteur automatique: par exemple:

"La progression de Glasgow Marge est faite (se fait) progressivement": vous avez du écrire marge, et la machine traduit "margin" (les marges d'un livre) et "faîte" donc la machine traduit par sommet de crête "ridges". Idem pour "se lier d'amitié" "to bind"... Dommage !

This document is a text written by Peter Morton Coan, it’s extracted from Ellis Island Interviews: In Their Own Words, published in nineteen ninety-seven. The text is untitled I remember. This text is about Marge Glasgow’s immigration in United States.
She was afraid of going to Ellis Island because she has been told scary stories, and of being kept in Ellis Island for a medical exam. When she arrived, she was taken apart to take a shower. She was naked so she must have been embarrassed and ashowed. During her medical exam, a doctor told her: she had an eye problem. So she had to stay ten days for testing. She was realy scared, and she felt lonely and homesick. The doctor reassured her so she could calm down. When she was in hospital, she wondered if she would stay on would be sent back in Scotland. But to finish, the nurses were so friendly, they even proposed her an employment and her integration was a success.

In this text, the progression of Glasgow Margin is ridges gradually. She is first of all frightened of going to Ellis Island, then unfortunately for her, she “fails” the medical examination and must be hospitalized during ten days. Progressively, she succeeds in integrating herself and binds even friendship with the nurses of the hospital, which(which: vous parlez de l'hôpital ou des infirmières?) proposes then an employment to her. The immigration of Glasgow Margin is thus a real success.

Réponse: Oral anglais /I remember de notrepere, postée le 07-03-2011 à 06:00:37 (S | E)

Corrections supplémentaires

This document is a text written by Peter Morton Coan, it’s extracted from Ellis Island Interviews: In Their Own Words, published in nineteen ninety-seven. The text is untitled I remember.
She was really scared, and she felt lonely and homesick. The doctor reassured her so she could calm down. When she was in hospital, she wondered if she would stay on or would be sent back...

She is first of all frightened of going to Ellis Island, then unfortunately for her, she “fails” the medical examination and must (temps à revoir) be hospitalized ...

Modifié par notrepere le 07-03-2011 19:05

Réponse: Oral anglais /I remember de mariont, postée le 09-03-2011 à 18:48:18 (S | E)

Je vous remercie de votre aide.
Effectivement, j'ai utilisé le traducteur mais j'ai aussi fait des fautes en tapant, parce que je n'en ai pas autant sur ma feuille.
Finalement, je ne suis pas tombé sur ce texte là pour mon oral, mais votre aide et votre correction me serviront personnellement et peut-être pour mon prochain oral.
Merci encore

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-03-2011 21:26


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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