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Big Brother is watching

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Big Brother is watching
Message de zawa posté le 06-03-2011 à 17:48:18 (S | E | F)
Hello !
Je suis élève de 1ère, et je dois répondre à differentes questions concernant un texte et une photo.
Quelqu'un pourrait-il me dire si mon anglais est correct ?
Merci d'avance !!

1. This document is an extract of an English's new Paper "the Daily Telegraph". It was writing on October 25, 2004 by Nigel Bunyan

2. This story is originate from England.

3. This system consists to film pupils in their classroom from the moment they start school to the moment they leave (from 6 AM to 6 PM), and allow their parents to watch them at any time of the day by logging on to a secure internet site.
It is used for Nurseries and preparatory school.

4. The Head teacher looks like satisfied. She says us that a Mother rang her to say that she was absolutely delighted by this system.

The Truman Show
1. On this photo we can see a giant screen where take place the picture of a man who is sleeping. The title says “The Truman Show”. We understand this is a video of Truman’s life in live, which lasts since 10,9 days.
They are many people in front of the giant screen because it is a spectacular reality show. Truman is a celebrity, and maybe fans wait for look him under the shower or in toilet.
The link that we could make between the visual and the article is that both of them tell us about film in live that everybody can see. The article explain that parents can see at any time of the day the classroom of their child, and Picture explain that everybody can follow Truman’s life in a giant screen.

2. I don’t think that “webcam approach” is contradictory or not with positive education. This concept isn’t new, it was use in France for film 24/24H youngs in house, like loft story or secret story.
I think that if somebody want be in a reality show, and be film all day, he must everything show, not just that he want. But, it’s his choice. I think that it is amazing to watch people play the ape behind the camera.
For the system of film classroom, there are positives and negatives aspects, because “some things are better left unsaw”.

3. In the society that Orwell describes, everyone is under complete surveillance by the authorities. (abolitions of the fundamental liberties and at the private life of the populations or the individuals.) The people are constantly reminded of this by the phrase "Big Brother is watching you". Our society isn’t really similar with is type of society, because some people who are behind the screen want be there, or are agree with this system.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-03-2011 18:18

Réponse: Big Brother is watching de laure95, postée le 06-03-2011 à 18:02:37 (S | E)
1. This document is an extract of (from) an English's new Paper (orthographe) "the Daily Telegraph". It was writing (mettre le participe passé) on October 25th, 2004 by Nigel Bunyan

2. This story is originate (pas le bon mot) from England.

3. This system consists to (in + verbe + -ing) film pupils in their classroom from the moment they start school to the moment they leave (from 6 AM to 6 PM), and allow their parents to watch them at any time of the day by logging on to a secure internet site.
It is used for Nurseries and preparatory school.

4. The Head teacher looks like satisfied. She says (tells) us that a Mother rang her to say that she was absolutely delighted by (with) this system.

The Truman Show
1. On this photo we can see a giant screen where take place ? the picture of a man who is sleeping. The title says (un titre ne dit pas quelque chose) “The Truman Show”. We understand this is a video of Truman’s life in live, which lasts (present perfect avec since) since 10,9 ? days.
They (tu confonds THEY et THERE) are many people in front of the giant screen because it is a spectacular reality show. Truman is a celebrity, and maybe fans wait for (to) look him under the shower or in the toilets.
The link that we could make between the visual and the article is that both of them tell us about a film in live that everybody can see. The article explain (conjugaison) that parents can see at any time of the day the classroom of their child, and Picture explain that everybody can follow Truman’s life in (on) a giant screen.

2. I don’t think that a “webcam approach” is contradictory or not with positive education. This concept isn’t new, it was use (participe passé) in France for (to) film 24/24H (for 24 hours) youngs in a house, like loft story or secret story.
I think that if somebody want (conjugaison + TO) be in a reality show, and be film (participe passé) all day, he must everything (pas à la bonne place) show, not just that he want>.(conjugaison) But, it’s his choice. I think that it is amazing to watch people play the ape behind the camera.
For the system of film (gérondif) a classroom, there are positives and negatives (jamais de "s" à un adjectif) aspects, because “some things are better left unsaw”.

Réponse: Big Brother is watching de laure95, postée le 06-03-2011 à 18:06:22 (S | E)
Voici la fin.
3. In the society that Orwell describes, everyone is under complete surveillance by (from) the authorities. (abolitions of the fundamental liberties and at the private life of the populations or the individuals.) The people are constantly reminded of this by the phrase "Big Brother is watching you". Our society isn’t really similar with is type of society, because some people who are behind the screen want to be there, or are agree (TO AGREE: être d'accord) with this system.

Attention à la 3è personne du singulier du présent simple + un texte ne parle pas, ne dit pas et n'explique pas.

Réponse: Big Brother is watching de headway, postée le 06-03-2011 à 18:16:05 (S | E)
"3. In the society that Orwell describes, everyone is under complete surveillance by (from) the authorities. (abolitions of the fundamental liberties and at the private life of the populations or the individuals.) The people are constantly reminded of this by the phrase "Big Brother is watching you". Our society isn’t really similar with is type of society, because some people who are behind the screen want to be there, or are agree (TO AGREE: être d'accord) with this system."

Je dirais:
In the society described by Orwell, the authorities have everyone under close surveillance.
People(sans "the")... Il faudrait reformuler cette phrase.
Similar to.


Réponse: Big Brother is watching de notrepere, postée le 06-03-2011 à 18:18:17 (S | E)

3. This system consists to film

I think you mean "This system exists to film

After "consists", one uses the preposition "of" in this context.

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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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