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Correction/ devoir d'anglais
Message de grenadiine011 posté le 06-03-2011 à 23:12:25 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !
J'ai besoin de correction de mon débat d'anglais, je sais qu'il est long mais c'est vraiment urgent. Je passe demain, Aidez-moi s'il vous plait !!!
Merci pour vos réponses.
We chose this topic because there are more and more legislation to ban and reduce smoking. Do smokers and non-smokers think the same? We're both smoking and wanted to analyze the different views.
-Hi, how are you?
-I’m fine, but have you heard about the new law for smokers?
-I only know that Spain has banished smokers from bars, night clubs and restaurants.
-It’s worth than that! I heard that it also will be banished outside, form public places. For example, you won’t be allowed to smoke a cigarette in a park.
-Where did you hear that? Which countries are involved?
-European countries but from what I understand this law is still an idea.
-But it is also about Switzerland?
-Not yet, but Switzerland is becoming increasingly severe in relation to anti-smoking law. Look at the price of pack of cigarettes! It increases day by day
-In my opinion if this law was proposed, it will never be accepted. Five years ago Australia had sought to ban smoking in apartments and it was refused. To ban in parks is not that bad, I think it’s a good idea. Cigarette is a bad thing.
-What do you mean? Many things are bad for health, salt, fat or alcohol. So why harp on smokers?
-You smokers think you can do whatever you want, you don’t care about the others, and it’s a bit selfish.
-That not true.
-You smoke near old people, babies, pregnant women,… You don’t throw cigarette butts in bins; you leave them in the grass. You do not think that a dog or a child could swallow them.
-You’re not open minded, we aren’t all like that, don’t generalize.
-When you light a cigarette outside, do you always ask the people around you if it bothers them?
-No I don’t but does it mean that we have to establish such a law?
-Unless I blow my smoke directly in their face, I don’t see where the problem is.
-You think that if you are outside, people don’t breathe you smoke? Like inside, it’s very harmful. If you want to do unhealthy things, good for you but you shouldn’t do that to the people near you.
-It’s not a gun, you are over reacting. We aren’t killers neither. There are reasons of it isn’t completely banished.
-Alcohol is also not forbidden but it's still a drug. Anyway, the cigarette isn’t completely banished because it brings to much money to the Government.
-You’re right…But this law is totally stupid. They also want to make people ago 100m away from any bars to have their cigarettes. They are still non-smokers after those 100m.
-You never told me it was going to be banned near bars. In parks its understanding but that…is useless. Anyway, nobody will respect this law it will be too much work for the police to be sure it’s respected.
-Beside if this law is proposed and accepted, there will be too much expense. When we banned smoking in restaurants and coffee, we had to spend the money on restaurant smoking and non smoking restaurant.
-You’re right. There would be too much expense for this law to be respected. Too bad, I really thought it could have been a good thing. Infact why do you smoke
-I don’t know, I tried one day and I couldn’t stop.
- But why have you tried? You knew that smoking was bad and useless.
- My mother and my friends smoked so I wanted to be like them.
-It isn’t the way to make us stop.
-What other way are you thinking aloud?
-The price of the boxes keeps rising. It might be a reason to make me stop but not this law
Modifié par lucile83 le 07-03-2011 07:15
Message de grenadiine011 posté le 06-03-2011 à 23:12:25 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !
J'ai besoin de correction de mon débat d'anglais, je sais qu'il est long mais c'est vraiment urgent. Je passe demain, Aidez-moi s'il vous plait !!!
Merci pour vos réponses.
We chose this topic because there are more and more legislation to ban and reduce smoking. Do smokers and non-smokers think the same? We're both smoking and wanted to analyze the different views.
-Hi, how are you?
-I’m fine, but have you heard about the new law for smokers?
-I only know that Spain has banished smokers from bars, night clubs and restaurants.
-It’s worth than that! I heard that it also will be banished outside, form public places. For example, you won’t be allowed to smoke a cigarette in a park.
-Where did you hear that? Which countries are involved?
-European countries but from what I understand this law is still an idea.
-But it is also about Switzerland?
-Not yet, but Switzerland is becoming increasingly severe in relation to anti-smoking law. Look at the price of pack of cigarettes! It increases day by day
-In my opinion if this law was proposed, it will never be accepted. Five years ago Australia had sought to ban smoking in apartments and it was refused. To ban in parks is not that bad, I think it’s a good idea. Cigarette is a bad thing.
-What do you mean? Many things are bad for health, salt, fat or alcohol. So why harp on smokers?
-You smokers think you can do whatever you want, you don’t care about the others, and it’s a bit selfish.
-That not true.
-You smoke near old people, babies, pregnant women,… You don’t throw cigarette butts in bins; you leave them in the grass. You do not think that a dog or a child could swallow them.
-You’re not open minded, we aren’t all like that, don’t generalize.
-When you light a cigarette outside, do you always ask the people around you if it bothers them?
-No I don’t but does it mean that we have to establish such a law?
-Unless I blow my smoke directly in their face, I don’t see where the problem is.
-You think that if you are outside, people don’t breathe you smoke? Like inside, it’s very harmful. If you want to do unhealthy things, good for you but you shouldn’t do that to the people near you.
-It’s not a gun, you are over reacting. We aren’t killers neither. There are reasons of it isn’t completely banished.
-Alcohol is also not forbidden but it's still a drug. Anyway, the cigarette isn’t completely banished because it brings to much money to the Government.
-You’re right…But this law is totally stupid. They also want to make people ago 100m away from any bars to have their cigarettes. They are still non-smokers after those 100m.
-You never told me it was going to be banned near bars. In parks its understanding but that…is useless. Anyway, nobody will respect this law it will be too much work for the police to be sure it’s respected.
-Beside if this law is proposed and accepted, there will be too much expense. When we banned smoking in restaurants and coffee, we had to spend the money on restaurant smoking and non smoking restaurant.
-You’re right. There would be too much expense for this law to be respected. Too bad, I really thought it could have been a good thing. Infact why do you smoke
-I don’t know, I tried one day and I couldn’t stop.
- But why have you tried? You knew that smoking was bad and useless.
- My mother and my friends smoked so I wanted to be like them.
-It isn’t the way to make us stop.
-What other way are you thinking aloud?
-The price of the boxes keeps rising. It might be a reason to make me stop but not this law
Modifié par lucile83 le 07-03-2011 07:15
Réponse: Correction/ devoir d'anglais de notrepere, postée le 06-03-2011 à 23:39:26 (S | E)
Très bien!
-Hi, how are you?
-I’m fine, but have you heard about the new law for smokers?
-I only know that Spain has banished smokers from bars, night clubs and restaurants.
-It’s worth (1) than that! I heard that it also will be banished outside, form (2) public places. For example, you won’t be allowed to smoke a cigarette in a park.
-Where did you hear that? Which countries are involved?
-European countries but from what I understand this law is still an idea.
-But it is also about Switzerland (3)?
-Not yet, but Switzerland is becoming increasingly severe in relation to anti-smoking laws. Look at the price of (4) pack of cigarettes! It increases day by day
-In my opinion, if this law was proposed, it will never be accepted. Five years ago, Australia had sought to ban smoking in apartments and it was refused (5). To ban in parks is not that bad, I think it’s a good idea. Cigarette (6) is a bad thing.
-What do you mean? Many things are bad for your (12) health such as salt, fat or alcohol. So why harp on smokers?
-You smokers think you can do whatever you want, you don’t care about the others, and it’s a bit selfish.
-That not true.
-You smoke near old people, babies, pregnant women,… You don’t throw cigarette butts in bins; you leave them in the grass. You do not think that a dog or a child could swallow them.
-You’re not open minded, we aren’t all like that, don’t generalize.
-When you light a cigarette outside, do you always ask the people around you if it bothers them?
-No I don’t but does it mean that we have to establish such a law?
-Unless I blow my smoke directly in their face, I don’t see where the problem is.
-You think that if you are outside, people don’t breathe you smoke? Like inside, it’s very harmful. If you want to do unhealthy things, good for you but you shouldn’t do that to the people near you.
-It’s not a gun, you are over-reacting. We aren’t killers neither. There are reasons of (7) it isn’t completely banished.
-Alcohol is also not forbidden but it's still a drug. Anyway, the cigarette isn’t completely banished because it brings too much money to the Government.
-You’re right…But this law is totally stupid. They also want to make people ago 100m away from any bars to have their cigarettes. They are still non-smokers after those 100m.
-You never told me it was going to be banned near bars. In parks it's understanding (8) but that…is useless. Anyway, nobody will respect this law it will be too much work for the police to be sure it’s respected.
-Beside if this law is proposed and accepted, there will be too much expense. When we banned smoking in restaurants and coffee, we had to spend the money on restaurant smoking and non-smoking restaurant (9).
-You’re right. There would be too much expense for this law to be respected. Too bad, I really thought it could have been a good thing. Infact (10) why do you smoke?
-I don’t know, I tried one day and I couldn’t stop.
- But why have you tried? You knew that smoking was bad and useless.
- My mother and my friends smoked so I wanted to be like them.
-It isn’t the way to make us stop.
-What other way are you thinking aloud (11)?
-The price of the boxes keeps rising. It might be a reason to make me stop but not this law.
(1) Mal dit; 'pire' en français
(2) Orthographe
(3) Mal dit
(4) Article indéfini
(5) Pas le bon verbe; 'rejeter' vaut mieux
(6) Il faut une action pas un objet
(7) Mot superflu
(8) Forme du mot
(9) Mal dit
(10) Deux mots
(11) Je ne comprends pas
(12) Il faut un pronom possessif
Modifié par notrepere le 07-03-2011 02:28
Thank you Gerondif, I missed that one!
Réponse: Correction/ devoir d'anglais de gerondif, postée le 07-03-2011 à 00:10:35 (S | E)
Hello, np!
I had almost finished correcting this text when I deleted it by mistake ! I was too lazy to do it all again !
11) I think it was "about" that got spelt "aloud"
-You think that if you are outside, people don’t breathe you smoke?
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