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How long vs how much time (1)

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How long vs how much time
Message from nutmeg1906 posted on 07-03-2011 at 17:55:42
I can't find a grammar book that explains the difference between "how long" and "how much time".
Examples like "How much time do I need to...?" vs "How long have you been learning English" may be clear enough, but how can I explain it to my demanding students?
I'm sure you can help me!
Thank you.

Edited by lucile83 on 07-03-2011 19:00

Edited by lucile83 on 24-03-2011 06:01

Re: How long vs how much time by bridg, posted on 07-03-2011 at 18:08:48
Take a look at this topic, here
Lien Internet


Re: How long vs how much time by nutmeg1906, posted on 07-03-2011 at 18:46:47
Thank you for your early reply. I had read this page, but I'm afraid that the difference in usage I'm looking for does not emerge clearly: they consider the two expressions as more or less equivalent, while I hardly find traces of "how much time" in grammar books.

Re: How long vs how much time by lucile83, posted on 07-03-2011 at 19:03:54

It is more common and natural to say 'how long'.


Re: How long vs how much time by notrepere, posted on 07-03-2011 at 19:14:44
I agree with Lucile. Here is a good summary of most of the common "How + " expressions:
Lien Internet

I'm still wondering "How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie-Roll center of a Tootsie-Pop?"
Lien Internet

Edited by willy on 07-03-2011 20:52
Don't be shy, notrepere!Just have a try!

Edited by lucile83 on 07-03-2011 21:48
He did!! but he is sick in bed now...

Edited by notrepere on 07-03-2011 22:08

Re: How long vs how much time by nutmeg1906, posted on 07-03-2011 at 20:01:39
Thank you!
The summary in Lien Internet
provides other useful examples:
now it might be easier to explain when "how much time" and/or "how long" should be used. Bye!

Edited by lucile83 on 07-03-2011 20:06

Re: How long vs how much time by lucile83, posted on 07-03-2011 at 23:06:35

       Don't worry np! we are coming!
isn't he a nice doctor? he will look after you

Re: How long vs how much time by notrepere, posted on 08-03-2011 at 03:55:55
Hello Pink
Thank you very much, I'm feeling better already.

Re: How long vs how much time by lucile83, posted on 08-03-2011 at 08:18:59
I am glad to read that you are feeling better!

Re: How long vs how much time by may, posted on 10-03-2011 at 02:52:08
Oh dear sweet Lucile
...Ah si j'étais un petit volerais vers ton coeur...Ah si j'étais un petit nagerais vers ton coeur..

Edited by lucile83 on 10-03-2011 07:15
Thank you may, it is kind of you!
Did you notice however that you are on the English only forum?...and also, I deleted your link which was wrong.

Edited by may on 11-03-2011 01:12
"Ah, si j'étais.." Sylvain Piron
Lien Internet

I do notice your kindness, sweet Lucile!

Re: How long vs how much time by ztemaqian, posted on 20-03-2011 at 21:31:19
I'm not sure what about the difference is from between "How long" and "How much time".
After viewing the link(maybe in France),I tried to do the test,finally all is true.

Edited by lucile83 on 20-03-2011 21:33

Re: How long vs how much time by ru_25, posted on 22-03-2011 at 16:48:05
both "how long" and "how much" are used to inquire about time but the difference is that we usually use the word "time" with the phrase "how much" whereas we don't use the word "time" with the phrase "how long".
For example how long does it take to make the dish ?
but we'll say: how much time do u you need to make the dish?

Edited by lucile83 on 22-03-2011 16:58

Re: How long vs how much time by may, posted on 24-03-2011 at 01:29:56

both "how long" and "how much" are used to inquire about time...

Nope, let's say How much money do you have right now?

See you,

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