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The Secret Garden-Ecouter

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The Secret Garden-Ecouter
Message de notrepere posté le 22-03-2011 à 00:23:44 (S | E | F)

Bonjour! Il s'agit de regarder la vidéo et de fournir les mots manquants. La vidéo est un peu longue mais il n'y a pas beaucoup de dialogue juste des jolies images . Bonne chance et bonne écoute. Si vous ne connaissez pas cette histoire, vous pouvez la lire ici (en français) : Le jardin secret

The Secret Garden
Correction: 3 avril 2011
Video link: cliquez ici

Mary: _____ _____ _____.
Colin: Yes…
Mary: Go along, Honker.
Colin: _____ _____ _____ _____.
Dickon: Don't worry, _____ _____ _____ _____ with us _____ _____ _____ _____.
Colin: _____? _____? _____ _____ _____ _____ _____?
Dickon: Well _____ _____ _____ like _____ _____, _____ _____?
Colin: Yes, but I never thought I…
Mary: _____ _____ _____, Colin.
Colin: _____ _____ _____?
Mary: Almost. Now…
Colin: Yes, _____ _____ _____.
Mary: The pond was all clogged when we _____ _____ _____.
Colin: Really?
Mary: Do you see that _____? That's a cornflower. Up there's a _____ _____. That's where I found the Empress of India and I planted all those _____ and _____.
Colin: I'm going to _____ _____ _____ and the _____ _____, and the _____ _____ _____.
Mary: See? You have to pull the _____ _____ to give the _____ _____. Get off...
Colin: Ew…
Dickon: It's only a little _____.
Colin: Ew...
Dickon: Not ew…. mmm… [Boy eats worm.] See? He likes 'em too.
Colin: Huh? Who's that _____?
Gardener: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____? How did you get in you _____ _____ _____! I could not _____ ya the first time I set eyes on ya.
Mary: It was the _____ who _____ _____ _____ _____.
Gardener: Oh…

[The dialogue has been shortened because it was too long.]

Le livre de Frances Hodgson Burnett fut adapté en 1993 au cinéma par la réalisatrice Agnieszka Holland, Le Jardin secret.

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de lucile83, postée le 23-03-2011 à 05:58:31 (S | E)
Hello dear np,

Pas facile quand même...mais que c'est joli! j'espère avoir le temps de faire l'exercice, entre 1h et 3h du matin par exemple

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de notrepere, postée le 23-03-2011 à 06:01:18 (S | E)
Hello Pink.

Yes, I know, but you all always do so well, I thought I had to make it a little more challenging. There are many different accents in the video, and sometimes children are not the easiest to understand. I debated whether it was a good choice, but it does have nice pictures.

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de sanna6, postée le 24-03-2011 à 17:22:31 (S | E)

Je ne connaissais pas cette histoire. Peut être que ce lien complète un peu plus l'histoire : Lien Internet

Une bonne continuation, merci pour cet exercice.

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de violet91, postée le 25-03-2011 à 18:44:18 (S | E)
Hello dear np and friends, how lovely to think of us we tend to perfection !!! You might be disappointed !! Pendant que je poste un texte sensuel et bientôt voluptueux (woops!) , te voilà avec ce petit (tricky)miracle de virginale fraîcheur enfantine !! Are you sure Dicken doesn't speak a XVIth century English ?

I hate sayings..mais en Français, j'en ai, pourtant, un qui convient bien aujourd'hui !!

Petit à petit, l'oiseau fait son nid! (de préférence un rouge-gorge!)

Mary: Shall we go ?
Colin: Yes…
Mary: Go along, Honker.
Colin: ' wish I could help .
Dckon: Don't worry, you're likely to walk with us before you know it .
Colin: Me ? Walk ? Do you think I could ?
Dickon: Well you have right (proper!) legs like everybody else , don't you ?
Colin: Yes, but I never thought I…
Mary : Close your eyes ,Colin.
Colin : Am I there ?
Mary : Almost. Now…
Colin: Yes, I imagined this .
Mary: The pond was all clogged when we first came here .
Colin: Really?
Mary: Do you see that flower ? That's a cornflower. Up there's a robin's (robins') nest . That's where I found the Empress of India and I planted all those bulbs and seeds .
Colin: I'm going to come here tomorrow and the day after ,and the day after that
Mary: See? You have to pull the weeds out to give the flowers room Get off...
Colin: Ew…
Dickon: It's only a little worm .
Colin: Ew...
Dickon: Not ew…. mmm… [Boy eats worm.] See? He likes 'em too.
Colin: Huh? Who's that man ?
Gardener: What are you doing in here ? How did you get in you awful little busy-bodies ? I could not stand ya the first time I set eyes on ya.
Mary: It was the robin who showed me the door .
Gardener : Oh...

Il faut bien se jeter à l'eau !...Ce n'est qu'une épreuve...j'y retourne ,like Penelopeeee!..

..Hello ! Second go ! have a lovely week-end !

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de lolilola, postée le 28-03-2011 à 15:04:42 (S | E)
Je vais tâcher de répondre. Il y'a des choses que je n'ai pas compris, mais j'ai entendu un truc alors je mets ce que j'ai entendu.
Haha, lorsque le vieux monsieur parle c'est encore plus dure.

Mary: Here we go_.
Colin: Yes…
Mary: Go along, Honker.
Colin: Wish i could help.
Dickon: Don't worry, we'll let you walk with us before you know it.
Colin: me? walk? do you think i could?
Dickon: Well you have legs like everybody else don't you?
Colin: Yes, but I never thought I…
Mary: close your eyes, Colin.
Colin: am i there?
Mary: Almost. Now…
Colin: Yes, i imagines this.
Mary: The pond was all clogged when we first came here.
Colin: Really?
Mary: Do you see that flower ? That's a cornflower. Up there's a robin's nest. That's where I found the Empress of India and I planted all those bowls and _seeds.
Colin: I'm going to come here tomorrow and the day after, and the day after that.
Mary: See? You have to pull the weeds up to give the flowers room. Get off...
Colin: Ew…
Dickon: It's only a little worm.
Colin: Ew...
Dickon: Not ew…. mmm… [Boy eats worm.] See? He likes 'em too.
Colin: Huh? Who's that man?
Gardener: what are you doing in here? How did you get in you awfull little busy bully! I could not bear ya the first time I set eyes on ya.
Mary: It was the robin who showed me the door.
Gardener: Oh…

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de clairefr, postée le 28-03-2011 à 18:34:14 (S | E)

Allez je me lance, même si je ne suis pas du tout sûre de certaines de mes réponses !Merci en tout cas pour cet exercice qui fait travailler notre écoute !

Mary: Shall we go.
Colin: Yes...
Mary: Go along, Honker.
Colin: Wish I could help!
Dickon: Don't worry, you'll ... to walk with us before you know it.
Colin: Me ? Walk ? Do you think I could ?
Dickon: Well you have legs like everybody else, don't you?
Colin: Yes, but I never thought I...
Mary: Close your eyes, Colin.
Colin: Am I there ?
Mary: Almost. Now...
Colin: Yes, I imagined this.
Mary: The pond was all clogged when we first came here.
Colin: Really?
Mary: Do you see that flower? That's a cornflower. Up there's a robin's ness. That's where I found the Empress of India and I planted all those bodes and seeds.
Colin: I'm going to come in tomorrow and the day after, and the day after that.
Mary: See? You have to pull the wings up to give the flowers room. Get off...
Colin: Ew...
Dickon: It's only a little worm.
Colin: Ew...
Dickon: Not ew.... mmm... [Boy eats worm.] See? He likes 'em too.
Colin: Huh? Who's that man?
Gardener: What are you doing in here ? How did you get in you awful little busy buddies! I could not stand ya the first time I set eyes on ya.
Mary: It was the robin who show me the door.
Gardener: Oh...

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de dolfine56, postée le 29-03-2011 à 11:35:07 (S | E)
Hi, dear NP,
The setting is a bit primitive and very attractive ,but I found the music too loud in places , because I'm not used to listening to English language

here I'm:

Mary: Shall we go?
Colin: Yes…
Mary: Go along, Honker.
Colin: Wish I could help.
Dickon: Don't worry, you may be walking with us before you know it.
Colin: really? walk? do you think i could?
Dickon: Well you have right legs like everybody else,don't you?
Colin: Yes, but I never thought I…
Mary: close your eyes, Colin.
Colin: Am I there?
Mary: Almost. Now…
Colin: Yes, I imagined this.
Mary: The pond was all clogged when we first came here.
Colin: Really?
Mary: Do you see that flower? That's a cornflower. Up there's a robin's nest. That's where I found the Empress of India and I planted all those boughs and seeds.
Colin: I'm going to come to-morrow and the day after,and the day after that.
Mary: See? You have to pull the weeds out to give the flowers a trim. Get off...
Colin: Ew…
Dickon: It's only a little worm.
Colin: Ew...
Dickon: Not ew…. mmm… [Boy eats worm.] See? He likes 'em too.
Colin: Huh? Who's that man?
Gardener: What are you doing in here? How did you get in you awfulm little busy buddies! I could not stand ya the first time I set eyes on ya.
Mary: It was the robin who showed me the door..
Gardener: Oh…

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-04-2011 12:05 be used to + v-ing

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de sanna6, postée le 30-03-2011 à 22:50:31 (S | E)

Here is our try
Ma fille m'a aidée et la copine de ma fille aussi ... on n'était pas de trop !!!

Mary: Here we go.
Colin: Yes?
Mary: Go along, Honker.
Colin: Wish I could help.
Dickon: Don't worry, love your walk in with us before you know it.
Colin: Me ? walk ? Do you think I could ?
Dickon: Well I _____ _____ like everybody else, Don't you ?
Colin: Yes, but I never thought I?
Mary: Close your eyes, Colin.
Colin: Am I there?
Mary: Almost. Now?
Colin: Yes, I imagined this .
Mary: The pond was all clogged when we first came in.
Colin: Really?
Mary: Do you see that flower ? That's a cornflower. Up there's a robin eggs. That's where I found the Empress of India and I planted all those boles ? and seeds .
Colin: I'm going to come here tomorrow and the day after, and the day after it.
Mary: See? You have to pull the leaves up to give the flowers _____. Get off...
Colin: Ew?
Dickon: It's only a little worm.
Colin: Ew...
Dickon: Not ew?. mmm? [Boy eats worm.] See? He likes 'em too.
Colin: Huh? Who's that man ?
Gardener: What are you doing in here ? How did you get in you awful busy buddy ! I could not there ya the first time I set eyes on ya.
Mary: It was the robin who showed me the door.

Merci bien

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de may, postée le 01-04-2011 à 02:25:22 (S | E)
Hello notrepere,

It's really nice! Thank you

Mary: Shall we_go?
Colin: Yes…
Mary: Go along, Honker.
Colin: Wish I could help.
Dickon: Don't worry, we'll have you walk with us before you know it.
Colin: me? walk? Do you think I could?
Dickon: Well, you have legs like everybody else, don't you?
Colin: Yes, but I never thought I…
Mary: close your eye, Colin.
Colin: Am I there?
Mary: Almost. Now…
Colin: Yes, I imagined this.
Mary: The pond was all clogged when we first came here.
Colin: Really?
Mary: Do you see that flower? That's a cornflower. Up there's a robin's nest. That's where I found the Empress of India and I planted all those bowels and seeds.
Colin: I'm going to come here tomorrow and the day after, and the day after that.
Mary: See? You have to pull the weeds up to give the flowers room. Get off...
Colin: Ew…
Dickon: It's only a little worm.
Colin: Ew...
Dickon: Not ew…. mmm… [Boy eats worm.] See? He likes 'em too.
Colin: Huh? Who's that man?
Gardener: What are you doing in here? How did you get in you awful little busybodies! I could not bear ya the first time I set eyes on ya.
Mary: It was the robin who showed me the door.
Gardener: Oh…

Good night,

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de lucile83, postée le 03-04-2011 à 07:52:46 (S | E)
Hello np

I'll try to do the exercise today

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de lucile83, postée le 03-04-2011 à 12:01:55 (S | E)
Hello again dear np!
Here I am...
how marvellous it is! thank you for the video

Mary: Shall we go?
Colin: Yes…
Mary: Go along, Honker.
Colin: Wish I could help.
Dickon: Don't worry, you're likely to walk * with us before you know it.
Colin: Me? Walk? Do you think I could?
Dickon: Well you have legs like everybody else, don't you?
Colin: Yes, but I never thought I…
Mary: Close your eyes, Colin.
Colin: Am I there?
Mary: Almost. Now…
Colin: Yes, I imagined this.
Mary: The pond was all clogged when we first came here.
Colin: Really?
Mary: Do you see that flower? That's a cornflower. Up there's a robin's nest. That's where I found the Empress of India and I planted all those bulbs and seeds.
Colin: I'm going to come here tomorrow and the day after, and the day after that.
Mary: See? You have to pull the weeds up to give the flowers room. Get off...
Colin: Ew…
Dickon: It's only a little worm.
Colin: Ew...
Dickon: Not ew…. mmm… [Boy eats worm.] See? He likes 'em too.
Colin: Huh? Who's that man?
Gardener: What are you doing in here? How did you get in you awful little busybodies! I could not bear ya the first time I set eyes on ya.
Mary: It was the robin who showed me the door.
Gardener: Oh…

* you're likely to walk ...pas sûre à 100% mais j'ai entendu par déduction j'ai écrit cette phrase.

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de hmarie, postée le 03-04-2011 à 15:14:25 (S | E)
Hello notrepere.
Cette fois je ne me laisse pas surprendre par le temps. J'arrive quand même au dernier moment mais contente d'avoir compris une phrase de plus à l'instant. Encore un mot manquant tout de même! Ai-je bien entendu tout le reste?
Merci pour cette très belle video.

Mary: Here we go.
Colin: Yes…
Mary: Go along, Honker.
Colin: Wish I could help.
Dickon: Don't worry, you shall be walking with us before you know.
Colin: Me? Walk? Do you think I could?
Dickon: Well you have legs like everybody else, don't you?
Colin: Yes, but I never thought I…
Mary: Close your eyes, Colin.
Colin: Am I there?
Mary: Almost. Now…
Colin: Yes, I imagined this.
Mary: The pond was all clogged when we first came here.
Colin: Really?
Mary: Do you see that flower? That's a cornflower. Up there's a robin's nest. That's where I found the Empress of India and I planted all those bulbs and seeds.
Colin: I'm going to come here tomorrow and the day after, and the day after that.
Mary: See? You have to pull the weeds out to give the flowers room. Get off...
Colin: Ew…
Dickon: It's only a little worm.
Colin: Ew...
Dickon: Not ew…. mmm… [Boy eats worm.] See? He likes 'em too.
Colin: Huh? Who's that man?
Gardener: What are you doing in here? How did you get in you awful little _____! I could not bear ya the first time I set eyes on ya.
Mary: It was the robin who showed me the door.
Gardener: Oh…

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de notrepere, postée le 03-04-2011 à 20:38:21 (S | E)

J'arrive! Cet exercice était un peu difficile, non? Quelques mots se sont avérés difficiles.

Mary: Here we go
Colin: Yes…
Mary: Go along Honker
Colin: Wish I could help.
Dickon: Don't worry, we'll have you walking with us before you know it.
Colin: Me? Walk? Do you think I could?
Dickon: Well you have legs like everybody else, don't you?
Colin: Yes, but I never thought I…
Mary: Close your eyes, Colin.
Colin: Am I there?
Mary: Almost. Now--
Colin: Yes -- I imagined this.
Mary: The pond was all clogged when we first came here.
Colin: Really?
Mary: Do you see that flower? That's a cornflower. Up there's a robin's nest. That's where I found the Empress of India and I planted all those bulbs and seeds.
Colin: I'm going to come here tomorrow and the day after, and the day after that.
Mary: See? You have to pull the weeds out to give the flowers room. Get off..
Colin: Ew…
Dickon: It's only a little worm.
Colin: Ew….
Dickon: Not ewww …. mmmmm [Boy eats worm.] See? He likes 'em too.
Colin: Huh? Who's that man?
Gardener: What are you doing in here? How did you get in you awful little busybody! I could not bear ya the first time I set eyes on ya.
Mary: It was the robin who showed me the door.
Gardener: Oh…

Here we go... (forme déclarative)
forme interrogative: Shall we go?

the round underground part of some plants, shaped like an onion, that grows into a new plant every year (Oxford)
the bulb fields of Holland
tulip bulbs
daffodil bulbs


Empress of India

busybody [pluriel: busybodies]
a person who is too interested in things that do not involve them
Some interfering busybody had rung the police.

a person who is too interested in what other people are doing
He's an interfering old busybody!
a meddlesome, prying, or officious person (Collins)

tomorrow, the day after (= the day after tomorrow), the day after that (= two days after tomorrow)

Faites un double clic sur chaque mot pour obtenir plus d'information.

Merci, participant(es):violet91, lolilola, clairefr, dolfine56, sanna6, may, lucile83, hmarie

Bien sûr, cette histoire se termine par un happy end.

Si vous êtes curieux, vous pouvez regarder la fin du film avec sous-titres anglais.

Video Link

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de may, postée le 04-04-2011 à 02:26:07 (S | E)
Hello notrepere,

Thank you for everything! However, I am just wondering whether I am right or you are wrong...

What are you doing in here? How did you get in you awful little busybody, logically should be in plural, I think!

Good night!

Modifié par may le 04-04-2011 02:36
The whole world is a garden. That's so true!

Modifié par may le 06-04-2011 02:38

I see, Notrepere nice use of words however

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de notrepere, postée le 04-04-2011 à 05:35:44 (S | E)
Hello May

Yes, it is singular. Note how the gardener only sees Mary at first when he asks her how she got in. The very last thing he says in this exercise is "Oh..." which is when he sees Colin and Dickon. So there couldn't be busybodies until there was more than one body to be busy.

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de lucile83, postée le 04-04-2011 à 07:40:01 (S | E)
np pour la correction de l'exercice qui n'était pas si facile que ça!

Mais la video était très belle, la 2e aussi, j'ai beaucoup aimé encore merci!

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de violet91, postée le 04-04-2011 à 11:18:17 (S | E)

Bonjour , dear np.

Mille fois merci de cet extrait original , car il est vrai que les enfants ( surtout les tout petits ) sont difficiles à comprendre .

I had never come across " busy-body" : thank you .

J'avais bien l'impression que Mary " aspirait " un " h" , comme " Here we go "...mais Colin lui répondant " Yes"...j'y ai renoncé , optant pour " Shall we go?", tout aussi plausible,, pensant que le garçon l'avait priée de l'amener à son jardin secret que là, elle n'était pas décisionnaire .

Np, tu as le don de poster des extraits tout à fait variés et inattendus .

You are a precious member , you know !


Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de dolfine56, postée le 04-04-2011 à 11:38:49 (S | E)
Bonjour NP,

Un grand pour ce texte splendide , même si pas facile , et ces images magnifiques.
La suite et fin n'est pas mal non plus.
à bientôt ---

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de sanna6, postée le 04-04-2011 à 16:13:57 (S | E)

Merci ! pour cet exercice et cet enregistrement "happy End", c'est une très belle histoire et nous avons pris beaucoup de plaisir à essayer de le faire. On aurait voulu faire mieux, peut être le prochain !

Pour Violet

Je t'assure que j'avais pris le dictionnaire pour le mot buddy !! Mais je n'avais vu le (U.S)
Je viens d' aller voir sur internet et j'ai trouvé ceci en tapant busybuddy : Lien Internet

Je pense me rappeler de la différence !!! ...mais je n'aurais pas dû regarder !!! ....C'est terrible ...Pourquoi est ce que je n'entends pas comme vous ?

Encore merci à vous

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de clairefr, postée le 04-04-2011 à 20:51:34 (S | E)
Merci Notrepere pour cet entrainement ! J'ai bien besoin d'entraîner mes oreilles !

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de hmarie, postée le 04-04-2011 à 23:23:53 (S | E)
Bonsoir Notrepere et merci pour la correction et la seconde vidéo. Voilà qui donne envie à la fois de lire le livre et de voir le film. Comment se passer de telles images?
J'avais bien entendu "busybody" mais ne connaissant pas l'expression, je voulais l'écrire en deux mots et il manquait alors un tiret. Pour les fois où il y en a trop! Une prochaine fois je ferai des recherches.
Merci encore et bonne soirée.

Réponse: The Secret Garden-Ecouter de lolilola, postée le 14-04-2011 à 13:44:08 (S | E)
OUi merci pour cette correction.


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