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Correction / traduction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction / traduction
Message de clement26 posté le 26-03-2011 à 21:05:15 (S | E | F)
Pour lundi, j'ai un petit travail. En fait je dois décrire cette vidéo : Lien Internet

Pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger mes fautes s'il vous plaît?

Voici ce que j'ai fait en français :

L'ours commence par lire un livre dans le salon intitulé « The Ten Things to do when your life falls apart ». Ensuite, il se rend sur internet, il clique sur le lien « Get Involved » et en même temps boit de l’alcool.
Ensuite, on retrouve l'ours dans la rue, il saute sur un ballon sauteur avec un sert tête sur la tête. Il sonne aux portes des gens, à la recherche de sponsors mais il accumule les échecs. Pour exprimer son mécontentement, un homme shoot dans son ballon sauteur. Quelques portes plus tard, il tombe sur Kate Moss qui semble contente de le voir et l'accueil chaleureusement dans sa maison. Ils commencent par discuter dans le salon, Kate Moss et l'ours boivent de l'alcool (bière, vin) et deviennent très rapidement saoul, ils se prennent en photo. Après, l'ours et Kate Moss vont communiquer par le biais de message écrit sur du papier. Tout d'abord l'ours écrit « You are very pretty ». Kate Moss va complimenter la petite peluche « You are very handsome ». Elle est très charmeuse et l'ours tombe complètement sous son charme. Kate Moss va même l'inviter dans sa chambre qui est recouverte de photo de lui. Il y a également des messages accrochés au mur qui font peur à l'ours (« Till death do us part », « I will marry misery beat », « Misery beat is mine »). L'ours a tellement peur qu'il quitte immédiatement la maison de Kate Moss et prend la fuite dans la rue, il saute sur son bouncing ball mais il a un accident lorsqu'il traverse la rue, une voiture le renverse. Il se retrouvera blessé avec un bras cassé dans le lit de Kate Moss et, armé d'une masse, elle souhaite tuer l'ours.

Maintenant la traduction en anglais :

The bear begins by reading a book in the living room "The Ten Things to doh when your life falls apart ".Then, it goes on internet, it clicks the link "Get Involved " and drinks some alcohol.
Then, we find the bear in the street, he jumps on a bouncing ball with a headband on the head. It rings near people, in search of sponsors but it accumulates the failures. To express his dissatisfaction, a man shot in its bouncing ball. Some doors later, it falls on Kate Moss who seems satisfy with seeing him and she the welcome warmly in its house. They begin by discussing in the lounge, Kate Moss and the bear drink some alcohol (beer, wine) and become very quickly drunk, they take photograph. Later, the bear and Kate Moss are going to communicate by means of message written on some paper. First of all the bear writes "You are very pretty". Kate Moss is going to compliment the small cuddly fluff " You are very handsome ". She is very captivating and the bear falls completely under its charm. Kate Moss is even going to invite him in his room which is covered with photo of him. There are also messages hung on the wall which frighten the bear ("Till death doh US part ", "I marry misery will beat ", "Misery beat is mines"). The bear is so afraid that he leaves at once Kate Moss's house and flees in the street, he jumps on his bouncing ball but he has an accident when he crosses the street, a car knocks down him. He will meet wounded with an arm broken in Kate Moss's bed and, armed with a mass, she wishes to kill the bear.

Merci bien.

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-03-2011 21:06
Demande reformulée

Réponse: Correction / traduction de aylana, postée le 27-03-2011 à 19:14:21 (S | E)
The bear begins by reading a book in the living room "The Ten Things to doh when your life falls apart ".Then, it goes on internet, it clicks the link "Get Involved " and drinks some alcohol.
Then, we find the bear in the street, he jumps on a bouncing ball with a headband on the head. It rings at doors, in search of sponsors but it accumulates the failures. To express his dissatisfaction, a man shot in its bouncing ball. Some doors later, it falls on Kate Moss who seems to be satisfied with seeing him and she the welcomess him (or it) warmly in her house. They begin by discussing in the lounge, Kate Moss and the bear drink some alcohol (beer, wine) and become very quickly drunk, they take photographs. Later, the bear and Kate Moss go on communicating by means of message written on pieces of paper. First of all the bear writes "You are very pretty". Kate Moss is going to compliment the little stuffed animal " You are very handsome ". She is very engaging and the bear falls completely under her charm. Kate Moss is even inviting him in her room which walls are covered with photos of him. There are also messages hung on the wall which frighten the bear ("Till death do US part ", "I will marry misery beat ", "Misery beat is mine"). The bear is so afraid that he leaves at once Kate Moss's house and flees in the street, he jumps on his bouncing ball but he has an accident as he crosses the street, a car knocks him down. He will find himself with a broken arm in Kate Moss's bed. She is armed with a mass, she wishes to kill the bear.

voici ma correction, j'espère que je n'ai rien oublié. comme l'ours est presque humain tu peux dire "he" comme tu le fais à la fin du texte, mais tu dois le faire partout et pas seulement sur une partie.
bon courage


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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