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Correction /French children

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Correction /French children
Message de mary26 posté le 27-03-2011 à 21:11:52 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous !

J'ai un oral à passer, j'ai écrit ce que je dois dire et j'aimerais bien que quelqu'un puisse me corriger s'il vous plaît.
Merci par avance !

It deals with French children who spend their holidays with the aim to improve their English.

My presentation will cover two points:
Firstly, I will talk about this particularly holidays and secondly I will explain the reasons of this phenomenon. I will finish with my point of view.

Nowadays, speak English is important. That’s why French parents are ready to spent lot of money and send their children abroad for improve language skills.
Before (hand) penpals was the best solution for practice and learn foreign languages. Unfortunately this practice is less common today because few people learn French nowadays. The second solution is going abroad during holidays such as February, Easter or summer. But it’s expensive and some parents are not ready to let their children going alone in a foreign country.
So the idea of foreign languages holidays in France is attractive to more and more French parents.
At 530€ per week including meals and lessons, it’s less expensive than sending their children abroad. The program consists to live to the English teacher’s house (during holidays). The student has lessons in the morning and at afternoon he has activities like sport, cultural excursions and so on.

One of the reasons for the popularity of learning languages in France is that some of parents were disappointed with results obtained in other countries. Because most of time their children were with french other children and they speak French so they don’t progress. Whereas with this new concept
(calls “one-to-one”) the student is alone with the teacher and he should speaks English every time.
Another problem who explain this choice: complaints from foreign families who accept French children. These complaints concern French’s children behavior: they answer back, smoke and drink alcohol whereas it’s forbidden.
Sometimes they decided to repatriate them and their behavior discourages families to welcome foreign student.

I think that this program is a good alternative because it’s less expensive than going abroad but the most important is that the results are the same as if they spent their holidays in a foreign countries. This solution could also reassure some parents because they stay in France.

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-03-2011 21:20

Réponse: Correction /French children de notrepere, postée le 28-03-2011 à 04:44:43 (S | E)

My presentation will cover two points:
Firstly, I will talk about this particularly holidays and secondly I will explain the reasons of (1) this phenomenon. I will finish with my point of view.

(1) mauvaise préposition

Nowadays, speak (2) English is important. That’s why French parents are ready to spent a lot of money and send (2) their children abroad for improve (3) (5) language skills.

(2) gérondif
(3) pour + infinitif = in order to + verb
(4) pronom possessif manquant, quel choix convient ? my, your, his, her, its, our, their

Before (hand) (5) penpals was (6) the best solution for practice (2) and learn (2) foreign languages. Unfortunately this practice is less common today because few people learn French nowadays. The second solution is going (7) abroad during holidays such as February, Easter or summer. But it’s expensive and some parents are not ready to let their children going alone in (1) a foreign country.

(5) Historically vaut mieux
(6) accorde
(7) infinitif vaut mieux

So the idea of foreign languages holidays in France is attractive to more and more French parents.
At 530€ per week including meals and lessons, it’s less expensive than sending their children abroad. The program consists to (1) live (2) to (1) the English teacher’s house (during holidays). The student has lessons in the morning and at in the afternoon he has activities like sport, cultural excursions and so on.

One of the reasons for the popularity of learning languages in France is that some of parents were disappointed with results obtained in other countries. Because most of time their children were (8) with french other (9) children and they speak French so they don’t progress. Whereas with this new concept
(called “one-to-one”) the student is alone with the teacher and he should speaks (10) English every time.

(8) il faut mettre cette phrase entièrement au passé ou présent.
(9) ordre des mots; French
(10) devoir = 'must' dans le contexte

(11)Another problem who explain this choice (12): complaints from foreign families who accept French children. These complaints concern French’s children (13) behavior (14): they answer back, smoke and drink alcohol whereas it’s forbidden.
Sometimes they decided to repatriate them and their behavior discourages families to (1) welcome (2) foreign students.

(11) On the other hand?
(12) n'a pas de sens
(13) French = invariable; children en forme possessive
(14) behaviour behavior

I think that this program is a good alternative because it’s less expensive than going abroad but the most important thing is that the results are the same as if they spent their holidays in a foreign countries. This solution could also reassure some parents because they stay in France.

Réponse: Correction /French children de mary26, postée le 28-03-2011 à 07:27:01 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup !

Réponse: Correction /French children de mary26, postée le 28-03-2011 à 23:21:54 (S | E)
J'ai corrigé les fautes.Pouvez-vous vérifier si j'ai bien fait s'il vous plait ? Merci !

My presentation will cover two points:
Firstly, I will talk about this particularly holidays and secondly I will explain the reasons to this phenomenon. I will finish with my point of view.

Nowadays, speaking English is important. That’s why French parents are ready to spent a lot of money sending their children abroad in order to improve language skills.

Historically penpals were the best solution for practicing and learning foreign languages. Unfortunately this practice is less common today because few people learn French nowadays. The second solution is to go abroad during holidays such as February, Easter or summer. But it’s expensive and some parents are not ready to let their children going alone to a foreign country.

So the idea of foreign languages holidays in France is attractive to more and more French parents.
At 530€ per week including meals and lessons, it’s less expensive than sending their children abroad. The program consists in (1) living (2) in (1) the English teacher’s house (during holidays). The student has lessons in the morning and at in the afternoon he has activities like sport, cultural excursions and so on.

One of the reasons for the popularity of learning languages in France is that some of parents were disappointed with results obtained in other countries. Because most of time their children were (8) with other French (9) children and they spoke French so they don’t progress. Whereas with this new concept
(called “one-to-one”) the student is alone with the teacher and he must speaks (10) English every time.

(11)Another problem : complaints from foreign families who accept French children. These complaints concern French children’s (13) behaviour (14): they answer back, smoke and drink alcohol whereas it’s forbidden.
Sometimes they decided to repatriate them and their behavior discourages families for welcoming (2) foreign students.

I think that this program is a good alternative because it’s less expensive than going abroad but the most important thing is that the results are the same as if they spent their holidays in a foreign countries. This solution could also reassure some parents because they stay in France.

Réponse: Correction /French children de notrepere, postée le 28-03-2011 à 23:34:00 (S | E)

Il s'agit le texte en rouge et vert que vous n'avez pas complètement corrigé.

behavior discourages families to
His parents tried to discourage him from being an actor. Lien Internet

Réponse: Correction /French children de mary26, postée le 29-03-2011 à 00:25:56 (S | E)
Est-ce que c'est : their behavior discourages families from welcoming foreign students ?


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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