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Sherlock Holmes I-Ecouter

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Sherlock Holmes I-Ecouter
Message de notrepere posté le 06-04-2011 à 05:03:46 (S | E | F)

Sherlock Holmes I
Correction: 23 avril 2011
Video link: cliquez ici

** A tous/toutes mes participants/participantes: Lisez un nouveau message au bas de la page. Je vous demande de faire une petite traduction d'une phrase.

Il faut regarder la vidéo et fournir les mots manquants. Based on the "Sherlock Holmes" series by Arthur Conan Doyle. Robert Downey Jr plays Holmes and Jude Law plays Watson. Movie copyright 2009.

Inspector: Beg _____ _____, My Lord. I know that it's _____. But Mr Holmes here, he's been making _____ _____ _____ about you and the _____.

Count: I see.

Holmes: Well, at least this _____ _____ _____ _____ of how you became Inspector. [Inspector punches Holmes]

Inspector: Excuse me, My Lord, but _____ _____ _____ to _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____.

Count: Well, Inspector, I have _____ _____ before _____ _____ _____ so why don't you _____ _____ with your _____ _____ _____. Thank you, Lestrade.

Inspector: My Lord.

Holmes: I'm curious Count. Did you assist Blackwood in all the murders or _____ _____ _____ _____ _____? Very _____, those _____ - _____ _____ of yours. But the _____ of _____ is often the _____ _____ they leave. _____, I confess to being _____ _____: I could _____ very little from my investigation. Fortunately, there's nothing more _____ than a _____ where everything _____ _____ _____. How many _____ _____ _____ do you _____ _____ _____ at noon today? Man, Ox, Eagle, Lion. The Lion's (Lion is) Parliament, isn't it?

Count: _____ _____. But it's not _____, Mr Holmes, it's _____. We are giving the _____ _____ a _____ _____. Don't you see it's for their own…

(The exciting conclusion next time!)

Modifié par notrepere le 22-04-2011 06:55

Réponse: Sherlock Holmes I-Ecouter de gerondif, postée le 06-04-2011 à 14:54:00 (S | E)
Hello np,

Inspector: Beg your pardon , My Lord. I know that it's unorthodox. But Mr. Holmes here, he's been making some serious accusations about you and the Order.

Count: I see.

Holmes: Well, at least this solves the great mystery of (just)how you became an Inspector. [Inspector punches Holmes]

Inspector: Excuse me, My Lord, but I've been wanting to do that for a long time.

Count: Well, Inspector, I have five minutes before my next engagement so why don't you regale me with your stories of conspiracy. Thank you, Lestrade.
Inspector: My Lord.

Holmes: I'm curious Count. Did you assist Blackwood in all the murders or just the one I prevented? Very distinctive, those hand-made shoes of yours. But the price of quality is often the unique imprint they leave. Nonetheless, I confess to being completely outmatched: I could deduce very little from my investigation. Fortunately, there's nothing more stimulating than a case where everything goes against you. How many Members of Parliament do you intend to murder at noon today? Man, Ox, Eagle, Lion. The Lion's (Lion is) Parliament, isn't it?

Count: Very clever. But it's not murder, Mr Holmes, it's mercy. We are giving the weak masses a strong shepherd. Don't you see it's for their own…

Réponse: Sherlock Holmes I-Ecouter de clairefr, postée le 08-04-2011 à 14:37:44 (S | E)
Thank you NotrePere for this new exercise !
Some words were really hard to understand.

Inspector: Beg your pardon, My Lord. I know that it's unorthodox. But Mr Holmes here, he's been making some serious accusations about you and the order.

Count: I see.

Holmes: Well, at least this solves the great mystery of how you became Inspector. [Inspector punches Holmes]

Inspector: Excuse me, My Lord, but I've been wanting to do that for a long time.

Count: Well, Inspector, I have five minutes before my next engagement so why don't you regale me with your stories of conspiracy. Thank you, Lestrade.

Inspector: My Lord.

Holmes: I'm curious Count. Did you assist Blackwood in all the murders or just the one I prevented? Very distinctive, those hand - made shoes of yours. But the price of quality is often the unique imprint they leave. Nonetheless, I confess to being completely abashed: I could deduce very little from my investigation. Fortunately, there's nothing more stimulating than a case where everything goes against you. How many members of parliament do you intend to murder at noon today? Man, Ox, Eagle, Lion. The Lion's (Lion is) Parliament, isn't it?

Count: Very clever. But it's not murder, Mr Holmes, it's mercy. We are giving the weak masses a strong shepherd. Don't you see it's for their own…

(The exciting conclusion next time!)

Réponse: Sherlock Holmes I-Ecouter de lucile83, postée le 09-04-2011 à 17:40:26 (S | E)
Hello np,

Thanks for this new exercise!

Inspector: Beg your pardon, My Lord. I know that it's unorthodox. But Mr Holmes here, he's been making some serious accusations about you and the Order.

Count: I see.

Holmes: Well, at least this solves the great mystery of how you became Inspector. [Inspector punches Holmes]

Inspector: Excuse me, My Lord, but I've been wanting to do that for a long time.

Count: Well, Inspector, I have five minutes before my next engagement so why don't you regale me with your stories of conspiracy?. Thank you, Lestrade.

Inspector: My Lord.

Holmes: I'm curious Count. Did you assist Blackwood in all the murders or just the one I prevented? Very distinctive, those hand- made shoes of yours. But the price of quality is often the unique imprint they leave. Nonetheless, I confess to being completely outmatched: I could deduce very little from my investigation. Fortunately, there's nothing more stimulating than a case where everything goes against you. How many Members of Parliament do you intend to murder at noon today? Man, Ox, Eagle, Lion. The Lion's (Lion is) Parliament, isn't it?

Count: Very clever. But it's not murder, Mr Holmes, it's mercy. We are giving the weak masses a strong shepherd. Don't you see it's for their own…

oops, come back later to listen to the dialogue again...

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-04-2011 21:41 Be right back... 2 days later... Thanks dear np!

Réponse: Sherlock Holmes I-Ecouter de dolfine56, postée le 11-04-2011 à 17:14:33 (S | E)
Hi, Notrepère,
here is my try.thanks a lot

Inspector: Beg your pardon, My Lord. I know that it's _____. But Mr Holmes here, he's been making some serious accusations about you and the order.

Count: I see.

Holmes: Well, at least this solves the great mystery of how you became Inspector. [Inspector punches Holmes]

Inspector: Excuse me, My Lord, but I have been wanting to do that for a long time..

Count: Well, Inspector, I have five minutes before my next engagement so why don't you regale me with your stories of conspirancy. Thank you, Lestrade.

Inspector: My Lord.

Holmes: I'm curious Count. Did you assist Blackwood in all the murders or just the one I prevented? Very distinctive, those hand-made shoes of yours. But the price of quality is often the unique imprint they leave.Nonetheless I confess to being completely outmatched: I could deduce very little from my investigation. Fortunately, there's nothing more stimulating than a case where everything goes against you. How many members of parliament do you intend to murder at noon today? Man, Ox, Eagle, Lion. The Lion's (Lion is) Parliament, isn't it?

Count: very clever. But it's not murder, Mr Holmes, it's mercy. We are giving the weak masses a strong shepherd. Don't you see it's for their own…

Réponse: Sherlock Holmes I-Ecouter de lolilola, postée le 15-04-2011 à 13:07:14 (S | E)
Robert downey jr is so, well i like this actor.
Voici mes réponses.

Inspector: Beg your pardon, My Lord. I know that it's unorthodox. But Mr Holmes here, he's been making some serious accusation about you and theorder .

Count: I see.

Holmes: Well, at least this solves the great mysterie of how you became Inspector. [Inspector punches Holmes]

Inspector: Excuse me, My Lord, but i've been wanting to do that for a long time.

Count: Well, Inspector, I have _5 minutes_ before my next engagement so why don't you regale me with your _stories of conspiracy. Thank you, Lestrade.

Inspector: My Lord.

Holmes: I'm curious Count. Did you assist Blackwood in all the murders or just the one i prevented? Very distinctive, those hand-made shoes of yours. But the press ??? of quality is often the unique imprint they leave. nonetheless, I confess to being completely outmatched: I could use very little from my investigation. Fortunately, there's nothing more stimulating than a case where everything goes against you. How many _members of parliament do you intend to murder at noon today? Man, Ox, Eagle, Lion. The Lion's (Lion is) Parliament, isn't it?

Count: very clever. But it's not murder, Mr Holmes, it's mercy. We are giving the weak masses a strong shepherd. Don't you see it's for their own…

Modifié par lolilola le 15-04-2011 13:14

Quelle surprise voir les réponses des autres participants. Je comprends mieux maintenant, c'est pas use mais deduce et pas press mais price. C'est bon de se déboucher les oreilles de temps en temps.
Je parle de mes oreilles hein.

Modifié par lolilola le 15-04-2011 13:16

Réponse: Sherlock Holmes I-Ecouter de may, postée le 17-04-2011 à 03:29:57 (S | E)

Inspector: Beg your pardon , My Lord. I know that it's unorthodox. But Mr Holmes here, he's been making some serious accusations about you and the order.

Count: I see.

Holmes: Well, at least this solves the great mystery of how you became Inspector. [Inspector punches Holmes]

Inspector: Excuse me, My Lord, but I've been wanting to do that for a long time.

Count: Well, Inspector, I have five minutes before my next engagement so why don't you regale me with your stories of conspiracies. Thank you, Lestrade.

Inspector: My Lord.

Holmes: I'm curious Count. Did you assist Blackwood in all the murders or just the one I've investigated? Very distinctive, those hand - made shoes of yours. But the price of quality is often the unique imprint they leave. Nonetheless, I confess to being completely outmatched: I could deduce very little from my investigation. Fortunately, there's nothing more stimulating than a case where everything goes against you. How many members of Parliament do you intend to murder at noon today? Man, Ox, Eagle, Lion. The Lion's (Lion is) Parliament, isn't it?

Count: Very clever. But it's not murder, Mr Holmes, it's mercy. We are giving the weak masses a strong shepherd. Don't you see it's for their own…

(The exciting conclusion next time!)

Bonne nuit,

Modifié par may le 17-04-2011 04:01
Thank you Notrepere.

Réponse: Sherlock Holmes I-Ecouter de hmarie, postée le 18-04-2011 à 22:58:53 (S | E)
Bonsoir notrepere
J'ai toujours autant de mal à entendre certaines phrases et il reste encore des mots incompris! Merci encore pour ces exercices. La pratique finira bien par porter ses fruits!
Voilà mon travail inachevé:

Inspector: Beg your pardon, My Lord. I know that it's _____. But Mr Holmes here, he's been making some curious accusation about you and the order.

Count: I see.

Holmes: Well, at least this _____ the great industry of how you became Inspector. [Inspector punches Holmes]

Inspector: Excuse me, My Lord, but I've been wanting to do that for a long time.

Count: Well, Inspector, I have five minutes before my next engagement so why don't you _____ me with your stories of conspiracy. Thank you, Lestrade.

Inspector: My Lord.

Holmes: I'm curious Count. Did you assist Blackwood in all the murders or just the one I've _____? Very pretty, those leather - made shoes of yours. But the price of quality is often the unique imprint they leave. Nonetheless, I confess to being completely unmatched: I could do very little from my investigation. Fortunately, there's nothing more simulated than a case where everything goes against you. How many members of Parliament do you intend to murder at noon today? Man, Ox, Eagle, Lion. The Lion's (Lion is) Parliament, isn't it?

Count: Very clever. But it's not murder, Mr Holmes, it's Mercy. We are giving the weak masses a strong sheperd. Don't you see it's for their own…

Réponse: Sherlock Holmes I-Ecouter de notrepere, postée le 19-04-2011 à 03:49:45 (S | E)

A tous/toutes les participants/participantes: La phrase suivante de l'exercice est compliquée. Donnez-moi, s'il vous plaît, votre meilleure traduction de cette phrase en français et votre explication. Il faut comprendre le sens de chaque mot et la phrase dans le contexte avant que vous puissiez faire une bonne proposition. Bonne chance!

But the price of quality is often the unique imprint they leave.

1. Votre proposition
2. Votre explication

Réponse: Sherlock Holmes I-Ecouter de lucile83, postée le 19-04-2011 à 07:19:12 (S | E)
Hello np

But the price of quality is often the unique imprint they leave.

= mais le prix de la qualité est souvent l'unique empreinte qu'elles laissent.

On parle de chaussures qui sont de qualité et qui n'ont laissé que l'empreinte de cette qualité.Tout ce qu'elles laissent comme souvenir est leur prix élevé.

Tu m'inquiètes dear np! cette phrase me paraissait facile et tout à coup j'ai un doute

Réponse: Sherlock Holmes I-Ecouter de dolfine56, postée le 19-04-2011 à 09:11:19 (S | E)
Bonjour NP,Lucile,et tout le monde,

Il y a, je pense, un jeu de mot sur le mot "empreinte":
les pieds nus, sur le sable mouillé, laissent leur empreinte sur le sable; c'est à dire une trace.
Ici, les chaussures, de luxe, ne laissent que l'empreinte, le souvenir, d'un prix très élévé.
La traduction de Lucile est parfaite.

Réponse: Sherlock Holmes I-Ecouter de violet91, postée le 19-04-2011 à 15:11:51 (S | E)
Hello dear np..and the group,

Before I go back to my correction, let me post what I understand or "reconstruct" , for the video still comes to me in bits and pieces !

Inspector: Beg your pardon , My Lord. I know that it's unorthodox. But Mr Holmes here, he's been making some serious accusations about you and the Order .

Count: I see.

Holmes: Well, at least this solves the great mystery of how you became Inspector. [Inspector punches Holmes]

Inspector: Excuse me, My Lord, but I've been wanting to do that for a long time.

Count: Well, Inspector, I have five minutes before my next engagement so why don't you regale me with your stories of conspiracy . Thank you, Lestrade.

Inspector: My Lord.

Holmes: I'm curious Count. Did you assist Blackwood in all the murders or just the one I prevented ? Very clever, those hand-made shoes of yours . But the price of quality is often the unique imprint they leave. Nonetheless, I confess to being completely outmatched : I could deduce very little from my investigation. Fortunately, there's nothing more stimulating than a case_ where everything goes against you . How many Members of Parliament do you intend to murder at noon today? Man, Ox, Eagle, Lion. The Lion's (Lion is) Parliament, isn't it?

Count: Very clever .But it's not murder , Mr Holmes, it's mercy . We are giving the weak masses a strong shepherd . Don't you see it's for their own…


Woilà toujours grand merci de tels exercices sur ce site.(je vais voir ce point de discussion...

..Je crains bien , moi aussi,de proposer la même traduction. Tout est question de prix à payer et d'excellence (c'est d'la qualité , ces chaussures sur mesure !) ,non ? Puis d'empreinte ou marque que cela vous laisse ? Mais à l'époque, all shoes were hand-made , weren't they ? This is just a puzzling and they understand , isn't it ?

Ou alors, on parle de la position , condition, titre "qualité" c'est seul le titre qui vous reste ? Comme un ministre français ? Il est sûrement plus confortable d'être un "quidam" qu'un MP : on en meurt pas! Tu nous embrouilles, dear np...

Je préfère une bonne marque payée cher (donc moins de chaussures) et qui dure ! Ce flash doit être une révélation ..Et de toute façon, "la valeur n'attend point le nombre des années "!

Réponse: Sherlock Holmes I-Ecouter de lucile83, postée le 21-04-2011 à 08:06:16 (S | E)

Quand il dit:
But the price of quality is often the unique imprint they leave.

en fait les chaussures ont laissé leur empreinte,qui est de ne laisser aucune trace; elles sont ainsi très 'distinctive' comme il le dit juste avant.

Réponse: Sherlock Holmes I-Ecouter de may, postée le 22-04-2011 à 01:26:04 (S | E)

Aucune idée spécifique, notrepere...sauf que:

"The unique imprint" laissée par le prix payé pour la qualité "very distinctive" de ses chaussures est l'évidence de son crime du meutre.

Alors, Count said: "Very clever, Mr. Holmes"

Réponse: Sherlock Holmes I-Ecouter de notrepere, postée le 24-04-2011 à 01:27:57 (S | E)
Here is the correction:

Inspector: Beg your pardon, My Lord. I know that it's unorthodox. But Mr. Holmes here, he's been making some serious accusations about you and the Order.
Count: I see.
Holmes: Well, at least this solves the great mystery of how you became Inspector. [Inspector punches Holmes]
Inspector: Excuse me, My Lord, but I've been wanting to do that for a long time.
Count: Well, Inspector, I have five minutes before my next engagement so why don't you regale me with your stories of conspiracy. Thank you, Lestrade.
Inspector: My Lord.
Holmes: I'm curious Count…did you assist Blackwood in all the murders or just the one I prevented? Very distinctive, those hand-made shoes of yours. But the price of quality is often the unique imprint they leave. Nonetheless, I confess to being completely outmatched: I could deduce very little from my investigation. Fortunately, there's nothing more stimulating than a case where everything goes against you. How many Members of Parliament do you intend to murder at noon today? Man, Ox, Eagle, Lion. The Lion's (Lion is) Parliament, isn't it?
Count: Very clever. But it's not murder, Mr Holmes, it's mercy. We are giving the weak masses a strong shepherd. Don't you see it's for their own…

Voici quelques mots problématiques:

My Lord (Oxford) ou my Lord (Macmillan), M'Lord, M'Lud
used as a polite way of addressing a lord, judge, or bishop (Macmillan)
unorthodox (adj) [ ʌnˈɔːθədɒks ]
different from what is usual or accepted
She was well known for her unorthodox, sometimes shocking, opinions. (Macmillan)
Steiner was recognized as an original if unorthodox thinker. (Cambridge)
Her unorthodox views tend to attract controversy. (Longman)

order (n) [ ˈɔːdə(r) ]
(If you are speaking about a particular order, it should be capitalised: Order)
a secret society whose members meet for special ceremonies (Oxford)
the Ancient Order of Druids

solves the great mystery
solve (v) [ sɒlv ]
to find the correct answer or explanation for something
He hopes to solve the mystery of the plane’s disappearance. (Macmillan)

regale (v) [ rɪˈɡeɪl ]
regale somebody with something
to amuse or entertain somebody with stories, jokes, etc
He regaled us with tales of his days as a jazz pianist. (Oxford)
At dinner Grandpa regaled us with tales of his youth. (Macmillan)
The sailor regaled us all night with stories of his adventures. (Cambridge)

prevent (v) [ prɪˈvent ]
to stop somebody from doing something; to stop something from happening
The accident could have been prevented. (Oxford)
The government took steps to prevent a scandal.
Nothing would prevent him from speaking out against injustice.

But the price of quality is often the unique imprint they leave.

Unlike shoes which are mass-produced, hand-made shoes are unique and distinctive. Here, the word 'price' is synonymous with 'consequence' rather than 'cost'. The word 'imprint' is synonymous with 'footprint'. This is similar to the expression 'to pay the price' which means 'to suffer the consequences'.

pay the price (Cambridge)
to experience the bad result of something you have done
If you abuse your body now, you'll pay the price when you're older.
They're now paying the price for past mistakes. (Oxford)

The sentence can thus be rewritten as:

But the consequence of buying those high quality hand-made shoes is that they leave a unique footprint.

to be outmatched
J'ai découvert que le mot « outmatch » n'existe pas dans ancun dictionnaire britannique!
to prove superior to (Merriam)
I believe my horse would outmatch any other horse in racing history.
Synonym: outdo (to be outdone)

deduce (v) [ dɪˈdjuːs ]
to form an opinion about something based on the information or evidence that is available (Oxford)
The facts can be deduced from an examination of the data. (Macmillan)
We cannot deduce very much from these figures. (Cambridge)
We can deduce a lot from what people choose to buy. (Oxford)

stimulating (v) [ ˈstɪmjuleɪtɪŋ ]
making you feel interested (Macmillan)
She found her new job challenging and stimulating.
The college offers a challenging and stimulating environment in which to study.

I hope you enjoyed the exercise. There will be a follow-up in a few days. Happy Easter everyone!

Modifié par notrepere le 26-04-2011 04:48

Réponse: Sherlock Holmes I-Ecouter de notrepere, postée le 26-04-2011 à 04:49:12 (S | E)
Un grand merci à tous mes participant(e)s!

gerondif > parfait! Except you added a few words of your own, you rebel. ;)
clairefr > parfait!
lucile83 > parfait!
dolfine56 > presque parfait - now you'll never miss "unorthodox" again, I'm sure!
lolilola > très bien! quelques mots à écouter encore
may > très bien! your ears deceived you a few times; listen again and see if you can hear the correct words now
hmarie > très bien; keep listening; you'll understand more and more as you listen
violet91 > parfait! who went up in a hot air balloon and came back just in time to have a stab at it.

Réponse: Sherlock Holmes I-Ecouter de lucile83, postée le 26-04-2011 à 07:56:22 (S | E)
Thank you np for that correction.
It is kind of you


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