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Correction/ Erasmus exchange

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Correction/ Erasmus exchange
Message de jerome131 posté le 09-04-2011 à 09:50:59 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

Voila, j'ai un exercice de rédaction à faire sur les avantages et inconvénients du programme ERASMUS.
J'aimerais savoir si j'ai fait des fautes (ce qui est fort probable) et comment les résoudre.
La consigne m'impose de faire moins de 220 mots.

Voila mon texte :

I’m going to speak about the advantages and drawbacks that the Erasmus exchange programme can contains.

First, according to me, the best advantage of this programme is the fact that Erasmus students can study abroad. Some of students would like have this chance. They discover things that they never seen previously like customs of the country, etc… However, if you go abroad, you are obliged to leave your family, your home, your friends … A few of student may can’t support that. Moreover, when students arrived abroad, they feel lonely sometimes but they quickly made a lot of friends. They socialise a lot. Besides, the money is not a problem too. As a matter of fact, all Erasmus students have a grant from the European Commission (usually around £1,500 for a year study period). Like this, they are not compelled to pay for their accommodation. They have more liberty. Last but not least, the Erasmus programme permits the students to develop their language skills but not only! Actually, upon arrival, the students are more independant, more confident and more mature.

As a conclusion, Erasmus exchange programme can be very beneficial and interesting for any students. Despite some drawbacks, this programme is highly valuable.

Merci d'avance
Modifié par bridg le 09-04-2011 09:53

Réponse: Correction/ Erasmus exchange de gerondif, postée le 09-04-2011 à 18:49:58 (S | E)

I’m going to speak about the advantages and drawbacks that the Erasmus exchange programme can contains(verbe maladroit par ailleurs, un simple of aurait suffi, the advantages and disadvantages of.....).

First, according to me, the best advantage of this programme is the fact that Erasmus students can study abroad. Some of (article défini)students would like (préposition) have this chance. They discover things that they never seen(participe passé tout seul? il faudrait un prétérit)) previously like customs of the country, etc… However, if you go abroad, you are obliged (français traduit, il y a mieux)to leave your family, your home, your friends … A few of student(pluriel) may can’t (pas deux auxiliaires de suite, un remorqueur ne remorque pas un autre remorqueur, on peut garder may mais il faut le remplaçant de can, être capable de)support(mauvais choix de verbe pour supporter, to support, c'est pour une poutrelle qui peut supporter tel poids) that. Moreover, when students arrived abroad, they feel lonely sometimes but they quickly made(pourquoi ces prétérits) a lot of friends. They socialise a lot. Besides, the money is not a problem too. As a matter of fact, all Erasmus students have a grant from the European Commission (usually around £1,500 for a one-year-study period). Like this, they are not compelled to pay for their accommodation. They have more liberty (ils sont plus libres (free) est plus légéer). Last but not least, the Erasmus programme permits(français traduit, il y a mieux) the students to develop their language skills but not only that! Actually, upon arrival(logiquement, non, ils ne le sont pas à leur arrivée mais au bout de leur stage), the students are more independant, more confident and more mature.

As a conclusion, the Erasmus exchange programme can be very beneficial and interesting for any (au sens de n'importe lesquels?)students. Despite some drawbacks, this programme is highly valuable.

Révisez vos auxiliaires de mode et leurs remplaçants.

Réponse: Correction/ Erasmus exchange de jerome131, postée le 09-04-2011 à 22:15:47 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris le temps de corriger mon exercice

Je te suis fidèlement reconnaissant.

Réponse: Correction/ Erasmus exchange de jerome131, postée le 10-04-2011 à 10:23:43 (S | E)
Voila après quelques modifications :

I’m going to speak about the advantages and drawbacks that the Erasmus exchange programme can contains.

First, according to me, the best advantage of this programme is the fact that Erasmus students can study abroad. Some of students would like have this chance. They discover things that they never saw previously like customs of the country, etc… However, if you go abroad, you are required to leave your family, your home, your friends … A few student may be unable to support that. Moreover, when students arrive abroad, they feel lonely sometimes but they quickly make a lot of friends. They socialise a lot. Besides, money is not a problem too. As a matter of fact, all Erasmus students have a grant from the European Commission (usually around £1,500 for a year study period). Like this, they are not compelled to pay for their accommodation. They have more liberty. Last but not least, the Erasmus programme allows the students to develop their language skills but not only! Actually, upon arrival, the students are more independant, more confident and more mature.

As a conclusion, the Erasmus exchange programme can be very beneficial and interesting for any students. Despite some drawbacks, this programme is highly valuable.

Merci encore

Réponse: Correction/ Erasmus exchange de gerondif, postée le 10-04-2011 à 11:40:30 (S | E)
je vais corriger les mêmes fautes, vous devriez tenir compte des indications fournies,

I’m going to speak about the advantages and drawbacks that the Erasmus exchange programme can contains.

First, according to me, the best advantage of this programme is the fact that Erasmus students can study abroad. Some of students would like *** have this chance. They discover things that they never saw previously like customs of the country, etc… However, if you go abroad, you are required to (have to est plus courant)leave your family, your home, your friends … A few student(pluriel) may be unable to support that. Moreover, when students arrive abroad, they feel lonely sometimes but they quickly make a lot of friends. They socialise a lot. Besides, money is not a problem too(non plus). As a matter of fact, all Erasmus students have a grant from the European Commission (usually around £1,500 for a year study period). Like this, they are not compelled to pay for their accommodation. They have more liberty (ils sont plus libres avec un adjectif est plus courant). Last but not least, the Erasmus programme allows the students to develop their language skills but not only that ! Actually, upon arrival(moi, j'aurais mis: après leur stage), the students are more independant, more confident and more mature.

As a conclusion, the Erasmus exchange programme can be very beneficial and interesting for any(pourquoi any: n'importe lequel) students. Despite some drawbacks, this programme is highly valuable.

Réponse: Correction/ Erasmus exchange de jerome131, postée le 11-04-2011 à 09:16:30 (S | E)

Je suis désolé de ne pas avoir tout corriger correctement ! J'ai du lire un peu rapidement !

Voici les rectifications nécessaires et espère sincèrement que ce soit les dernières.

I’m going to speak about the advantages and drawbacks that the Erasmus exchange programme can contain.

First, according to me, the best advantage of this programme is the fact that Erasmus students can study abroad. Some of students would like to have this opportunity. They discover things that they never saw previously like customs of the country, etc… However, if you go abroad, you have to leave your family, your home, your friends … A few students may be unable to support that. Moreover, when students arrive abroad, they feel lonely sometimes but they quickly make a lot of friends. They socialise a lot. Besides, money is not a problem neither. As a matter of fact, all Erasmus students have a grant from the European Commission (usually around £1,500 for a one year study period). Like this, they are not compelled to pay for their accommodation. They are more free. Last but not least, the Erasmus programme allows the students to develop their language skills but not only that! Actually, after their internship, the students are more independant, more confident and more mature.

As a conclusion, the Erasmus exchange programme can be very beneficial and interesting for all students. Despite some drawbacks, this programme is highly valuable.

Réponse: Correction/ Erasmus exchange de gerondif, postée le 11-04-2011 à 09:28:39 (S | E)

I’m going to speak about the advantages and drawbacks that the Erasmus exchange programme can contain.

First, according to me, the best advantage of this programme is the fact that Erasmus students can study abroad. Some of students would like to have this opportunity. They discover things that they never saw previously like the customs of the country, etc… However, if you go abroad, you have to leave your family, your home, your friends … A few students may be unable to support(verbe irrégulier b---, utilisé aussi pour les naissances) that. Moreover, when students arrive abroad, they feel lonely sometimes but they quickly make a lot of friends. They socialise a lot. Besides, money is not a problem neither. As a matter of fact, all Erasmus students have a grant from the European Commission (usually around £1,500 for a one year study period). Like this (so), they are not compelled to pay for their accommodation. They are more free. Last but not least, the Erasmus programme allows the students to develop their language skills but not only that! Actually, after their internship(? séjour), the students are more independant, more confident and more mature.

As a conclusion, the Erasmus exchange programme can be very beneficial and interesting for all students. Despite some drawbacks, this programme is highly valuable.

Réponse: Correction/ Erasmus exchange de jerome131, postée le 11-04-2011 à 09:40:40 (S | E)

J'ai deux questions : le verbe " support " est-il juste ? Car tu me la mit l'as mis en bleu avec une petite explication mais je ne vois pas de fautes.
Pourquoi m'as-tu mis " more " en rouge ? Que faut-il mettre à la place ?


Modifié par lucile83 le 12-04-2011 19:05

Réponse: Correction/ Erasmus exchange de gerondif, postée le 11-04-2011 à 17:51:53 (S | E)
extrait de ma correction numéro 1:

support(mauvais choix de verbe pour supporter, to support, c'est pour une poutrelle qui peut supporter tel poids)
extrait de ma correction 2: (verbe irrégulier b---,(to bear, I bore, born) utilisé aussi pour les naissances, et qui signifie, porter, supporter.)
I can't bear noise: je ne supporte pas le bruit.
I can't bear waiting: je ne supporte pas d'attendre.

comparatifs: He is faster, stronger, taller, richer than me (adjectif court + er)
He is more bizarre, more dangerous than me (more + adjectif long , deux syllabes ou plus)
revoir les comparatifs.
free: 1 syllabe, donc adjectif court.

C'est pour ça que j'ai mi/mis/mit/more en rouge.
(Lequel on prend? Le féminin serait : la phrase que j'ai mise en rouge)

Réponse: Correction/ Erasmus exchange de jerome131, postée le 12-04-2011 à 18:53:10 (S | E)
Merci, merci et merci encore. Je ne prends vraiment pas le temps de comprendre clairement !

Il faudra que je règle cela plus tard.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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