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Présentation orale/Correction (1)

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Présentation orale/Correction
Message de mlle-cecile_dc posté le 13-04-2011 à 14:46:05
En vue de mon oral d'anglais b1 en 3e, je me suis entraînée à faire une présentation complète mais fictive, de moi et de ma famille. Je vous serais reconnaissante si qqn quelqu'un d'entre vous prendrais prenait un peu de temps pour m'aider à corriger ce texte s'il vous plaît !!! Merci !

Hello! My name is????? Years old I' m 15. I was born one the? Th of may 19?? In???. I live at number? Street? In?. I' m French, of Portuguese origin. My telephone number is??????????. I measure 1.?? meter. I have has straight chestnut hair length, I' ve brown eyes. In the first place: I hasn' t father. My Mother name?? She is has / year (woman in the foyée), she is?? Years old, she has has medium chestnut hair length, she has green eyes and she is (kind). I' ve has (twin), her name is Jessica, she is?? Years old, these Hobby are the esthètique and to go shopping. She(it) looks like me physically and she(it) is also kind). I have (also) two sister, her name??? And???.??? Is?? Years old, these hobby are to draw and to put on(beat). She has brown eyes, she has length has medium chestnut hair and she was (little énervente).??? Is? Years old, these hobby are to play the barbie. She has has long fair-haired man(blond) to hair, she has brown eyes and she is mignone. To finish, I' ve has to brother, his name is??? He is?? Years old. He has has fair pair of shorts to hair, he hes brown eyes and these hobby are puzzle. I have two cats. In my family I also have: to Grandfather, his name?? He is??? Years old and he is very gentile. I' ve has aunt and has uncle, her name are??? And??? They are 43 Years old.?? And?? ARE???????? And Of similar Loïc. So, I have two cousins (there are two girls)?? And??.?? Is?? Years old and?? Is?? Years old. I have 3 cousins ( 3 boys):?? Is?? Years old?? Is?? Years old and?? Is?? Years old. I' m has good pupil and my materials(subjects) preferred are German and Math. My Hobby are to go shopping and to listen to some music. I like making many things, I am kind, curious, social etc. and later I would like to become has lawyer Good bay bye!!
Modifié par bridg le 13-04-2011 16:55

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-04-2011 08:38

Votre texte provient de toute évidence d'un traducteur en ligne, ce que nous ne pouvons accepter.
Vous pouvez obtenir un dictionnaire en ligne (pas un traducteur) en faisant un double clic sur un mot.
Merci de nous proposer un travail personnel qui sera alors sans doute corrigé.
Best wishes.

Réponse: Présentation orale/Correction de gerondif, postée le 13-04-2011 à 16:16:55
au delà de la première ligne, ça se gâte beaucoup, vous utilisez des structures A1 A2, nom, âge, couleur de cheveux, hobbies, et vous faites un copier coller en ne changeant que les noms des victimes.C'est très répétitif, comme si vous comptiez les lignes.

Reprenez ce texte en évitant de doubler les verbes: "I have has", (j'ai a) corrigez les ces (these, pluriel de this) en ses (his ou her) ou leur (their). évitez I've et I haven't sans got derrière pour dire "avoir".
Evitez les sujets singuliers suivis de verbes pluriels ou vice-versa.
"I'm has" je suis +(il) a n'a pas de sens.
Différenciez "they are", ils sont et "there are", il y a.

Hello! My name is????? I' m 15 years old . I was born one the? Th of may 19?? In???. I live at number? Street? In?. I' m French, of Portuguese origin. My telephone number is??????????. I measure 1.?? meter. I have has straight chestnut hair length, I' ve brown eyes. In the first place: I hasn' t father. My Mother** name is?? She is has / year (woman in the foyée), she is?? Years old, she has has medium chestnut hair length, she has green eyes and she is (kind). I' ve has (twin), her name is Jessica, she is?? Years old, these Hobby are the esthètique and to go shopping. She(it) looks like me physically and she(it) is also kind). I have (also) two sisters, her name??? And???.??? Is?? Years old, these hobby are to draw and to put on(beat)(sens?). She has brown eyes, she has length has medium chestnut hair and she was (little énervente).??? Is? Years old, these hobby are to play the barbie. She has has long fair-haired man(blond) to hair, she has brown eyes and she is mignone. To finish, I' ve has to brother, his name is??? He is?? Years old. He has has fair pair of shorts (que vient faire ce vêtement ici ?)to hair, he hes brown eyes and these hobby are puzzle. I have two cats. In my family I also have: to(2? aussi ?) Grandfather, his name?? He is??? Years old and he is very gentile. I' ve has aunt and has uncle, her name are??? And??? They are 43 Years old.?? And?? ARE???????? And Of similar Loïc. So, I have two cousins (there are two girls)?? And??.?? Is?? Years old and?? Is?? Years old. I have 3 cousins ( 3 boys):?? Is?? Years old?? Is?? Years old and?? Is?? Years old. I' m has good pupil and my materials(subjects) preferred are German and Math. My Hobby are to go shopping and to listen to some music. I like making many things, I am kind, curious, social etc. and later I would like to become has lawyer Good bay bye!!

en corrigeant votre texte, on se rend compte que c'est le fruit d'un traducteur automatique.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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