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Correction/Ideal school

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Correction/Ideal school
Message de nastya9307 posté le 13-04-2011 à 17:29:50 (S | E | F)
Please I need your help to correct the mistakes in my explain essay.
Thank you for your answers.

In my explain, I've decided to speak about my ideal school.
The education in my school would begin in âge of 7 and that continue 10 years.
There would be 3 exams: the first, after 3rd grade, the second, after 8th grade, where the pupil will have choise to continue their secondary education, or to go to study in technical college; and the third exam - in 10th grade, where they will get a diploma equivalent of french BAC.

To redouble for pupil would be a shame.

The pupil would have the schedule less charged. They should stay 4 or 5 hours in a day. One lesson would dure (continue) 45 minutes.
I think, if the timetable will be reduced, so it would be better for the pupil.
-they would have more time to do their homework
-they would be less tired after school
-they would have more time to meet and speak with their friends and to do some activities.
- there would be no free houres between the courses.For compensate this hour reducing, the pupil may study at saturday, and have less holidays.
The curicculum will stay the same as today, but the pupil will feel better.

We could do the interchange: for exemple, some classes Will have courses from 8h to 13h, and the others - from 13 to 18h.

For improve peer's frienship:
-the class staff would be the same for each year.
-in some feast-days, there would be a cultur program to relaxe and to divert the pupil, to give them a desire to come in the school and be happy to be in it.
-prom would be organised in the end of the school education.

It seems be a good idea to wear a uniform, but in my ideal school, all the pupil won't have the same clothes; they would wear the strict clothes which corespond a school wearing. It will give a motivation to study, seriousness.

I consider that the homeschooling by Internet, which develop more in more in USA, is a good solution for the people who have moral or physic health problems and who live far away from school because of they can't go in the school.
In my ideal school, I would use
Edited by bridg on 13-04-2011 17:37

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-04-2011 18:25

Réponse: Correction/Ideal school de may, postée le 14-04-2011 à 02:38:13 (S | E)

In my explain, I've decided to speak about my ideal school.
The education in my school (dans votre école seulement ou votre pays?) would begin in/autre préposition + the âge of 7 and that continue/présent perfect (préposition manquant) 10 years.
There would be 3 exams: the first, after/à la fin de 3rd grade, the second after/... 8th grade, where/autre pronom the pupil will have choise to continue their secondary education, or to go to study in technical college; and the third exam - in 10th grade, where they will get a diploma equivalent of/autre prép. french BAC.

To redouble(doubler quoi?) for pupil/la mettre à la fin would be a shame.

The pupil/pluriel would have the schedule less charged. They should stay 4 or 5 hours in a day. One lesson would dure/autre verbe (continue 45 minutes.
I think, if the timetable/the hours will be/mauvais temps reduced, so it would be better for the pupil/remplacer par un pronom.
-they would have more time to do their homework
-they would be less tired after school
-they would have more time to meet and speak with their friends and to do some activities.
- there would be no free houres between the courses.For/autre prep. compensate this hour reducing/mettre avant hour, the pupil may study at/autre prep. saturday, and at the same time they have less holidays.
The curicculum will stay the same as today, but the pupil will feel better.
(this doesn't make sense)

Je vous suggère de corriger cette partie en premier temps..

Bonne chance!

Modifié par may le 14-04-2011 02:49


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