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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de marinou posté le 01-05-2011 à 13:14:57 (S | E | F)
si certains d'entre vous sont assez aimables pour m'aider et qu'ils ont un peu de temps, j'ai un devoir d'anglais à faire.
J'ai déjà commencé mais le problème est que je suis nul en anglais, il est truffé de fautes.
SVP HELP ME! Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour vos réponses.

The Coca-Cola Company is a beverage retailer, manufacturer and marketer of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. The company is best known for its flagship product Coca-Cola.
I- L’invention de la boisson et de l’entreprise :
In 1886, John Pemberton created drinking toffee-based in Atlanta. Has hastened to take in a drug store. Frank Robinson, a accounting, had named the drink, Coca cola. During the first years, Pemberton sell only 9 glasses of Coca cola per day.
This drink has generated the empire coca cola company.
In 1891, the firm has been bought by Asa Griggs Candler, a business man from Atlanta. The price is 2300 dollars.
Candler is an important person for the firm because It’s him who has created a strategy and to publicize a product in the world. In fact, He has begun with free tasting.
His technique has made a success of. In fact, 1895, Coca Cola Company counted factories in Chicago, Dallas and Los Angeles.
In 1919, Coca Cola Company has been bought by Ernest Woodruff. In 1928, Ernest Woodruff’s son has presented Coca cola dink during the Olympics games.
In 1941, The United Sate of America has entered in the Second World War. It’s at this moment that Woodruff has required that each serviceman receive a bottle of Coca-Cola.
During the next years, Coca Cola Company created various drinking .

II- Coca cola = un empire international
Coca-Cola Company is an international firm. It can be found in 180 countries with various labels. In Fact, Coca cola company includes Fanta, Sprite, Minute Maid ,Nestea. Coca-Cola currently offers more than 500 brands.
Coca-Cola Company hires, today, 71000 employees in the world and makes profit of 5.1 thousand millions dollars. Coca cola Company’s turnover adds up to 24.4 thousand millions dollars.
Their numbers show the importance of this company.
Coca cola company has a success’s strategy.
In the first place, A company targets the consumers.
For example, In the instance of Coca cola, A company creates various products because all the consumers haven’t the same taste.
The company could adjust to these consumers.
Coca cola light is dedicated to young women. In fact, Coca cola light is lightening in calories.
Coca cola black is dedicated to young, strong men. It gives in firm’s opinion energy.
In the second place, The company stakes a lot in the audiovisual and poster advertising for increase their sales.
In 1931, the label Coca cola included in their audiovisual advertising a modern figure of Santa Klaus in Red and White. This figure begins the symbol of the label.
Polar bears arrive at the television only on 1993.
At the beginning, Coca cola decided use a short slogan like “drink coca-cola”. Starting from 2001, Coca Cola Company decides to use various slogans according countries. Since 1886, we count near 100 slogans.

Given his size, Coca Cola Company dominates their competitor as Pepsi. Pepsi has been created en 1893 to Caleb Bradham, a chemist too.
This recipe is like to Coca cola but without caffeine. Pepsi wants to be different from Coca cola for compete with him.
En 1906, the law includes Pepsi in a list of healthy food but Coca Cola contains caffeine. Pepsi plays in this advantage.
But Coca cola stays a world leader.
The two firms is ,Today, present in the world. Coca –cola company is the fifth firm of the globe.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2011 13:16

Réponse: Correction/Coca-Cola de headway, postée le 01-05-2011 à 13:32:20 (S | E)

Pour quelqu'un qui est nul en anglais, ce n'est pas mal du tout...
Votre phrase d'introduction sort d'ici:

Lien Internet

ou bien d'ici:

Lien Internet


Réponse: Correction/Coca-Cola de marinou, postée le 01-05-2011 à 14:33:41 (S | E)
Oui j'avoue ,j'ai prise ma phrase d'introduction sur Wipipedia.
Je pense avoir pas mal de problème avec les temps dans ce devoir. Je ne sais pas les employer ,J'ai bien essayer de faire des efforts avec les cours postés ici.
Si vous avez d'autres suggestions , n'hésitez pas . Je vous en remercie d'avance.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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