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Correction/beautiful jeans

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/beautiful jeans
Message de asus21 posté le 01-05-2011 à 16:20:34 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

j'ai rédigé un texte en anglais car je passe demain en exposé et j'ai très certainement fait plein de fautes.
Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait la gentillesse de me corriger?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

Voici le texte

Because of its high-end location, the prices of the Diesel products are brought up. Renzo Rosso always explained that "I sell of beautiful jeans, and beautiful one jeans, it is expensive".
Jeans constitute the most important sales of the group because they constitute 40 % of its turnover.
Follower of the urban culture the Diesel style attempts to create the jeans worn out luxury. Three hours are necessary to make one: the jeans is washed then washed again, scratched with some sandpaper, pulverized by potassium, crossed in the oven. It will be sold then three times as expensively that the price of manufacturing in Italy. So the price of a used and worn out and washed-out Diesel turns around 160€ is twice as expensive as one Of the Levi. And this price can rise up to 350€ for a limited series.
The Diesel brand also tuned a license to the other companies to create under this name of shoes, leather goods, jewels, glasses and watches (produced by one of the most important brands of the market in watchmaker's shop, Fossil) who occupy 60 % of the turnover.
The jeans of the brand are exclusively made in Italy, what explains their high price while its other products are subcontracted.
It is important to specify, to justify this location price, that Diesel does not sell simply products. His stylists' team is to create spaces which will allow passing on the message and the sensation associated to the sold clothes. Moreover, the universe of their stores and the concepts deployed in their collection are coherent with this strategy. Diesel, before selling a product, sells in every store a story, a spirit, an atmosphere. So, every collection has a general theme decomposed into 4 under themes. For example, the summer collection lives in the discovery of the lost paradise, "Lost Paradise". At the end of the initiatory circuit lived through 4 under themes, the customer must have felt that the treasure of the Island, was not golden coins but the deep discovery of the Island.
Diesel always tried to bring a new vision of the fashion: the fashion design of the ready-to-wear clothing. So in 2001 it is "Diesel Denim Gallery" which is launched (jeans in limited edition). Since its collection autumn-winter 2005-2006 the brand tends to target an older clientele (25-40 years). It plans to give itself the means with the Purchase of International Staff (production unit of Top of the range) which allows her to work with " creative claws ", as House Martin Margiela ( Belgian fashion designer), D Squared.
For some years she also launched a sporting clothing line and a line for children with brands as Diesel Kids, 55 DSL or Diesel Style Lab.
In February, 2007, a new line of beachwear and a collection of lingerie created by the Industries Maast, which also produce of the lingerie for Secret Victoria came to complete scratched products "Diesel".
In 2007 the brand created two perfumes (for man and for woman) in partnership with Oréal and marketed under the name of Fuel for life. Then " Only the Brave " in 2009.
In Diesel summary seems to embody an eccentric paradise which mixes refinement, provocation and humor. The concept in the product by way of her staff, the way it makes differentiates it of all other stores of ready-to-wear clothing. Diesel is the brand of the individuality.
In perpetual evolution it runs.

Thanks in advance.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2011 16:39
Traduction automatique...non?


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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