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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de olyday posté le 17-05-2011 à 17:40:48 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !

J'ai une petite expression de 10 lignes à faire concernant la suite d'une histoire anglaise. Il faut que j'utilise Maybe, Perhaps et May.
Voilà ce que j'ai fait, pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger mes fautes s'il vous plaît?
Je vous remercie par avance.

After she had gone in the car, she chatted with both elderly women maybe and that those may have made nothing to her. Indeed, they may have dropped Valerie at the crossroads as expected perhaps and at this moment , Valerie may have asked to another driver to come closer her to Cobb’s Marsh. The whistler may have spotted her and suggested to take her to Cobb’s Marsh. She accepted perhaps and at this moment, the whistler has killed her maybe.

However, it’s also possible that both elderly women are the murderer’s accomplices and that they participated at Valerie’s kidnapping and at her death. Indeed, their role was to kidnap girls to bring them then to the murderer maybe.
To finish, it’s also possible that one of the women was the murderess and that the other one was her accomplice. But I think that the first version of the story is the one which is the best.


Modifié par lucile83 le 17-05-2011 17:48

Réponse: Traduction/Hypothèse de notrepere, postée le 18-05-2011 à 05:17:22 (S | E)
Hello It is obvious that you don't know how to use these words properly.

After she had gone in the car, she chatted with both elderly women maybe (1) and that those may have made nothing to her (2). Indeed, they may have dropped Valerie at the crossroads as expected perhaps and at this moment (1) , Valerie may have asked to (3) another driver to come closer to her to Cobb’s Marsh. The whistler may have spotted her and suggested to take her to Cobb’s Marsh. She accepted perhaps (4)and at this moment, (5) the whistler has killed her maybe (1).

However, it’s also possible that both elderly women are the murderer’s accomplices and that they participated at Valerie’s kidnapping and at her death. Indeed, their role was to kidnap girls to bring them then to the murderer maybe (6).
To finish, it’s also possible that one of the women was the murderess and that the other one was her accomplice. But I think that the first version of the story is the one which is the best.

(1) il ne va pas dans le contexte
(2) je ne comprends pas
(3) inutile
(4) maybe vaut mieux
(5) répétition
(6) mal placé

Réponse: Traduction/Hypothèse de olyday, postée le 18-05-2011 à 07:33:28 (S | E)
Je vous remercie pour votre aide!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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